Ye Ming must be ill now.

"Ye Ming..."

After reaction, he suddenly yells at Shentan, but no matter how Qiao Yuyu yells, there is no response. Ye Ming's mind is determined.

Qiao Yuyu saw that the water in the deep pool was bottomless. The gobbler opened her mouth and looked terrible. She wanted to jump together, but she was worried that if there was any problem, they would stay in the pool and no one would ask for help.

This next Qiao Yuyu is really afraid, already felt that kind of lost beloved person feeling.

Qiao Yuyu quickly contacts Zhang Shaodong, but he thinks that Ye Ming may have his own ideas. If he doesn't overcome the obstacles in his heart, Ye Ming will be so stupid that he has to give up.

All of a sudden, Qiao Yuyu didn't dare to make decisions by himself. He had no choice but to stay by the side of the deep pool.

After Ye Ming fell into the deep pool, he felt free in the water, which he had never felt before. There was a feeling of letting himself go.

Originally, Ye Ming thought that he would have difficulty breathing. What he didn't expect was that he would not be able to breathe at all. He even felt that he could breathe in the water. Maybe his vision widened after he reached a high level.

Ye Ming has this kind of ability, also feel very happy, now has arrived here, Ye Ming plans to swim here, otherwise really wasted this time, can also waste this opportunity.

"What are you thinking so much about?"

A mellow voice suddenly came out. Ye Ming never thought that there was another person in the deep pool. The most important thing was that his voice was so clear. He was a man of great skill.

"Who are you and why are you here? I only hear voices, but I don't see people."

"I'm right behind you. You can see me when you turn your head."

After hearing this, Ye Ming turned his head in surprise and saw that there was a figure.

"Who are you?"

"Like you, what do you think it is?"

"Is this your place? The whole pool is yours. Aren't you always in the dark?"

In the face of Ye Ming, one question after another, the man appeared to be a little fidgety.

"What do you do? Why don't you take out all the eight generations of my ancestors and ask about them?"

"I'm just curious about you. I don't mean to disrespect you. I'm sorry for my intrusion."

"It turned out to be a man with a lack of memory. I don't care with you any more."

Hearing this mysterious man's words, Ye Ming clearly heard the key point, that is, this person clearly knows that he is a person with a lack of memory. If this is the case, does this person have a solution?

"You seem to know me very well. You haven't introduced yourself to me yet."

The man nodded slightly.

"If you look at the emptiness in your eyes, you will know that you are a person with no memory."

"Do you have any solution?"

"It's not that there's no way. It seems that you're not optimistic about the situation."

"Or a lot of nonsense, there is no practical significance. Now what I want is something that can solve my problem."

"The key is that you are not sure. You need to get all the lost memories back. You need to know clearly that all things have causes and effects. If you get all your memories back now, you may lose one thing, cause and effect reincarnation."

Ye Ming heard such a brilliant reply, but he didn't know who the other party was. He couldn't tell the whole story. He kept communicating with him, and he couldn't be discriminated because of his lack of memory.

"I don't have to pursue all the memories of the past. I've also thought that nothing is important to me in the past. What's important is to share the present and future with the people I love, but this idea is just beautiful."

"In fact, sometimes, the memory is not important, the important thing is the heart, memory is the heart of those drops, and forget those drops, the whole heart is empty, the heart is empty, eyes can not empty?"

"Your realm is really not so high. I have never met such a high person before. You have really reached a higher realm."

"You praise me so much. I'm just saying what I really think."

Ye Ming stayed in the water for such a long time, but he didn't have any problem of suffocation. He spoke freely, or lived at ease like this. Ye Ming liked this feeling, only his own heartbeat was around him.

"It's my business and my secret. I can't say it."

Ye Ming directly dropped such a sentence, saying nothing more, waiting for a reply.

"Think about it yourself, and then tell me what you can exchange with me?"

Ye Ming is wandering in the water, and he doesn't have a suitable idea in his mind. He can't answer this question until he thinks about it clearly. The most important thing is that he doesn't know who the person is and what kind of person he is. Just when he is wandering, he suddenly rushes out of the water and scares Qiao Yuyu.

"I have one more thing to do now."

Ye Ming tells Qiao Yuyu that there is one more thing. Seeing that Ye Ming has no problem in front of her, he is relieved. Qiao Yuyu takes Ye Ming back to Ye's home.

As soon as he got home, Ye Ming changed his shoes and went directly to the bedroom. After a while, he lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Qiao Yuyu was worried and worried. He began to blame himself endlessly.

After all, Ye Ming's diving in the deep pool was very special and dangerous, but he didn't do any rescue work.

Although Ye Ming doesn't have any problems now, Qiao Yuyu doesn't have any problems at all in his heart. He is afraid to run in other places.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you suddenly jump out of the deep pool? Don't you know how worried I am about you?"

"Do you understand my mood or not? For your existence, I belong to the feeling of recovery. I'm really worried that you will suddenly disappear from my eyes and my world. If there is such a day, I think I will die. "

Let Qiao Yuyu alone say such words, the air is quiet, no one answers these questions he asked.

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