Super Master

Chapter 566

But when he was smug, a voice rang out, "my dear old friend, Hoover, I don't know. How are you doing recently? I haven't entertained you for many days. Don't think I've neglected you! "

Hoover and the old man suddenly felt a tremor, and quickly aimed at the door. Sure enough, Zhao Tianming pushed the door open and came in. Then he took out a bottle of Lafite from the cupboard, poured it into a goblet, followed the light, shook the glass, lowered his head to smell it, and closed his eyes. It seemed that he still felt the intoxication inside, My eyes are a little blurred.

"Oh? Oh... It's Zhao Tianming! Why do you have time to come to us today? I remember, isn't tomorrow the day of the world religious assembly? Why do you have the leisure to come here? Hey, brother, all our lives are in your hands. "

At first, Hu felt a shock, but then he calmed down and said with a smile. However, as the head of the FBI, his control of emotions is naturally wonderful. Even Zhao Tianming feels that it is very natural.

Zhao Tianming took a sip of red wine and said with a faint smile to Hoover and the old man, "in fact, I don't have anything today, but I suddenly remember that there are some things I didn't explain to you, so I want to talk with you."

Hoover and the old man looked at each other in silence. "Oh? I don't know what Mr. Zhao Tianming has to say? We are very interested in your martial arts strength! I hope I can see you killing everywhere tomorrow

Zhao Tianming shook his head, looked at the Lafite in his glass, and said this sentence with profound meaning: "Lafite has a long history and is handed down from generation to generation because of its most simple fragrance and a good host."

Although it seems that this sentence is about Lafite, Hoover and the old man have a very unusual meaning in it. What's hidden in it is a warning to them! Lafite is the industry of the Rothschild family. Zhao Tianming just said that Lafite is the metaphor of the Rothschild family. This is also a warning to both of them not to do anything behind their backs, and to find a better host or ally.

Hoover looked at Zhao Tianming deeply, speechless for a long time. Because he doesn't know what to say to Zhao Tianming at this time. To this point, they both know one thing, that is, Zhao Tianming already knows all the things they do secretly.

Today, since Zhao Tianming is able to talk with them and use some words to help them, it means that they still have a chance. Zhao Tianming doesn't want to kill them through this matter, and he doesn't want to kill them for the time being.

In other people's eyes, Hoover may be a major event, or even a major event affecting the stability of the country. It also involves many conspiracies and conspiracies. It may be because of some huge secret or some huge secret. But in Zhao Tianming's eyes, these things are just small episodes.

Because in this world, the fattest thing, has gradually begun to open the curtain. An unprecedented event, gradually opened the curtain. People from all over the world, different religious beliefs and different humanitarian spirits will collide and inspire here.

Originally, the country was very dismissive of such things. Originally, there was nothing worth studying. It's just a simple religious belief. As usual, it's just an international conference. When it's held in China, it can expand China's influence in the world and reflect China's inclusiveness.

But today, in such an era, it is an abnormal, even very abnormal, major historical event. There are complicated relations among them, which are also related to the development of humanity and world peace. All kinds of things on the aspect of variety have long been brewing out a major historical event!

Now, if we look at this issue from this perspective, we will be able to show China's great mind! That kind of magnanimous mind that contains all things and all thoughts can collide in it. All countries and forces in the world can not help but feel awed by the Chinese government's mind that can accommodate all things in the world and all thoughts.

Because people all over the world know that China will decide who is the person who can really get the world at this world religious conference. The person who can unify all the thoughts of the world, even conquer all the beliefs of the world, and even become a God himself! To be the only true God in history!

This matter has been fermented and brewed all over the world as far as possible. Countless newspapers and TV programs are trying to exaggerate it. Liu Lizun, who they used to hate the most and tried to win their faith, is the person who can end their riots, riots, turbulence and even world war. He is also Liu Lizun.Liu Lizun has become a symbol in this world. It has become a symbol of the development of the human way. The meaning contained in this symbol is a symbol that includes thousands of things. All the religious beliefs in the world are paying attention to this matter. Moreover, all the religious officials and leaders in all the beliefs in the world have come to Yanjing, the temple of heaven and the general altar of eclosion gate!

Some of them want to oppose Liu Lizun, some want to support Liu Lizun! There are also some people who want to fish in troubled waters and get some benefits from it. In a word, this can only be regarded as the existence of the newspaper news, brewing into an international, even historical event!

"This is the news from the front! Now we have entered the main venue, which is the temple of heaven in Yanjing. Now it is full of religious leaders and ordinary people from all over the world! I've just calculated that it's probably tens of thousands of people! Such a huge crowd is all around here... "

"This is the latest news from the CBS in front of us. Tens of thousands of religious leaders from all over the world have gathered here, and even thousands of people are pouring in and queuing outside the venue! All people want to see if Liu Lizun can become a god! Can this mysterious oriental save the world and end the turmoil? "

"This is the latest report from BBS. All the media have been told that Liu Lizun is a man who can become an immortal! So we've set up a video recorder to record the moment when he really emerged and became an immortal... "

At this moment, there are countless media all over the world, and people are speculating whether Liu Lizun can become an immortal or not, and whether he can save the world or not! All the media are paying close attention to it. Their hearts are full of expectation and curiosity. They don't know whether this person is a madman or a genius?

If any media can take the lead in reporting this news and record the moment when Liu Lizun emerged and became an immortal, then this news will surely become the best news of the year! Maybe even the most important news in history! No one.

So a large number of journalists gathered here, hoping to be the first to report this news! They are desperate to occupy the best position, the most advantageous position of the camera, all hope to be the first to pass this message out! They all hope that they are the first person to witness history and that they can go down in history with this news.

"Yes? Are you Hindu? Are you here to support Liu Li's worship of God? "

"Yes, liulizun has deeply shocked me! You haven't seen his miracle, have you? You can throw an elephant with your bare hands. Laughter is like thunder! This kind of divine power has been done by the gods! Now the world riots are the same in India, but we find that only the great God liulizun can suppress such riots... "

"Taoist Qingfeng? You're here, too? Don't you believe in Taoism? Do you also believe that Liu Lizun can become a God? Come and help him out? "

"No, No. Liu Lizun is a real Taoist God. The land is a real immortal! Already swallowed a golden elixir! Today is also the time when Liu Lizun emerged and ascended to immortality. He must be the idol of our generation! I am also here to learn and look forward to! I hope I can get the experience of Liu Lizhun's ascension, and I hope I can follow his example in the future. "

"Yes? Master Shi Tianlong? Aren't you Buddhist? "

"Amitabha. Liu Lizun is a real Buddha. If he becomes a god today, he is bound to enter the three thousand paradise and the pure land of our Buddha. Today, I hope to see with my own eyes the day when Liu Li Zun worships the Buddha and becomes a Buddha, and to look forward to my Buddha relic.... "

"What! How can you support Liu Lizun? Have you forgotten your faith! You traitor! I'm going to kill you... "

"No one can die out of our faith!"

Such voices come and go one after another in the temple of heaven. We can see that there are almost all the religious beliefs in the world, whether they are for or against. In short, everyone has come together to watch this grand ceremony or farce.

Anyway, this is the beginning of the world religious convention!

This book comes from the king of reading

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