"If you have enough, just go. If you don't go, they will find you."

Hearing Qianhuan's banter, Su Yue blushes and leaves Ye Ming's arms. Ye Ming smiles and doesn't care. With his face, he is immune to Qianhuan's banter.

Turning around and looking at his eyes, Ye Ming could not help but be stunned.

No wonder Qianhuan said that she was haunted by the young master of the black forest. At first, Ye Ming thought Qianhuan was exaggerating. But now when he saw Qianhuan's true face, Ye Ming knew that Qianhuan was right. This appearance, tut Tut, even Ye Ming was slightly stiff and respected.

See Ye Ming stare at him fiercely to see, thousand unreal tiny smile: "how, good-looking?"

Ye Ming came back and felt the murderous spirit of Su Yue. He quickly straightened his face and said, "well, it's not bad. I can barely catch up with Su Yue."

Listen to Ye Ming say so, Su Yue happy smile: "Ye Ming, this is?"

Although Su Yue had seen Qianhuan, when she saw Qianhuan, Qianhuan was not like this.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Qianhuan. I'm Ye Ming's friend."

Ye Ming has not yet opened his mouth, Qianhuan takes the lead in introducing himself.

Ye Ming knows that Qianhuan doesn't want Su Yue to know her true identity, so as not to have bad feelings.

"Hello, I'm Su Yue. Thank you for saving me with Ye Ming."

Qian Huan smiles and doesn't speak.

After successfully rescuing Su Yue, the three left without hesitation. After all, it's dangerous to stay one more point.

"Su Yue, are you hungry? If you're hungry, I'll take you to dinner."

Ye Ming knows that Su Yue has not had a good meal in the past few days. Now he is afraid that he is very hungry.

"Well," said Ye Ming, Su Yue felt a sense of hunger in his stomach. "Ye Ming, where are we going to eat?"

Ye Ming took a look at Qianhuan and said, "let's go to the hotel. I'll make it for you myself."

Hearing that Ye Ming wants to do it himself, a touch of excitement flashed in Qianhuan's eyes.

In fact, she had long wanted Ye Ming to cook for her, but she was too embarrassed to speak. Now ye Ming mentioned it on his own initiative, obviously considering her reasons.

Ye Ming and his party still came to the hotel where they stayed last time. After buying some food, Ye Ming asked the two girls to chat in the hall, while he went to the kitchen to do his own work.

In fact, Ye Ming's main purpose this time is to do an experiment. Although he promised that he would make food for Qianhuan to taste in the future, it was just a expedient word for Ye Ming to persuade Qianhuan, because he didn't know how to cook to make Qianhuan feel the taste.

Although I don't know the specific reason, Ye Ming already has a guess in his heart, which is his true Qi.

There was no difference between the dishes Ye Ming cooked last time and those made by ordinary people. The only difference was that he put real Qi in the dishes. If anything can make Qianhuan produce taste, Ye Ming only thought of his real Qi. Besides, he can't think of anything special about the dishes he cooked.

Ye Ming has been cooking for half an hour. He has eaten nearly half of the five dishes with two meat and two vegetables and one soup.

It's not that she's hungry. It's the taste of food that fascinates her. She lived for more than 20 years. This is her second taste of food.

Su Yue was stunned to see Qianhuan eat two people's portions. She thought, is it so delicious? She thinks it's just ordinary.

"Su Yue, what happened this time? You can tell us."

After dinner, Ye Ming chatted in the living room. He had already called the old man to report their safety. When he heard that Su Yue had nothing to do, the old man was very happy and embarrassed.

Hearing Ye Ming ask her about this time, Su Yue hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Ye Ming, do you think those abilities in TV are true?"

Hearing Su Yue's question, Ye Ming frowned and asked, "what's the matter? Why did you suddenly ask that? "

"This time, I met some very, very strange things."

"Strange thing?"

"Well, you've seen the surveillance, the girl who suddenly disappeared."

Ye Ming nodded: "I see, how, can that person really disappear suddenly?"

After a deep breath, Su Yue said: "Ye Ming, you know, when I first saw that video, I thought it was fake, but when I saw it with my own eyes, I had to believe it."

"That day, I saw that video, but I couldn't understand it, but someone gave me this."

Su Yue took out a long time in his coat pocket, and then took out a crumpled note.

Ye Ming took the note and found that it said: "do you want to know the answer? Lucky bar. "

"When I saw the note, I thought who had thrown it around, but after thinking about it carefully, I decided to go to the lucky bar."

"When I went to this bar, it was in the afternoon. At the beginning, they didn't let me in, saying that the bar was closed to the public. But after a while, someone gave me a note, which said that I should wear a black evening dress and take a white rose in my hand."

"Then, according to what the man said, I actually entered the bar."

Ye Ming heard this, and then said: "those people are obviously not simple, are you not afraid of accidents?"

Su more embarrassed smile: "I don't want to do something?"

Ye Ming shook his head: "if this happens again in the future, please inform me, don't take risks alone."


Ye Ming nodded: "you continue to say."

"As soon as I got to the bar, two men came to me, and then, without speaking, they took me to the bar."

"I met the girl in a secret place inside the bar."

"When those people saw that I didn't speak, they seemed to doubt my identity. Then I saw one of them wave his hand and all the girls disappeared."

"Then the man came and grabbed my wrist, it seemed that he was really exploring something, and then he was swearing again, but he was not from Jiuzhou, and I didn't know what he was talking about. Then he knocked me unconscious. When I woke up again, I was already looked at by the three men."

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