Super Master

Chapter 100

After Tang untied his coat and lay down, Zhao Tianming turned on the perspective ability and soon found the nucleus pulposus protruding from the lumbar intervertebral disc!

Later, Zhao Tianming recalled Zhang Wuliang's advice to him, corresponding to the mysterious acupoint map, and soon found three important acupoints near the nucleus pulposus!

These three acupoints are Tianji, guisu and Renchen!

These three acupoints don't exist in traditional medical books. They are the acupoints explored by the leaders of wujimen through continuous practice. In particular, almost all the descendants of wujimen can enter the level of DanJin and know their own acupoints like the palm of their fingers. Moreover, the leaders of wujimen hundreds of years ago entered the mysterious realm of Shenjin, These three acupoints were discovered by the leader of Wuji sect.

The reason why they are called Tianji, guisu and Renchen is that these three acupoints are in charge of heaven, human and ghost. They are connected with Tianting and Youming. As long as they can be acupunctured at these three acupoints, the problems on the lumbar spine can be solved easily!

After looking at the acupoints, Zhao Tianming began to apply the needle, put the silver needle into the three acupoints, and slowly rotated!

All of a sudden, Mr. Tang let out a long groan. He felt that there was a fresh air flowing slowly around his waist. He could not help showing the color of enjoyment.

After stimulating the Three Acupoints of Tianji, guisu and Renchen, Zhao Tianming saw that the protruding nucleus pulposus began to creep slowly. It seemed that he encountered some external force and began to shrink inward!

"It works!" Seeing this, Zhao Tianming immediately increased his strength slightly. Soon, the nucleus pulposus was completely retracted into the annulus fibrosus.

At this time, Zhao Tianming took another needle and directly penetrated into the annulus fibrosus. At the same time, the life element energy in the body suddenly exploded. Through the Wuji needle, he penetrated into the broken annulus fibrosus and sealed the nucleus pulposus in it!

"It's done!" At this point, the end of the needle, Zhao Tianming touched a forehead sweat, will put away all the silver needles.

Acupuncture is really not a simple job. Even Zhao Tianming's physical strength is so tired that he is almost out of breath, because he needs to constantly vibrate the Three Acupoints of heaven, earth and ghosts, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced. Ordinary people may not be able to stick to it! I'm afraid only Zhang Wuliang, a strong man, can use Wuji needle so lightly!

"All right?" Feeling that the silver needle had been pulled out, Tang turned around and asked in surprise. He felt that the time was only about ten minutes. Could he cure his lumbar protrusion?

"All right!" Zhao Tianming confidently said that his perspective ability can clearly see that the other side's lumbar vertebrae has returned to normal, and has his own seal made of life yuan Neng and Wuji Shenzhen, so the nucleus pulposus can no longer be separated from it!

"Really good!" After getting out of bed, Mr. Tang raised his legs and said in surprise: "it's really good!"

Zhao Tianming looked at Tang's constant stooping and kicking as if he were a child. He couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm so lucky to live up to my mission, ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha, Tianming, you are so powerful!" Mr. Tang laughed heartily, patted Zhao Tianming on the shoulder and said, "really, you are so powerful! I've seen so many people, no one can catch up with half of you! If you can spread your acupuncture skill, I'll give you 100 million yuan! "

"Ha ha, this is handed down from generation to generation, and not everyone can learn it." Zhao Tianming was startled by Yi Yi, but he shook his head and said. Let's not talk about the consequences of the spread of Wuji Shenzhen. It is estimated that few people in the world can learn this kind of needling alone. It's not only a change of strength, but also a combination of Wuji mental skills. Otherwise, it will cause great disaster if it can't save lives!

"Well, you can't be moved by money when you are young. You are a man to make!" Looking at Zhao Tianming, Mr. Tang was full of appreciation and said, "I think you should also go to work, right? Where do you work? Are you interested in helping me? "

"No need... Zhao Tianming shook his head and said with a smile.

"Well, don't be in a hurry to refuse." Tang Lao waved his hand, interrupted the other party's words and said: "as long as you are willing to help me, I will give you an annual salary of 10 million!"

"Ten million?" Zhao Tianming is surprised to hear that this is really a bit too big. Although it's easy for him to make money, even with his current wealth, he doesn't have 10 million. In contrast, the salary Lin Xiaoman and Su duanshui offer him is no different from that of a family.

"I don't think I'm worth that much, do I?" Zhao Tianming touched his nose and said with a bitter smile.

"Whether you are worth so much money depends on whether you have such high value in other people's eyes!" Mr. Tang shook his head and said, "in my eyes, you are worth so much money, even more! How about, as long as you come to help me, in addition to this 10 million annual salary, I can even give you company dividends! ""No more." Zhao Tianming shook his head with a smile and said: "money is also something out of my body for me. Enough is enough. I have to think about how to spend so much money. What's more, I'm really incompetent. I'm afraid you'll lose more than you gain by following the old man. "

"No?" Tang said with some regret.

"I don't think so." Zhao Tianming said with a smile: "however, if you can use my place in the future, please let me know. As long as I can, Tianming will not refuse!"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Mr. Tang sighed and said, "well, do you want to refuse in a hurry at dawn? You should go back and think about it first. When you want to come over, you can call me at any time. As long as I'm not dead, you can come over and help me at any time!"

"All right!" Looking at Tang's sincere eyes, Zhao Tianming finally nodded after hesitation. Maybe it would be better to give each other a little hope.

"Good! I'll wait for your news! " Tang laodun was very happy and said: "well, it's been many years. I haven't felt better for decades. Now I'm finally better!"

"In the future, you can exercise properly, but don't do that kind of fierce exercise. It's good to write and take a walk!" After Zhao Tianming told him a few more words, he went downstairs to leave.

"I'll see you off!" Seeing that Zhao Tianming was going to leave, Tang quickly got up and insisted on accompanying Zhao Tianming to the door. Then he sighed and turned to go upstairs.

"Who is this young man? Even let Mr. Tang personally send it down? What a big start See Zhao Tianming away, the door of a few waiters whispered up.

"I saw that he had come to the casserole!" Another said in a startled voice.

"What is a casserole?" A person disdains of hum a way: "with Tang Lao's value, this kind of car may not be able to enter his eye!"

"Yes, it's a descendant of one of his friends." Someone guessed.

"You're stupid. Have you ever seen the elders send people to the door and then go back?"

"There's someone coming. Go and say hello!" Just then, two men in suits came in.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" Seeing this, a waitress immediately stepped forward and asked in a soft voice.

"Let's find Mr. Tang." Walking in front of a well-dressed middle-aged man, said to the waiter.

"Follow me, please." The waiter stooped and said.

"No, I know that Mr. Tang is in cuizhuyuan. Let's go up by ourselves. You can help yourself." Said the middle-aged man, waving his hand.

"All right." The waitress was stunned and quickly stepped back.

"Who are these two? Come on for the first time, boss It was not until the two men went upstairs that the waiter shrunk and said softly.

"How can people who can know the place where Tang LAOCHANG settled down be ordinary people? It's a pity that our vision is too low to recognize him. "

"I have a sense of deja vu. I'd like to meet that young man somewhere, but I can't remember him all of a sudden."

"Come on, he is a business tycoon. How can he know you?"

"I mean I might have seen it, but I didn't know it." The man said discontentedly.

"Dad, is this where Tang Zhenxuan lives all the year round?" At this time, the young man on the stairs looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and asked, "he's so rich, where can't he live? How could you live in such a place? "

"He lives where he wants, and nobody cares about him." The middle-aged man said faintly: "after you enter the room, be polite and try to speak less."

"I see." The young man nodded and said, "Dad, the industry of the Tang family is a little bigger than that of the Zhou family. It's reasonable to say that Dad, you and his identity should be almost the same. What's more, he is still our competitor. Is it necessary for us to be so polite to him?"

"The Tang family is not as simple as you think." Zhou De'an shook his head and said in a deep voice: "the jewelry industry is only a part of the Tang family's industry. In addition, the Tang family is also involved in more than ten industries, such as real estate, catering, advertising, manufacturing, transportation and so on. In addition, his assets also include some shares of several private banks. It is even rumored that his industry has expanded to the military headquarters!"

"Army headquarters?" Zhou Wenbing's face changed slightly when he heard the speech. He said, "can private enterprises intervene in the affairs of the military headquarters?"

"Now we are engaged in reform. As long as we have contacts, what is impossible?" Zhou De'an glanced at each other and said, "what's more, this time we're here to ask Tang Zhenxuan to do something. Naturally, we should lower our posture. Our husband is flexible and can't let go of his face?"

"That's not true." Zhou Wenbing shook his head and said, "just a few days ago, Dad, didn't you have a good talk with him? Now why do you suddenly change your mind? Can't his Tang family turn back like this? In this case, how can we cooperate in the future? ""He doesn't have to work with us either." Zhou De'an was silent for a moment, and then said darkly: "moreover, when we talked about it, it was just a verbal agreement. How could this kind of thing be written down in black and white? Do you think the antitrust law is a decoration? Hum, who would have thought that the old immortal of the Lin family suddenly came to life? If he hadn't recovered suddenly, the Lin family would have collapsed half by this time! However, we have made so many preparations before, and it is impossible to give up at this time. As long as we can persuade Tang Zhenxuan, the Lin family is as finished as before! "

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