The next day.

Ye Ming got up early, sat at the door and lit a cigarette. He is not addicted to smoking, but also worried about money.

Soon, Ma Junmei woke up. Rubbing the sleepy eyes, looking at Ye Ming's worried appearance, he didn't say anything. He ran directly to the kitchen and began to fiddle with the breakfast of the three. Ye Ming stands up and goes back to the room. After a few postures, slowly enter the cultivation. After a while, Ye Ming heard Ma Junmei call himself to eat.

Ye Ming replied, "you eat first. I'll come right away."

Ma Junmei said: "what are you doing? Come to dinner. The children are waiting for you."

Ye Ming had a sudden flash of inspiration. I was surprised. I didn't think of it myself.

He walked out of the room quickly and gave Ma Junmei a kiss on the face“ Junmei, you are my lucky star. Ha ha ha... If it weren't for you, I would still be worried. "

Ma Junmei blushed with shame and was confused. She's just calling for dinner. Does it help? She gently beat Ye Ming with her hand and said in a low voice, "the child is still there."

Filled with joy, Ye Ming soon sat down and began to eat. Ye Ming said to Ma Junmei, "today I'm going to get the money. You let Hu Zi continue to recognize the medicine. When I come back in the evening, I'll check. You should have a good rest today and wait for me to come back. "

After dinner, Ye Ming went to the city directly by car.

I got off the bus and looked at the big city. He couldn't help worrying. I have a treasure mountain, but how to change money?

Ye Ming echoed and asked, "Yulong jade pendant, what is the most expensive medicinal material in the mountain?"

The jade pendant thought for a moment and said, "master, it's tianxingcao. You can exchange 100 pieces of Wupin spirit stone, which can be used to assist cultivation. A stone of five grades can be exchanged for four grades of one hundred, and a stone of four grades can be exchanged for three grades of one hundred, and so on. The saturation of aura of each kind of spirit stone is different, but the number of exchange is not too different. As for the spirit stone with attributes, even if it is a priceless treasure, it can be met but not sought. "

Ye Ming was stunned.

"I... I just want to spend some money instead of the stone. Just change it into the current currency. It's enough to change one hundred million. "

"Er..." the jade pendant is speechless, thinking that it is different from the past: "it's enough to take out any one. It's suggested to take the Lingshen at the foot of the mountain. There are still a lot of Lingshen here, and it's the most valuable to change it into currency. "

Ye Ming nodded and asked, "do you only need to use one idea to take it out?"

"This is not OK. He grew up in the boundary, so he had to be picked by his master himself. "

After listening to it, Ye Ming did not hesitate any more. He went to a secret place to recite the formula and entered the world of jade pendant. Come to the foot of the mountain, raise your hand to dig down. At this time, the jade pendant quickly said: "run the skill, otherwise you can't take it away“

Ye Ming nodded his head, quickly operated the skill, and took a small shovel to dig out a Lingshen. It is estimated that it has at least seven or eight hundred years of weight. And it's big, looks like a radish, and has distinct limbs. Ye Ming took a look and went out with him.

Ye Ming thought, with a wave of one hand, the Lingshen that had been dug just now appeared in front of him. He put the ginseng in his pocket and took a taxi by the side of the road“ Go to the biggest Chinese medicine store here. "

The driver took a look at Ye Ming's clothes: "brother, what medicine do you want to buy? I know a drugstore. It's absolutely authentic and cheap. "

"I don't buy medicine."

"What are you going to do?" Asked the driver.

"I sell medicine."

The driver said, "it's just a coincidence that I know the drugstore that also takes medicine. Let me see what kind of medicine it is. I know something about Chinese medicine, and I can be regarded as a person who knows the goods. "

Ye Ming pretends to take things from his bag and takes out Lingshen. He took a look in front of the driver and put it back. The driver was stunned for a moment. He responded and said, "brother, this medicine... Good medicine. How about you sell it to me and I take it away?"

Ye Ming said with a smile, "you can't afford the price. You'd better take me to the biggest drugstore."

The driver was immediately worried: "I'm afraid you're not a local. I'm a full-time drug dealer. The driver is just my sideline. Well, I'll give you 30 million dollars. How about you give me this medicine? If you can't believe me, I'll take you to a pharmaceutical factory, which is absolutely affordable. "

Ye Ming was silent for a moment and calculated in his mind. I thought: if I sell from here, I can sell more, and I don't have to worry about the later operation.

"OK, take me to the pharmaceutical factory."

The driver said with a smile: "my brother's name is... My name is Qinchuan. All the people in this business call me Qian Chuaner. I'm still famous for selling medicinal materials."

"I'm a rude man. Just call me Ye Ming."

The driver took Ye Ming to chat and soon drove to the gate of a factory. The guard looked at Qin Chuan and said, "did you bring people here again?"

Qin Chuan winked at Ye Ming and said to the guard, "this time is different. This brother is a great master. Open the door quickly. "

The guard said with a smile, "please come in, please come in."

The door was opened. Ye Ming looks at the concrete pavement on the ground, the flower bed in the middle, and the freshly painted lacquer, which shows the large scale of the factory everywhere.

Ye Ming felt that there was a play this time. He put his hand into the bag, took out the Lingshen, and went in with the driver.

Came to the chairman's office, Ye Ming looked inside the decoration and luxury. He thought that with the money, he would not have to worry about the development and investment of barren hills.

After a while, a fat man pushed the door in. He went directly to Ye Ming and said, "brother, where are your medicinal materials? May I have a look? "

Ye Ming didn't hesitate and took it out directly. The fat man looked at the big ginseng in front of him and his eyes lit up. If you take this down, it's worth it.

He looked at Qin Chuan: "Qian Chuaner, you can do it! I took the business. Come on, how much is it? "

When ye Ming was about to speak, Qian Chuaner said, "thirty five million dollars, otherwise, there is no need to talk."

The fat man thought for a while and said, "yes. But you'll have to wait a day for my money to arrive tomorrow. "

"Yes, we are all regular customers. I can rest assured. You can arrange the room and board for this brother. I have something else to do, so I'll go ahead. I'll come and pay the bill at this time tomorrow. "

Say Qin Chuan will go, Ye Ming also followed to go out. The fat boss looked at them with a smile.

Qian Chuang pulled Ye Ming and said, "brother, I'll pick you up tomorrow. Tonight, you'll make do with it. Thirty million is yours, and the remaining five million dollars... I think you understand. It's not too much to charge for me to bring you here. "

Ye Ming doesn't care about this: "it's a small matter. As soon as the money arrives, I'll give you five million. Thank you."

Qin Chuan patted Ye Ming's shoulder with satisfaction, then turned and left.

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