"Mr. Ye, this way of dealing with us is to let us remember our lessons. Of course, we can correct our mistakes."

"It's good that you can correct your mistakes, but don't play behind my back. If you let me know, I'll be fired directly. I like to be impersonal. Anyway, I've offended all the people in the Ye family. If you want to find me, you can do it alone."

"President, where are you talking about? We don't dare to challenge you."

Before the meeting was held, he deducted 500000 yuan from the other people's prize money. Ye Ming also killed the chicken for the monkey to see. These people were rich in their own pockets one by one, but they actually lost so much money.

Looking at this project, you can see that if you lose 30% of the shares, you can get half of it. Ye Ming is so angry that he just wants to slap these people on the table.

"I don't think it's going to take a day or two to lose money. It's necessary to save money. Which department thinks it's useless and proposes to directly cut off all the staff in the whole department, as well as the development department and the operation Department. But I think there are quite a lot of people who are useless. It's better to recruit them again, I have only one-third of other departments left for me. If all the others are dismissed, you can consider for yourself. If those who stay are useless, I will lay off your whole department. "

"Mr. Ye, you have shaken the foundation by doing so."

Ye Ming did not finish, immediately someone said that one of the powerful, Ye Ming sat there listening carefully, but did not change any meaning, or determined to withdraw those people, in this way, instead, there is a chance to recruit a number of new people, which has the meaning of exchange.

After the meeting, since some people feel depressed and in a bad mood, Ye Ming is afraid that these people can't think of it, so he directly let all the artificial people keep their accounts at each window to prevent people from jumping off the building.

Ye's big layoff has caused a lot of noise in the circle. At the same time, Ye Ming also held a recruitment post. He has to check all the interviewees one by one. At the same time, many talents have to be squeezed into Ye's family. They all know ye Ming's tricks. They also know that he always leaves no room for those bad things.

Now it seems that the Ye family really has a good future for development, so he broke his head and wanted to go in. Regardless of the others, Ye Ming directly set up a table and sat on the first floor. All the interviewers asked a few questions, and the assistant next to him recorded these people and did his best.

Ye Ming has also recruited a lot of people. He has left some useless old officials for nothing. It's better to find some young people. Maybe he has some ideas.

Ye Ming thinks so. In the evening, he specially asked his assistant to call Zhang Shaodong to have dinner. Zhang Shaodong heard Ye Ming's intention to recruit people early in the morning.

If he is not in Zhangjia, I wish I could come here by myself. I just want to see Ye Ming!

"It's rare that you want to see me when you eat."

"I specially asked you to come here for dinner today. I'm very determined about the layoff of Ye family. I didn't give those people any way back, and I'm afraid that they will do something behind their back, so I want to relax with you."

"Now you have such a strong wrist, we all see that you can't find me to relax."

"No matter how strong my wrist is, it's just a little superficial. If there aren't a few people who can manage the company, I can't say it's good. I'm looking for you to have a meal because I want you to use Zhang's management mode to help me manage Ye's. I can forge my name and identity. I just hope you can give me some advice and give you a considerable income, I'm not going to do anything about your family. There are some good medicines. Let's go out together. I just hope you, a good manager, can come here. "

When ye Ming said this, Zhang Shaodong felt that some of them could not bear it. Instead, he asked.

"I think your means are already good. How can you still think I'm good?"

"The company here not only relies on people's dignity and iron hand, but also makes them feel good. Although I can ring an alarm for these people, I can't let them submit to me. This is my fault, so I need you to come and help me."

Zhang Shaodong really wants to play his intelligence under Ye Ming's hands, but he can't finish his own work. There's no such thing as leisure. However, Ye Ming has his own way to help him give him his identity. He still sticks to his head and agrees. He also hopes that the Ye family will soon recover from the civil war and the market will be restored soon. At that time, he will be under the protection of the Ye family, Zhangjia's business will be better.

Ye Ming spent most of his time fighting with these people. He almost forgot about the medicine. The more he thought about it, the more painful his head was. As soon as he thought about it, he had a headache. After a few meals, he felt better.

"You didn't go to the Ye family mansion before. I'll take you to see it today. Since you've come to my Ye family, you're naturally a member of the Ye family. I'll take you like a brother."

Every time he talks about this, Ye Ming feels that he will soon have the same feelings as Zhang Shaodong, but he still refuses. Zhang Shaodong doesn't refuse either. He follows Ye Ming to the Ye's house.

It's well packed here. Compared with the villas of Zhang Jia, it's more rustic. Of course, some good customs of the Ye family have been handed down. Every room here has been elaborately decorated, classic and elegant.

Zhang Shaodong was full of praise.

"I didn't expect that there are so many treasures and antique furniture here. I thought Ye's old house was simple before, but now I really look down on him."

"It's all the work of the Ye family. It needs to be renovated. With the 24-hour monitoring of the place, the security guards can patrol back and forth to keep the peace here."

Ye Ming, in a trance, sees Zhang Shaodong sitting on the sofa, and actually feels that there seems to be spiritual power floating on him.

It's said that people are outstanding and it's easy to find a good place. It's said that people are the best if they have seven skilful hearts. Seeing Zhang Shaodong's aura, Ye Ming feels that his energy has increased a lot recently, so his eyes will be unusually bright.

But Zhang Shaodong doesn't seem to care. Qiao Yuyu comes out to tell Ye Ming.

"You should get closer to him and absorb his spiritual power. His spiritual power is insignificant compared with the Earth Spirit, but it's better than nothing."

That night, Zhang Shaodong lived in the old house of the Ye family.

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