Super Master

Chapter 543

Zhao Tianming just came out with Tang Tian and his apprentice to see the place where Zhao Tianming always wanted to do it again. Precisely speaking, this place has influenced and changed Zhao Tianming's whole life. Without this place, Zhao Tianming's whole life may not be the same at all.

Maybe everything will be rewritten. And Zhao Tianming's life is bound to be fundamentally different. If he had not been to this place, he would not have such magical ability, the most brilliant driving skills, the knowledge of Su duanshui, the ability to fight against 100, the ability to save Lin Xiaoman's grandfather, and the knowledge of Zhang Simiao

My life may become the most common one, without any meaning. It doesn't have to be meaningless, but it will become the most common life. I don't know what that life looks like for Zhao Tianming?

At the beginning, because I came here to play, the Hukou scenic spot here is still famous in China. I inadvertently went into the Yellow River to save a girl who had lost her way. However, I never thought how I got this energy.

This energy, has always been deeply confused Zhao Tianming, he has always thought that in this world, there may be gods. However, the last reason really tells itself that this world is a godless world.

When I came to this pot mouth, I didn't have any premeditation. I just took advantage of the National Day holiday to play by myself. However, I didn't expect that so many things would happen. It was really unexpected.

Even sometimes Zhao Tianming will feel lucky, feel lucky, he is the one who can get God's blessing. Because if they can not get God's blessing, they can have the power now?

If it is not for the blessing of God, I simply do not have the strength to protect my lover. Although they may not have the strength and influence they have now, and there are so many women and wealth, if a rich second generation or an official second generation wants to bully themselves, they have little ability to protect the people they want to protect.

That is the real sorrow. Zhao Tianming knows that although he has never pursued any rights, wealth or status. But, unconsciously, I got everything.

Zhao Tianming would not admit it if he said that they were all by chance. Because even if you don't want power, wealth and status, once you really begin to enjoy it, you will always be infatuated with that feeling.

Zhao Tianming is not really infatuated with the feeling of controlling everything, but passively owns these things in such a long time of being chased. In passive ownership, if you don't own it, you will be killed. And when you own it passively, you really want to get more.

It's like strength, it's like power, it's like wealth, it's like women. At this time, Zhao Tianming knew that he seemed to be the most vulgar person. After all, they can't escape from the whirlpool of vanity fair, and they can't escape from these shackles.

I am human after all. I still have human selfishness, all human malpractices and human inferiority. Human beings have their own shortcomings. The good character possessed by human beings is possessed by themselves.

Sometimes, Zhao Tianming deeply felt that he was proud of being human, the most common human. In fact, it's not that Zhao Tianming feels too good about himself, but that Zhao Tianming's strength is increasing unfathomably every day, fighting with psychopaths every day. At all times, we should guard against being sullied by those abnormal theories.

However, at the same time, his strength is becoming more and more profound day by day, so he also thinks that sometimes, he not only doubts the source of his strength, but also asks himself that his strength has reached this point, is it human or not?

In fact, it's not a funny topic. It's a very serious matter, and it's really worth discussing. That is, when a person's strength is so high, is it human?

At such a time when we can be proud of others and despise everything, is it human? To now such a, can look down on the world, what all don't put in the eye, any is who, all want to be beaten to lie down by oneself. Even a lot of their own signs, almost not like human beings, can be so quickly restored, or ordinary strength?

My speed can surpass the voice, and my fist can equal the huge force of unknown tons. Is this kind of strength really human? One of their own eyes can completely frighten people. Is it human?Just now, he was still glad that he was human, but now Zhao Tianming began to doubt it. He didn't begin to doubt it because of Liu Li Zun's fallacies. Instead, he began to think seriously about how to define his own strength.

After shaking his head, Zhao Tianming sighed: "Tang Tian, we master and apprentice have some origins and similarities. Because I don't know where the energy in your body comes from, let alone where it comes from. Apprentice, I ask you, do you think that there are gods in the world who control the world? "

Tang Tian pondered a little: "master, I don't know if there are any immortals in this world. But the only thing I'm sure is that we, as ordinary people, are able to live our human life. As for becoming a God, I think that even if we really have gods in this world, no matter how we practice, we ordinary people can't do it. "

"Oh? Why did you say that? " Zhao Tianming raises an eyebrow. It's the first time that he asks his apprentice this question. Now, he also starts to treat Tang Tian as an adult. He starts to make him think about problems and discuss problems with him.

What's more, the answer Tang Tian just gave him really interested him. It was the first time that he heard such an answer. He knew that Tang Tian had finally begun to think about the gods and human beings himself, rather than instilling them in himself.

Tang Tian looked at Zhao Tianming and said seriously: "master, I think that gods, after all, are ethereal things. Although I can't accurately determine whether there are such things, even if they exist, they are definitely not in the same space with us."

"Yes? Go on

Zhao Tianming's eyes suddenly brightened. He never thought about this problem. He looked at his apprentice carefully. It seemed that he saw him for the first time. He was very surprised that he could have such an understanding. He was also very moved. It seemed that he should communicate with Tang Tian more. In this way, he could get a lot of inspiration.

Tang Tian nodded, "the so-called strength is just a process in which human beings are strengthening their physique. Although it has been mentioned in some ancient books, the so-called "going forward to become an adult, going backward to become an immortal.". It is always a process of reverse cultivation to cultivate the truth. And we are just a process of turning into immortals by strengthening our physique and practicing martial arts. That eclosion gate should be taken from this meaning. "

Zhao Tianming nodded and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you have never touched these things, but you can say so much truth. I'm very glad to be a teacher. Your point is very interesting and can give me a lot of inspiration. Go on

Tang Tian nodded, as if looking at the Yellow River in front of him! From ancient times to the present, there are many Taoists in every generation who want to become immortals. But after thousands of years, how many people have become immortals? But then again, since ancient times, the development of humanity has gone through many civilizations. Although civilization has developed to a highly developed level, there are still people who want to be immortals. In ancient times, they want to live forever. In modern times, they have become like Liu Lizun, in order to gain absolute power and control the world. But how does he know that the so-called retrograde immortality may not refer to our space? "

Zhao Tianming shakes his head and looks at his disciple in front of him. In his mind, Zhao Tianming has changed countless ideas. It's really against the heaven that his apprentice can feel the information that he can get and feel through many ways.

He sighed: "good student, your idea really attracts me. Tell me, when did you start to have this idea? You know what? Tang Tian, your idea, in fact, is really close to the truth. "

Tang Tian said with a faint smile: "Shifu, in fact, these views are realized by practicing with you every day. Every day you take me to experience in the world, worldly, I learn a lot of things, I never think of much. But for you, master, I would never have been able to feel it. "


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