Super Master

Chapter 22

Bang! Then, with a loud bang, Li Nan with earmuffs had already shot, shot after shot, ten bullets were shot out quickly, and his achievements were shown on the scoreboard in the distance, five shots and ten rings, one shot and nine rings, two shots and eight rings, two shots and seven rings.

”Try it Li Nan seems not too satisfied with his achievements. He takes off his earmuff and says to Zhao Tianming.

”Yes Zhao Tianming nods, puts on the earmuff like Li Nan, does not change the gun, and directly raises the desert eagle to take aim.

”Bang After aiming, Zhao Tianming's first shot popped out.

”Four rings. " The announcer rang, reporting Zhao Tianming's achievements.

”It is worthy of being the eagle of the desert. The anti earthquake force is really strong. " Looking at the bullet hole on the target, Zhao Tianming is not in a hurry. In the shot he just shot, he actually used the power to shorten the distance between him and the target infinitely, making the target almost in front of his eyes.

However, the anti shock force of the desert eagle was beyond his imagination. At the moment when the bullet came out of the chamber, the huge anti shock force made his arm shake slightly, which made the trajectory of the bullet deviate.

”It doesn't matter. It's good for the first shot to go up. " Seeing that Zhao Tianming stopped, Li Nan patted Zhao Tianming on the shoulder and said with a smile, "what's more, what you're holding is a desert eagle. I can't stand the anti shock force of this gun!"

”Well, I don't think you even shake your hand. It's much stronger than me! " Xu Rongfeng was also surprised and couldn't help praising him.

”You can be so complacent in playing a four ring road. Li Nan, are you going to be shameless? " At this time, a banter came from their left side. Zhao Tianming turned to see a young man leaning against the guardrail, looking at himself with disdain.

”Chen Hui, what else can you do besides shooting some pistols? " Li Nan has not yet spoken, Xu Rongfeng has sneered at the top back.

”Is it better to have a good pistol than to have a bad pistol? " Chen Hui smiles and says, "Xu Rongfeng, I know you lost 500000. I'm not happy. How about that? Would you like another one? I'll give you a chance to turn the tables. I'll let you 30 meters this time! How about it, dare you? "

”You Xu Rongfeng smell speech suddenly face a change, looking at each other's face that beat, now will be cruel and each other again.

”Chen Hui, why do you need it? " At this time, Li Nan stepped forward and pulled Xu Rongfeng down. He knows that half a million is nothing for Xu Rongfeng, but if Guan wants to really have another set with the other side, he will surely be insulting himself.

”Do you play with desert eagle for the first time? Can you play four rings Li Nan asked.

”Is it really the first time? Who knows Li Nan snorted, "what about the desert eagle? It's the first time that I've taken the desert eagle to protect the bottom of the eighth ring road! "

”You play yours, we play ours, what are you talking about? Who do you think you are when you are good at shooting Xu Rongfeng said angrily.

”What? Xu Rongfeng, do you mean I can't even say it? Don't let others say that you are inferior to others? " Chen Hui sneered.

”Tut, Chen Hui, don't you just want to force us to compete with you? You're not short of the money. Is that interesting? " Li Nan frowned and said unhappily.

”The mouth grows on me, how can I say you are in charge of it? " Chen Hui said with a smile, "if you can beat me, I don't care what you say."

With that, Chen Hui pulled out a desert eagle like Zhao Tianming from his waist, walked up to Zhao Tianming, raised his hand and hit the target. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. Ten bullets hit seven rounds, ten rings, one nine ring, two eight rings.

”What about the desert eagle? There's no problem with guns. There's a problem with people. " After shooting the bullet, Chen Hui looked at Zhao Tianming and sneered with disdain, and said, "do you dare to play with guns like this? Shame

”Chen Hui, Zhao Tianming is my friend. You've been like this Li Nan's face suddenly became cold and said in a deep voice.

”What? Li Da Shao wants to oppress me as an identity? " Hearing this, Chen Hui suddenly changed his face and said in a cold voice, "your Li family is very powerful, but I'm not afraid of you!"

”Chen Hui, right? " At this time, Zhao Tianming came slowly and said to Chen Hui with a smile.

”I'm talking to Li Nan. How can you talk? Go away At this time, Chen Hui is in a tit for tat confrontation with Li Nan. Seeing that Zhao Tianming actually cuts in, he says harshly.

”We are all friends. Why so much anger? " Zhao Tianming said with no smile when hearing the speech. He stepped forward again and slapped Chen Hui on the shoulder.

Bang! As the sound of the middle defeat came, Chen Hui's face changed on the spot, as if he had been hit heavily by a big hammer. There was a burning pain in his shoulder, and there was a feeling that he couldn't breathe in his chest. He staggered back two steps and gasped twice.”You want to die... "Chen Hui calmed down, but saw Zhao Tianming standing in front of him with a smile. He didn't know that the other party was intentional, so he immediately said.

”How about a dish? " Zhao Tianming immediately raised the desert eagle on his hand and said with a smile.

”You Chen Hui smell speech immediately Leng for a while, this just disdain of say: "you want to compare gun with me?"

”If you don't dare. " Zhao Tianming showed his hand.

”Hey, you're the one who's going to die. " Chen Hui sneered: "compared with me, how many guns do you have?"

”That's fifty. " It was not Zhao Tianming who spoke, but Li Nan. Li Nan is also very angry. Although he knows that Zhao Tianming will be defeated, how can he retract his words now that he has said it?

”Good Hearing this, Chen Hui immediately laughed and said, "good courage! OK, I'll play with you and let you know what it means to seek death! "

With that, Chen Hui no longer talks nonsense. After skillfully loading, he puts on his earmuff and starts to aim. Two seconds later, he only hears "Ping" and a burst of smoke. A crisp electronic sound "ten rings" is heard on the announcer not far away

After that, Chen Hui continued to shoot. The sound of the shooting almost became one piece. Ten bullets were fired quickly. His shooting results were shown on the scoreboard not far away: eight shots, ten rings, one shot, nine rings and one shot, eight rings.

Xu Rongfeng and Li Nan look at each other, and there is a trace of helplessness in their eyes. Although Chen Hui's character is in a mess, his shooting method is really speechless. No wonder no one in the whole club dares to compete with him again.

It's Zhao Tianming's turn to do it. He also learns Chen Hui's action of loading ammunition and draws gourd like this.

Looking at Zhao Tianming's loading action, Chen Hui unconsciously frowns. He finds that the other party's initial action is still very obscure, but when it comes to loading the last few bullets, the other party's action suddenly becomes flowing, and even can see a familiar feeling from it.

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