Super Master

Chapter 552

Mountain Hao suddenly a Lin, can't help but heart slightly tremble, carefully looked at a thousand generations cherry see eyes, found that the other party seems to be didn't feel what he just thought in the end is what, so this just relaxed, this just feel a little relaxed feeling.

He can't imagine that if qiandaiyingjian finds out his idea, he will be killed directly by her and can't survive at all. So now he can't help but feel a little worried. For fear of being discovered by qiandaiying, he quickly converged.

"Hi! I know! " Shanhao bowed his head.

Qiandaiying looked at him faintly, "shanhaojun, in fact, what you just said doesn't need to care at all. Not to mention that there are a lot of tough characters in the eclosion door, Liu Lizhun alone, not everyone dares to make mistakes. If it's not Zhao Tianming, how can it threaten us? In fact, we have already thought about such things. Even if someone comes to make trouble, Liu Lizun will not let them go. Not everyone can spy on the strong in the realm of immortals. We hold the world religious Congress with this ambition. What's the point if we can't risk the world's great injustice? It is with such a tolerant attitude that the world religious Congress can be well run. It would be interesting if something could be done at the world religious assembly. If there is no change in anyone and there are no other ideas, then we can't make a warning to those so-called religious fanatics. "

Shanhao can't help but feel a little scared after hearing this. His back is slightly chilly. He didn't expect that his God qiandaiyingjian and Liu Lizun had such deep thoughts. Even he felt a chill. He suddenly found that these two people wanted to shake the opinion leaders of all religions in the world at the world religious conference. If they didn't agree, they would kill them!

Actually, he wanted to turn the world religious assembly into a homicide assembly, and it was precisely by virtue of such a Congress that all those who held opposing opinions were gathered together to suppress all the discordant voices. I also believe that once such a conference is held, those fanatics who feel that their religion has been offended will surely pour out their nests and gather here. They are bound to want to hold a big event here.

The intrigue inside, Shanhao also felt the terror, the terror of people's hearts, countless forces, want to share a piece of this, get some benefits. And not to mention the most powerful one among them is the Freemasons.

The influence of the Freemasons is everywhere. They not only control and control many forces in this Congress, but also need to make use of this opportunity to seek benefits and obtain some benefits. All this is in their plan. When they came to China, they did a lot of tricks in secret. All this has been put on the surface.

Not only Zhao Tianming, Liu Lizun, but also the country knows about it. Maybe it's because China is one of the most difficult countries for the Freemasons to penetrate, so they really took this opportunity to expand their secret power.

All the conspiracies and tricks, the great road of yangmou, are all brewing and fermenting at the upcoming World Religious Congress. No one knows what kind of consequences will appear in the end, and no one can imagine what kind of change it will eventually become.

"Then... Where did Liu Li Zun go this time? What kind of Chenjiagou is it? If I remember correctly, it seems to be a mysterious martial arts Holy Land in China? Like Taijiquan? I remember that there were many Taijiquan masters who defeated our warriors who fought against the Japanese Empire. "

Shan Hao frowned and recalled that, indeed, many patriots came out of Chenjiagou, but this Shanhao was a bit confused. Not all the Taijiquan players came from Chenjiagou, and there were many tough characters, such as sun Lutang.

"Chenjiagou is really a place for Taiji talents. I've been to that place, which is very mysterious. But that time it was just around, not in. Chenjiagou is a holy place for martial arts training, but not everyone can enter it. It must be that Liu Lizun, the great God, went this time to see the grand scene of the confluence of Heluo. But over the years, China's water pollution is relatively serious, it may be really difficult to reproduce the grand occasion of that year! But it's still a way to feel the way of nature. Heluo culture, Heluo culture. You may not have heard of it. One of the traditional Chinese footwork is called Yubu. Yubu is a very mysterious and powerful footwork and skill. If I have a chance, I want to go to Heluo to have a look. It's said that Yubu came from there, But there are not many people in China who know Yu Bu now, but I don't know how Zhao Tianming learned it. "

Qiandaiying shakes her head. When she hears Shanhao talking like this, she unconsciously thinks of Heluo culture and Yubu. I heard my father talk about these things in those years. He took part in the war of aggression against China with his grandfather in those years. In that war, he met a young man who knew Yu bu. He was shocked to hear that he was so powerful.By the way, with a small detachment, he almost completely annihilated an important logistics unit of the Japanese army. Later, it was because of the encirclement and suppression of many people, the follow-up troops followed, and machine gun fire, that the man could be driven away. However, the daily average of casualties is absolutely unimaginable. It does not mean casualties, but also material loss. At that time, the team led by that man was all good at martial arts, and all of them were top masters of Mingjin. It was unimaginable that they were so destructive.

At that time, the detachment was almost in and out of the Japanese army, and no one could resist, and no one could fight against them, because all the people who fought were dead. So from then on, Japan really had a strong interest in Chinese martial arts.

However, it was a pity that the small team died bravely during the lengthy war against Japan. Including the young man who knew Yubu, Yubu was basically lost in China, but there may be a small number of people who knew Yubu, but they don't know where it is.

Thinking about this, qiandaiying thinks of Zhao Tianming's Yubu and Zhao Tianming. Can't help but pretty face a little bit red, hot, but this feeling was soon driven away by himself, don't want to be seen by Shanhao, such fluctuations, I don't want to appear.

Zhao Tianming's strength has really left a huge shadow on qiandaiyingjian. It's not only his strong fist, but also his strong momentum that he can catch dragons in the sky and turtles in the sea. Today, qiandaiyingjian can hardly forget Zhao Tianming, who is a strong hand who can change the world! This has already left a seed for qiandaiyingjian's psychology.

And this seed, too, began to work. Thousand generation cherry see recently very angry discovery, oneself can't calm down heart to come, meditate carefully. If you can't make yourself settle down through meditation, you will not be able to practice your boxing in silence, which will lead to the retreat of your boxing level. That's why qiandaiyingjian chose to meditate in this room, because here, Liu Lizhun left a picture of emergence and ascent. Whenever she watched that picture, she would be able to enter a more profound realm of meditation. Although not able to make their own as before can calm down at will, but also much better.

Think of here, thousand generation Ying see shook his head, want to sweep such emotion out of the mind. It has to be said that qiandaiyingjian is indeed a unique woman. Her temperament is just like a goddess, but there is a little chance of killing in the circulation.

Treat others hard enough, in order to be able to step into the road, the achievement of God, actually is able to personally kill his childhood friend, Junichiro kikawa. Moreover, she is more ruthless to herself. In order to be able to transform herself into Dan Dao, she can offer to devote herself to Liu Lizun. They practice together, and finally help herself to enter Dan Dao and achieve great success in martial arts and boxing.

And when he found that Zhao Tianming had a little bit of green silk, he cut off all of it mercilessly. This kind of ruthlessness is not possessed by ordinary women. And Shanhao can be said to be the person who knows qiandaiyingjian best, so he doesn't dare to make a mistake.

But I don't know why, when I see qiandaiying this time, I always have some wonderful feelings in my heart. It's wonderful, it's dirty. Although Shanhao tried to control it, he still couldn't hold on.

I don't know why, today I come to visit my God, qiandaiying can always have a special feeling. And I look at qiandaiyingjian's eyes, although I try to hide, but always when qiandaiyingjian doesn't notice, there is a trace of men looking at women's eyes.

Qiandaiying saw that she was drooping her eyelids, but it seemed that she felt a trace of heat on her face, so she raised her eyelids slightly and looked forward. Shanhao saw that qiandaiying opened her eyes and thought that the other party found out, so she quickly dropped her head and whispered: "God, have a rest early, I'll go down first!"

Shanhao said and went out with his head down.


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