Super Master

Chapter 563

I believe that all the people who face Zhao Tianming alone can feel Zhao Tianming's vigorous fighting, which is to smash everything. His strong momentum can say that a normal person is directly subdued and directly destroyed, which is not normal at all. That arrogant, even can completely disintegrate a person's spirit, simply can't agglomerate the heart of the slightest challenge to you.

However, Zhao Tianming has changed a lot today. It's not just the momentum that can despise everything and destroy everything. It's the kind of momentum that has a long history and anyone has to be lost in it. It's a fear of history, a worry about the development of humanity, a feeling of powerlessness for all the unknown future.

Zhao Tianming is just like this now. He just didn't release his momentum, which can destroy everything. Just one look of his own can make Zhao Quan feel exhausted and paralyzed. All kinds of fears arise spontaneously. He can't raise the slightest resistance, so he has to bow down, He will never challenge Zhao Tianming again.

However, in this world, those who step into Mingjin, or even Yinjin, or Dandao with their own strength, do not give up all kinds of things and finally break through everything and become masters? So for Zhao Tianming in front of him, he was inspired by his deepest blood and backbone, and he was desperate to fight.

Zhao Tianming lightly looked at him and stretched out his fist. He no longer appreciated the people who dared to fight against him. For the person in front of us, the scum of the society, the person who destroys all stability, there is only the purest killing in his heart.

Only by killing all these people can we stabilize the situation that has been stabilized. No matter who this person is, even Liu Lizhun, no one can stop his determination to support the development of humanity. This person in front of him is suitable to worship the flag.

So Zhao Tianming also took the hand. Zhao Tianming still simply stretched out his big hand. He was able to master almost all kinds of changes in the world. He was able to include everything and could not break away from all the rebellious emotions.

Zhao Tianming's big hand directly grasped his head. Zhao Quan was still like his son who was almost going to be beaten into dementia. He didn't have time to shout out his particularly shocking words: what kind of Kung Fu are you doing?

That is in such a moment, his head was severely pinched by Zhao Tianming. No skill, no resistance. Chastity is perplexing, and there is no complicated way of moving. It is just such a big hand, which contains the truth of heaven and earth, all the truth, the essence of humanity, all of everything, all contained in the big hand of what is in itself.

Even before the other seven or eight people had time to react, they saw that Zhao Quan's head was severely pinched by Zhao Tianming. They seem to have forgotten one thing at this moment, that is, they still have guns in their hands.

But even if there is a gun, there is no way to stop Zhao Tianming. It's like Zhao Lue. Although he has a gun in his hand and can even point the gun at Zhao Tianming's head, it's still useless. Zhao Tianming wants to kill him, it's just a matter of a moment, it's faster than stepping on an ant.

Zhao Tianming didn't stop at all. At the moment of killing Zhao Quan, he rushed out. He was scattered in all directions, and no one could escape from Zhao Tianming's hands. Even if eight of them had eight legs, it was useless.

Because even if they were given time to run away, Zhao Tianming could catch them in an instant, and then kill them one by one. No one was allowed to stay alive. It was not until they were all killed that the goal was achieved. One of them almost took advantage of the chaos and ran to the door. Just as he was about to open the door, after Zhao Tianming solved one of them, he jumped up and came to the man's back. Then he punched the man directly and lost his life.

Until the last one also fell down, Zhao Tianming killed all the people. He lowered his head and took a light look at the dead body. Zhao Tianming didn't say anything. In fact, for him, the number of people killed today can not really be called many. Every assassination I have experienced is more spectacular than today.

Among them, master Huineng, with an entire special forces team, pursued him the most fiercely, and he still has fresh memories. But even then, it's useless for a master who breaks the void and sees the God is not bad to lead a group of fully armed murderers. His own killing has already reached the ancestral level.

He shakes his head and ignores Fang Mingyuan, who has been shocked. He lights a cigarette and takes a deep breath. Zhao Tianming slowly walks towards the room. He wants to see if there are any trapped fish in the room. Today, he is here to solve the problem.Pushing open the door, he just saw Zhao Lue who had almost become dementia. Zhao Lue after his almost earth shaking collision, is now really turned into an idiot. The nerves in the brain don't know how much they are damaged, and they can't keep normal thinking.

But the only thing to be thankful for is that he did not become a vegetable, but he experienced a more miserable life than a vegetable. Zhao Tianming gave him a light look and didn't kill him, because he knew that Zhao Lue had learned the most suitable punishment for him.

Zhao Tianming came out slowly. Facing Fang Mingyuan, who looked complicated and shocked, he said with a faint smile, "what's the matter, old Fang?"

Fang Mingyuan shakes his head in horror. It seems that he has not recovered from Zhao Tianming's shock. No wonder there are too few people like Zhao Tianming who kill people cleanly in this world. What's more, he was deeply shrouded by Zhao Tianming's deliberate momentum, and he couldn't recover for a moment.

He shook his head and sighed: "Zhao Tianming... You are so powerful. Even I feel that your boxing is unfathomable. I can't resist it. You are what I've seen... No... you're what I've heard. Even the characters in the book are not as powerful as you."

Zhao Tianming shrugged his shoulders, which was a joke. "Hey, Mr. Fang, don't you know that I'm a strong man who breaks the void and sees the good God? Can't this give you some shock, then my kung fu is not in vain? That's what makes it interesting. "

Fang shook his head and sighed, "even so, your strength is too shocking. I really didn't expect that you could reach such a state one day... You could kill people so easily... The person who just got hit in the head by you is Zhao Quan. In fact, if there is no such person, if he has no secret strength, I can really help Shi Hongliang to stabilize the mood of these villagers. But still did not expect, also did not know this Zhao Quan actually is from when, suddenly so fierce, moreover also broke through to the dark strength level! It's not easy for me to fight with him. That's why I can't stop their provocation... It's just that he was so easily provoked by you... Me... "

Fang looked at Zhao Tianming with a complicated look. It seemed that he could not accept Zhao Tianming's fierce reality for a moment. At this moment, he has such an emotion in his heart, that is: don't be Zhao Tianming's enemy.

Now he can't imagine that if he was Zhao Tianming's enemy, he would die more tragically than Zhao Quan, and he would have died long ago. He doesn't know who he is. Fortunately, Zhao Quan found himself in private at that time, hoping that he could cooperate with him. He was rejected by himself, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable! Because there is already such a bloody scene in front of us.

Zhao Tianming and Fang Mingyuan return to his home. Zhao Youtian is smoking at this time. He is chatting with Shi Yunjin. Suddenly, he sees that Zhao Tianming has gone with Fang Mingyuan like this. He was worried about whether Zhao Tianming was in danger. Now he sees them coming.

Without waiting for Zhao Tianming to go on, Zhao Youtian sighed: "Tianming, it doesn't matter. Even if you can't defeat Zhao Quan, it's nothing. After all, Fang Lao's strong character can't get Zhao Quan. If you really can't solve it, let's leave Zhaojia village. There's no need to follow them. "

Zhao Tianming waved his hand and said with a smile, "I have killed Zhao Quan. I have completely solved their problems. There are other provocative forces, and I have already counted all the Wagas. From now on, my uncle is still the Secretary of the village committee of Zhaojia village, and no one can raise any objection. You don't have to worry about your father and mother. People like them all deserve to die. Originally, they did not have such ambition, but they were able to have such power only because of the financial support of those who wanted to do so. However, in my opinion, they are useless. I also believe that my uncle can stabilize the mood of the villagers. "

Listen to Zhao Tianming's words, Zhao Youtian and Shi Yunjin look at me and I look at you. It seems that they can't accept this fact for a while. It seems that the two of them were able to solve all the complicated problems in less than an hour. They also heard that Zhao Quan's martial arts were very good. Even Fang Mingyuan, the first expert in the village, could not help it. He just didn't think that the problem was not only solved, but also solved so happily.

This book comes from reading

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