Ye Hua, a tough guy, finally fainted. He took a long breath.

To cooperate with Ye Hua is to seek skin with the tiger. Now that Su Yue is well, there is no need to maintain these, he said, looking at Su Yu.

"Give me a hand and take him to my room and lock him up."

They locked Ye Hua in an empty room. Su Yue needed to rest, so they went back to rest early.

The next day, Ye Ming came to see Ye Hua in his room. By this time, the medicine had passed and he woke up.

When ye Hua wakes up, he sees that he is locked in the room. When he recalls what happened before, he suddenly understands what's going on.

He was extremely angry. He didn't expect that Ye Ming's intentions were so sinister that he used such a cunning move on him.

The toxin in Ye Hua's body has spread more and more seriously. He covers his chest and coughs a few times. A pile of black blood spits out.

Ye Hua angrily hammers his hand on the door and keeps hitting it, but there is no response. He is so angry.

Because of the spread of the toxin, he collapsed to sleep on the ground, and the blood on his mouth dripped on the ground and dyed the ground red.

Just when his eyes are bleary, the sound of footsteps is approaching. It's Ye Ming who comes to see him.

Even though ye Hua is very weak to sleep on the ground, he is still very excited to see Ye Ming. He struggles to sit up, but he can't get up.

Ye Ming sees that Ye Hua's injury is getting more and more serious, and takes out a herb. This is the result of his long search, which can suppress the toxin in Ye Hua's body.

"This medicine can be regarded as a reward for saving Su Yue. I'm not so ruthless. I will never owe you."

With these words, Ye Ming sends the herbal medicine to Ye Hua's mouth. After he swallows the medicine, Ye Ming puts a hand on his back to help him luck.

After transporting Qi, ye huazihei's poisoned face got better and turned yellow slowly.

Ye Ming hands together to help him luck, slowly, his face turned white.

Ye Ming spent a lot of his own physical strength to help Ye Hua take herbal medicine. He leans on the door to rest.

Ye Hua finally recovered. When he saw Ye Ming, he wanted to kill him. But when he saw that he had come to save himself, he was angry and ready to go away.

But where to go? It's a question. In the end, I have to ask Ye Ming.

So, Ye Hua held back his anger and asked in a low voice.

"How do you get out of here?"

Ye Ming heard Ye Hua say so, also want to take the last opportunity to explain for himself, so he said.

"In fact, I don't need you to ask. I'm going to find someone to send you away. We don't owe each other anything before."

Ye Hua turned his head and didn't look at Ye Ming. His anger didn't disappear. It is only because ye Hua has asked for help that he continues to endure.

"Well, you're welcome. I just didn't expect you to be so clever. I really underestimated you before."

Ye Hua says sarcastically that Ye Ming doesn't care about this kind of sarcasm. When people are in the Jianghu, they always have to do something they can't help doing.

Ye mingdun said.

"No, I can only make a fool of myself in front of you, just to save myself."

Ye hualeng snorted and left.

Ye Ming ordered his men to prepare enough dry food for Ye Hua and the things he needed on the road, so he asked reliable people to send him away.

Seeing ye Hua off is also a satisfactory solution to this hot potato. Ye Ming smiles.

After going back, Ye Ming explained these things clearly to Su Yue, and everyone was happy.

Su Yue said to Ye Ming, "it's very good that the matter has been solved satisfactorily. Otherwise, I really don't know how to face you. If you have something, I really can't live."

Ye Ming's heart is pulled.

"It's OK. You see, it's a good ending. I won't let myself have anything to do with it. Don't worry, I have to take good care of you. "

His eyes looking at Su Yue were full of heartache. He raised his hand and gently stroked Su Yue's cheek.

Su Yue also smiles at him. Her pretty face is flushed with pink. Ye Ming can see it for a moment.

In order to celebrate the recovery of Su Yue's illness, Ye Ming decided to hold a banquet to celebrate this evening.

After Ye Ming ordered him to go down, the banquet venue was quickly arranged. He and Su Yue first went in to visit, which was very beautiful.

The whole banquet was very luxurious. Su Yue, Ye Ming, Chu Xuan, Zhang Shao were all here, and there were a lot of people coming.

At the banquet, everyone had a good time eating and drinking, especially Ye Ming and Su Yue, who enjoyed the banquet after experiencing twists and turns.

Zhang Shao suddenly gets up from his seat and shakes his glass in his hand. Ye Ming sees that he thinks he is going to toast himself, so he also gets up to welcome him.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shao is to find fault, he said frankly.

"Today's party is very lively. Everyone's party is here, but I don't think the celebration is particularly glorious. Ye Ming, you did it by all means, playing behind the scenes. "

Happy scene suddenly quiet to the extreme, the hands of the toast solidified in mid air, laughing also shut up, we suddenly silent.

All eyes are focused on Ye Ming, waiting for him to respond to this question.

Ye Ming did not explain anything for himself, because he did, undeniably.

All this is a last resort, otherwise the consequences will be much more serious than now.

Ye Ming didn't say anything, and there's no need to argue with Zhang Shao about it, especially today, we were invited to a banquet to have a good time.

He took his glass and took a drink, which was regarded as a default.

The atmosphere suddenly became very awkward. Su Yue quickly held up his glass and offered a toast to everyone to help Ye Ming make it over.

"Come on, everybody. Anyway, it's a better ending. Ye Ming saved my life."

With these words, Su Yue was the first to toast Ye Ming and thank him. Hear Su Yue say so, a few other people also follow to give ye Ming toast.

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