Super Master

Chapter 525

Zhao Tianming's eyes were generous and he gave a good drink!

It's really excellent. Chiyoichi Sakura's fight is excellent! It was just at the moment when Zhao Tianming's momentum was about to climb to the peak and the momentum was not completely released. Qiandaiying's choice angle is also excellent, because it is from top to bottom, carrying the supreme authority of Shintoism, the breath of the ancient god, sweeping all over the world!

Zhao Tianming has long wanted to see the unique knowledge of Shintoism, but he doesn't know the people of Shintoism, and he doesn't have the idea to go to Japan to play. So today is a rare opportunity. What's more, he is a master of Dan Dao!

Although chiyoichi Sakura learned the unique skills of Shintoism in Japan, she did not stick to the routine of Shintoism. Instead, after communicating and learning with Liu Lizun, master Huineng and several of the most powerful human figures, she created her own boxing skills.

Zhao Tianming saw that this fist came in. It contained all kinds of truths, including the handprint of the Buddha, the tangle of the feather door, and even the shadow of the Ninja family's ninja. Such a simple blow actually contained the essence of countless martial arts.

And thousand generation Ying see of this fist, unexpectedly also hold a great determination, want to with Zhao Tianming a fist to separate high! So, as soon as he came up, he hit out such a powerful blow to the extreme. This blow fell from the top, almost destroying all Heretics in the world.

But Zhao Tianming acutely found that behind such a fist intention to destroy countless heretics, there was also creation! That is the great creation after the great destruction! Destroy everything and rebuild a more perfect country again! No matter what kind of palace is not comparable to the country! Believe in yourself as a kingdom of gods.

The thought in this fist is really deep. Even Zhao Tianming, a great master, can't help cheering! It can be seen that qiandaiyingjian is not a simple woman. Her ideal and ambition are deeply hidden in such a fist.

Qiandaiying sees lotus growing step by step. Every time she takes a step, the whole ground vibrates. Zhao Tianming finds that qiandaiying's ten toes are still imprinted, and her whole body seems to be fists. Every place contains a deep killing opportunity.

The move of growing lotus step by step is obviously to learn from master Huineng. Such an ambitious woman, who do not know, if really wait until she stepped into the void to break, can see God, will be how strong! No one knows whether there will be a new evil!

Zhao Tianming can only sit there, so he can't move or interrupt. He can only watch qiandaiyingjian adjust his momentum to the top! In this way, we can master all the boxing techniques. There are countless backhand and secret moves in it. It's impossible to defend.

However, Zhao Tianming also did not flinch. Even though qiandaiyingjian showed a very strong strength, Zhao Tianming is still himself, because he represents the torrent of history, and he has to cross Liu Lizun. How can he flinch today?

In the face of an ambitious woman, it is impossible for Zhao Tianming, who has never flinched, to retreat. Zhao Tianming's eyes flashed a bit chilly, saw the closer and closer fist, Huo raised his arms!

Unexpectedly, it seems to form a posture of supporting tower, as if to lift up the whole sky! At this time, if everyone saw it, they would think that at this moment, Zhao Tianming was Pan Gu who created the world.

It's such a gesture, which finally separates the heaven and the earth and stands between them!

Thousand generation Sakura see nature is also see such a move full of towering, but now he has no way to stop, only to break all things in front of him! Only by destroying everything in front of us can we recreate it!

Zhao Tianming lowered his eyelids and raised his arms. His two hands formed a posture of holding up. Their moves finally arrived as scheduled and made a deafening sound. It seemed that they penetrated the infinite time and space and finally collided with each other fiercely!

At that moment, the voice almost destroyed the whole world's strong and invincible! Qiandaiying just felt a loud noise in her ear. It seemed that Pangu was waving a huge axe to break the chaos between heaven and earth.

Then, it is Zhao Tianming's hands that he holds up. Although qiandaiyingjian's boxing idea has been integrated into a hundred schools, it is already the existence of the metaphysics to the extreme, but after all, it has not been thoroughly tempered. It is completely integrated without any gap.

This time, in Zhao Tianming that is almost able to support heaven and earth between the general towering hands, completely fall apart! No matter how proud of their moves, but also ultimately in this simple move between the complete defeat, there is no room for resistance.This time, Zhao Tianming did not like to stay. Although he was not able to leave this range, his big hand was able to catch qiandaiyingjian. Zhao Tianming's boxing intention now is not only able to promote the trend of history, but also has the kind of big hand that can catch all kinds of things in the world.

This is also a move that was thoroughly understood in the battle of the blissful temple. In fact, at first glance, such a big hand is nothing special. It's just holding out a hand. However, the truly supernatural Wu Daoists can see some clues.

Because this seemingly simple hand contains innumerable boxing mysteries, and even has Taizu's long fist sitting on the shelf of Jinluan. Zhao Tianming does the opposite. He does not sit in the Jinluan hall to meet the surrender and kowtow of all the people in the world.

Instead, they take the initiative to give up the Jinluan dragon chair and let those who have the ability to live in it, so that those who are really qualified to sit in this position can sit. However, in this world, only a few people are qualified to sit in this chair. When you meet a mortal, if you want to sit on the top of the Jinluan hall or the Dragon chair, it's not whether you are willing or not, but whether the Jinluan hall is willing or not.

Jinluan palace has always been a place where the real dragon can live high. People who do not have virtue and do not deserve to sit here will not be able to bear such a strong and powerful pressure, and they will not escape the fate of being caught by Zhao Tianming, and the fate of being caught directly by Zhao Tianming's big hand is one:

That's death.

Therefore, when Zhao Tianming's fierce hand, even full of innumerable gloomy and heroic contradictions, reaches out, qiandaiyingjian seems to see innumerable gods, ghosts, emperors and saints flash out from it!

Even qiandaiyingjian saw that this big hand contained a big golden chair with a dragon on it. That lofty breath, even if I look at it, I feel chilly, not to mention want to defend hard, want to sit on it!

It's just that Zhao Tianming's momentum is too strong to resist. She has no way to escape.

However, when qiandaiying saw that she was in despair, she suddenly found that Zhao Tianming's big hand did not catch him, but stayed in the air. An inch of land in front of her body seemed to block the distance between the ends of the earth and the corner of the sea.

It turns out that Zhao Tianming can't move his position, so his big hand can only stretch out so far, and he can't catch up with qiandaiyingjian. And qiandaiyingjian just stepped back because she was shaken by Zhao Tianming's general posture. Otherwise, she would have been caught by Zhao Tianming now and could not die again!

Zhao Tianming at this moment is still drooping eyelids, slowly took back his right hand, suddenly opened his eyes, suddenly, the whole room seems to flash a thunderbolt general dazzling! It's not just a thunderbolt, it's more like the fist meaning just now. The fist meaning of that big hand is fully used by his body. It's like his body has turned into a big hand. Suddenly, it's released that kind of monstrous and complete, crying and Howling atmosphere!

Including countless gods, ghosts, emperors, saints flash out from inside! Including the Jinluan palace, including the Dragon chair, everything is almost accompanied by Zhao Tianming's big hand into his face! Bloody and holy breath is almost filled in their own nose!

Qiandaiyingjian is also at the moment when she sees Zhao Tianming open her eyes. She is still in a state of shock. In addition to his sudden release of his strong and strange fist, qiandaiyingjian thinks that Zhao Tianming has come back!

It seems that I want to turn into a big hand, grasp and tear myself up! Evil spirits attack, evil spirits haunt! The emperor suppresses, the dragon looks down! For a time, countless emotions flashed through the heart of thousand generations of Sakura. She couldn't help crying out, and she fainted on the ground.


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