Super Master

Chapter 560

"Lao Xiang, don't get excited. For today's plan, all that is left is for Zhao Tianming. The organization has studied this issue. Only this person can finally solve it. Without this man, we may never be able to put out the turmoil. Only when Zhao Tianming returns and shoots Liu Lizhun to death at the world religious assembly can we have a final solution! "

The man also frowned, lit a cigarette, light tunnel.

"Zhao Tianming? What is the representative of the European financial delegation to China? What on earth does he have? Why do people around me talk about him? Can he fight Liu Lizun? Can he kill Liu Lizun? I met Liu Lizhun once. His strength is really terrifying. I don't believe it. If our people's Liberation Army is under pressure, can't we kill Liu Lizhun? Even if he really becomes an immortal, what can he do? Is it really invulnerable? Damn it, even if he really soars, I have to beat him down! "

The soldier, who was called Lao Xiang, frowned and waved his fist viciously. It seemed that he really wanted to command the army to break into the general arena of yuhuamen and kill Liu Lizun directly. It can be seen that this person's resentment towards Liu Lizun has reached what degree.

"Nonsense! No matter how it is, we can't send troops up! What's it like to send out all the troops? Is the army used to deal with such people? Besides, do you want to rebel by sending troops to Yanjing? That's too disharmonious! "

Lao Tian frowned and scolded, just as he said. Even if such a thing happened, it was really impossible to send troops into Yanjing, because it was really too damaging to the environment. Even if there were such turmoil, the suppression and appeasement in various places were good, so there was no serious turmoil like that in other countries.

If we send troops at this time, the impact will be too great. In addition, the nature and significance will also have earth shaking changes. When the people see that all the troops have been sent to Yanjing to suppress the bandits, they will panic and unconsciously stir up the civil strife which has been almost calmed down again, which will make it counter revolutionary.

"What shall we do? Is it really waiting for the so-called Zhao Tianming? Is he really that good? How could the organization arrange for him? I really didn't expect that such young people still have such energy! Is it more powerful than the army? "

Lao Xiang sat down with a frown, as if he didn't quite understand.

"Well, what do you know? I've seen Zhao Tianming before. But he should not be impressed. At the banquet held by Mr. Zhang, I saw this with my own eyes. His spirit is absolutely incomparable to all his peers in the world. Even if a general like us is in front of him, he can't be subdued at all. The killing and cutting atmosphere on him is even stronger than that of the most elite special forces in our army. I've seen him have conflicts with Han Zeming's followers. At that time, I was right next to him. The boxing that he released instantly was the only one I've ever seen in my life! That's much more than the bloody smell in Military Boxing. Damn, I don't know how many people this boy killed to raise him. "

Lao Tian shook his head, as if for Zhao Tianming to have such momentum is still feel extremely shocked. In fact, he can't help but be shocked. Zhao Tianming is the best expert in the world. If his momentum is not unique, how can he be worthy of his own position?

Lao Xiang took a deep breath, frowned and said, "have you really seen it? Then I really want to see you. I heard that I've met him in the organization? And the chief? Then there is no doubt about his strength. Well, Laotian, I'm not prepared for any large-scale troops. Let the top special forces wolf head of our military region sneak into the temple of heaven. These people should have been cleaned up long ago! When will Zhao Tianming come back? "

Lao Tian said with a bitter smile: "I'm not the roundworm in his stomach. How can I know? Wait a minute. Anyway, there are few days left. I'm very curious about this man. I also want to know whether he can accomplish this great task. This world is really chaotic... "

Lao Tian shook his head and said such a meaningful word anxiously.

"Master, this is your hometown?"

They finally came to Zhaojia village in Ninghai city. Zhao Tianming didn't have the same bad taste as Liu Lizun. He didn't abuse himself. If he could take a car, he would take a car. It's not like Liu Li Zun, who is dedicated to becoming a God, honing his heart, walking when he can, and training himself.

Tang Tian is indeed born with a golden spoon, and he has never been to such a backward village. In fact, if it is backward, it is not too backward. What era is it now? The government has already renovated it very well.It's just because it's in the countryside, so it's hard to avoid some chickens, ducks and geese. The sow arched the ground, which made Tang Tian frown slightly. However, it's hard to hide his curious eyes. Zhao Tianming looked in his eyes and shook his head with a smile. He was still a child.

Zhao Tianming nodded and sighed: "yes, this is my hometown. I haven't come back for nearly two years. I taught some people when I came back. Time passed quickly. I also want to see my parents, because after all, I'll find a teacher's wife for you... Well, maybe a few teachers, and I need to discuss with my parents. "

Zhao Tianming automatically ignored Tang Tian's slightly disdainful eyes. In fact, he has been used to his apprentice for a long time. Tang Tian also thinks that his master is very good everywhere, just his private life... Cough, there is a little confusion.

But when he was about to arrive at his home, Zhao Tianming stopped and frowned. It seems that something has happened in my home. How come I have something to do every time I go home? Didn't Jiao Shengli's problem have been solved last time? How could it happen?

Zhao Tianming scanned the village carefully and found something unusual. At this time of the day, every household had begun to prepare for farming, but he found one thing, that is, the people in this village almost did not come out to work, and the farmland was almost overgrown with weeds, which was not like the busy scene in the past.

Zhao Tianming frowned and pushed open the door of his home. Just as he stepped in, he saw what happened in front of him.

Fang Mingyuan, frowning and not sulky, stood in front of Zhao Tianming's house and drank to the people in the yard: "how can you start to learn from other places and carry out riots? We are ordinary villagers. Don't we even listen to the Secretary of the village committee? "

One of the villagers said with a dry smile, "Secretary of the village committee? Hey, hey, don't bully me. I don't read much. Now what does the Secretary of the village committee count? I've seen it with my own eyes. Except for Yanjing, there have been large-scale disturbances in other parts of the country. As usual, the materials purchased by Jinshan City in our village are not purchased. The municipal government of Jinshan City can't suppress them and they are all going to collapse. What do you want us, the most ordinary villagers, to eat and drink? "

Fang Mingyuan hummed coldly: "what do you eat and drink? We are a village people, we can be self-sufficient! Isn't what the village secretary said very clear? We must unite now! If we are in a mess now, how can we live? If we don't unite, what do you drink or eat? Is it useful to have a riot and besiege the Secretary of the village committee now? "

Another villager said with a sneer, "the Secretary of the village committee just speaks well. What's the use of those policies? My brother is going to marry a daughter-in-law this year, and I'm going to marry a daughter-in-law next year. Now all places have stopped purchasing from us. Who are we going to sell our grain to? The state does not purchase collectively, and we have no way to survive. Are we going to live with these grains for the rest of our lives? If you can't change grain into money, how can you marry a daughter-in-law? Who lives with me? "

Fang Mingyuan didn't say much. There were several Fang family members standing behind him, and Fang Runzhi was also among them. They all surrounded the families of Shi Hongliang and Zhao Tianming to block these rioting villagers. Because their Fang family still has some prestige here, and their martial arts are also excellent, so these villagers won't do much for the time being, However, this incident has lasted for a long time. At the beginning, they did not dare to make any changes. However, in the long run, these villagers do not know who provoked them. Now they all stand up one by one and want Shi Hongliang to give an explanation, or they will not leave. Some people even take their mattresses to prepare for a protracted war.

Shi Hongliang stood up and said sincerely: "folks, now that the overall situation is turbulent, we can't be turbulent! I don't mean to seek any personal interests. Our present plan is to take out the only part of the money in the village and concentrate enough food on this case. However, it is the right thing for us to contribute our surplus grain to tide over the difficulties together. Otherwise, what can we do if it's just such turmoil? The village really can't afford any money. "

It came over with a bang. It turned out that someone took out a gun and fired at the sky. They were also shocked. Then they saw the man pointing the gun at Shi Hongliang, "stop talking nonsense! I tell you! Shi Hongliang! I've put up with you for a long time! If you don't give the village money to everyone, we will tear down your family today! It's no use where you hide! "


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