When he went to the village and took the Hukou book from Su Yue, Ye Ming was a little excited.

From then on, he was an independent person, and the Ye family was only his former home. And that so-called home has never had the slightest thought in his heart.

Su Yue looked at Ye Ming: "the household registration book has been completed. Go back and do your business."

"Yes, thank you." Ye Ming said, reach out and shake Su Yue.

Su Yue nodded shyly, and Ye Ming instantly understood that he was embarrassed to release his hand.

"I'm leaving. Thank you, Miss Su. Goodbye."

"Well, goodbye." Su Yue looks at Ye Ming's back and leaves slowly.

After leaving, Ye Ming rushed to the bus station. When he ran to the bus station, he just caught the last bus back to the village.

in the village.

Ma Junmei is cleaning up the herbs outside the door, while tiger squats on the ground playing with mud and pebbles.

"Junmei, is Ye Ming at home?"

Ma Junmei raised her head from the herb and saw the second uncle of the clan leader walking slowly with an old cigarette gun in his mouth.

"It's the second uncle." Ma Junmei went forward enthusiastically“ Second uncle, why are you here? Ye Ming... He hasn't come back yet. "

The second uncle sighed: "I haven't come back yet, alas..."

Hearing the sighing voice of the second uncle, Ma Junmei's heart tightened: "second uncle, let's go in and talk."

"No, No." The second uncle said and took another puff“ Let's talk about it here. It's a nice day. It's sunny. "

"All right." Ma Junmei said, shouting a tiger playing on the ground“ Tiger son, go to the house and carry the stool out to sit for the second grandfather. "

"Oh." The tiger answered, patted the ash on his buttocks, turned and ran into the house, and carried two stools out.

Ma Junmei and his second uncle sit down, and Hu Zi squats at Ma Junmei's feet to listen to them.

"Ye Ming has been back for several days, and I don't know what to do."

"It should be fast. It's troublesome to move the registered permanent residence."

Ma Junmei said, but she is uneasy. If ye Ming never comes back, how can she and Hu Zi survive? Since her husband died, she has been used to living alone with tiger. However, Ye Ming's appearance broke the balance and made her hope to have a shoulder to rely on.

"Second uncle, are you afraid that Ye Ming won't be able to take down this project?"

"Ye Ming is willing to contract our place. Who else is there?"

Ma Junmei frowned: "but boss Liu didn't say..."

The second uncle gave Ma Junmei a white look“ Don't you know what boss Liu is like? He just watched the Ye family get rich and wanted to make a fortune. "

Hearing this, Ma Junmei suddenly became angry, and her violent temper broke out in an instant.

"I knew that. Why is this man so shameless?"

Second uncle sighed: "as long as Ye Ming can contract down, life will be better."

Ma Junmei sighed“ It's a barren mountain here. Even if it's contracted, it will take three or four years to get better. That's so fast. "

Ma Junmei is very clear about Ye Ming's financial resources. If he does not rely on the Ye family, he is no different from the people in this village. But she also appreciated that he did not rely on the courage of the Ye family

"You don't see that he has nothing now. I can see that Ye Ming is a man of great achievements. If you serve him well, maybe the tiger will not be just a son in the future. "

Ma Junmei understood the meaning of the second uncle, but this time she did not have the strength before“ Second uncle, you are joking. I'm a widow with a towing oil bottle. How can Ye Ming look up to me and let me serve him as the godfather of tiger? I'm satisfied. "

What she wants now is to take good care of hu'er, and now she is satisfied with her comfortable life.

"Why don't you have such ambition." Second uncle patted a cigarette gun and poured out the ashes: "he's a member of our village now. His registered permanent residence has moved over. What else do you have to be afraid of?"

Ma Junmei was surprised, and she was secretly happy, but she soon put out her thoughts.

"This kind of thing can't be forced. Let's talk about it later."

She said she stood up, took the herbs into the room, clapped her hands and put on the kitchen apron.

"Second uncle, I'm going to cook first. You're cooking for a while. Ye Ming should be coming back." She gave Huzi a warning“ I'll be with your second grandfather. "

Listen to this, the tiger son some bashful walk into the clan chief two uncles. The second uncle touched Huzi's head and took out a piece of sugar from his pocket.

Tiger son in front of a bright, obediently took the sugar, sat down next to the second uncle, obediently licking the sugar. The second uncle was smoking in silence.

After a while, the sun was about to set. The second uncle turned his head and looked at the empty dirt road behind him. He shook his head helplessly.

He went into the room, looking at Ma Junmei who was cooking, and said, "I don't think ye Ming can come back today, so I'll go back first."

Ma Junmei put down the shovel in her hand and said, "the second uncle will go after dinner."

Ma Junmei's words had just finished when he heard the sound of tiger outside the door.

"Godfather, you are back at last."

Seeing tiger's lively appearance, Ye Ming's tiredness seemed to disappear in a moment. He touched tiger's head intimately.

"Godfather is back. Here you are." Ye Ming said that he took a few candies he bought at the station from his pocket and gave them to Hu Zi.

Huzi jumped up happily, ran into the room and showed off the sugar to Ma Junmei.

"Mother, you see, you see, this is the sugar that Godfather gave me."

"Yes, yes." Ma Junmei touched Hu Zi's head, turned around and walked out of the house, just to see Ye Ming come into the house: "you are back."

Ye Ming nodded“ It worries you. "

"No Ma Junmei smiles and dodges Ye Ming's eyes: "by the way, second uncle has been waiting for you all afternoon. Go and talk to him. I'll cook. "

With that, Ma Junmei went to the other side, looked back at Ye Ming and continued to cook.

"Huzi, come here and set firewood for your mother."

Ye Ming dragged a tired walk in the second uncle side, took the match from the second uncle, lit a cigarette, relieve fatigue.

The second uncle asked, "how are things going?"

Ye Ming nodded and handed the household register in his arms to the second uncle“ It's all done. " He said that he could not help thinking of Su Yue.

The second uncle looked at the words on the household register and nodded with satisfaction: "as long as the household register arrives, I don't believe it. I'll send it to boss Liu tomorrow. "

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