As soon as Wu Huiqiu raises her head, she sees Ye Ming, who has just come in at the door. Her heart stagnates. In fact, for Wu Huiqiu, Ye Ming still has some weight.

A few days ago, I was in the hospital to take care of Ye Ming, and then suddenly because of my things left.

Although a large part of the reason why Wu Huiqiu came to this stage today is that she helped Ye Mingdi by taking risks, for Wu Huiqiu, she is willing and always wants revenge.

Therefore, in Wu Huiqiu's mind, Ye Ming and the Su family do not owe themselves anything, and there is no need to feel guilty.

Wu Huiqiu looks at Ye Ming rushing in and subconsciously wants to say hello to Ye Ming. However, she thinks that all kinds of things are very messy now. She is afraid that Ye Ming is also feeling upset, so she carefully lowers her head and tries to avoid Ye Ming's eyes.

Zhao Mo is more or less aware of the change of Wu Huiqiu's eyes. Looking in the direction he can see, he finds that he and a very young man are limping over with help. For this man who suddenly appears, Zhao Mo is in a certain sixth sense, which is not good for his impression. He looks at Wu Huiqiu, who is eating with his head closed, and says.

"Is he an acquaintance? Would you like to invite him to sit down with you?"

Wu Huiqiu just said with a slight smile.

"No, just an old acquaintance."

Then he went on eating.

At this time, Ye Ming just glanced at Wu Huiqiu and Zhao Mo, both sitting in the corner.

When I was injured, it was Wu Huiqiu who had been taking care of herself all the time. Although she has not fully recovered, her injury has been much better. Ye Ming looked at Wu Huiqiu and thought that since she met her here, it was fate, so he came to say hello and thank Wu Huiqiu for taking care of herself these days.

Wu Huiqiu thought that it would be better to avoid Ye Ming, but she didn't expect that Ye Ming came to her. This surprised Wu Huiqiu, and at the same time, she didn't know what to do.

When ye Ming walks in, Wu Huiqiu pretends to see Ye Ming suddenly and says.

"Why did you come here? You're looking for Su Yue. Go and have a look. He seems to have met some problems there."

Ye Ming is really looking for Su Yue. After hearing Wu Huiqiu's words like this, he really doesn't care about the superficial things. He just exchanged a few greetings and threw his shoes. I'd like to thank you very much for the opportunity to have dinner together.

He went to Su Yue in a hurry.

Zhao Mo looks at the tone of conversation between Wu Huiqiu and Ye Ming, which is not like an ordinary old acquaintance, but also looks at Wu Huiqiu's wriggling appearance, with inner intuition.

I'm afraid Wu Huiqiu's words don't simply mean that Ye Ming is an old acquaintance. Moreover, it sounds that Ye Ming has something to do with the little girl who was rude to Wu Huiqiu just now.

On the one hand, Wu Huiqiu has something to hide from him, and on the other hand, more importantly, Wu Huiqiu has never participated in her life for so many years.

Now I meet Wu Huiqiu again because of the opportunity, thinking about what will happen with him, but I know nothing about his past, and the other party has the absolute qualification to keep silent.

Zhao Mo thought about the space and looked at Wu Huiqiu at the opposite table. In fact, years have not left any unforgettable experience on this woman.

The aging of the eyes is far greater than the relaxation of the skin. Zhao Mo thinks that this is probably the case. He is not old in the years, but he is tired in the experience.

At this time, Ye Ming and Su Yan have already stood in front of Su Yue's table. The little girl, who was usually clever and excited, is sitting in front of the table hysterically, like a child who was wronged when he was a child, crying out her pain and dissatisfaction over and over again.

The waiter of the restaurant has been arguing with Su Yue for a long time, and now almost all his patience has been consumed, but because the customer is the purpose of God, everyone stands at Su Yue's table respectfully, watching the little God go crazy.

Standing in front of the restaurant is the chef, a very three-dimensional features of the westerners, although not how handsome, but it can be seen that there is taste.

The higher the taste, the more perfect the taste.

For Su Yue's dissatisfaction, it's obvious that the chef who has been working in the restaurant for many years has some accidents, but he still stands there respectfully and doesn't know how to apologize.

Many solutions have been put forward, but Su Yue is not satisfied with all of them. Even in the end, the chef is willing to make a new steak according to Su Yue's idea, but he has not got a satisfactory reply.

At first, the number of onlookers is much less now. Most of them think that it's just a canary who has been kept in a cage for a long time. At last, they find someone to lose their temper. No matter who is in the plot, it's not very attractive.

Ye Ming and Su Yan next to him look at each other. They come forward together and begin to persuade Su Yan, but they don't know why their young lady is angry, so they can't circle them.

The chef in the restaurant has been speechless about Su Yue, and he is not willing to say a word to Su Yue. Su Yue's steak can make a new one, but he is still reluctant.

Ye Ming and Su Yan have been persuading Su Yue for a long time, but they still haven't made any progress, which makes them feel at a loss and even angry.

It's not clear to all of us why we suddenly played the big lady's temper in this way. Moreover, even if there is something wrong with the taste of the food in the restaurant, people are willing to pay for it and make a new one. When is the end.

The more Ye Ming thinks about it, the more angry he gets, but he forces his anger. Su Yue's character is clear to him. If someone forces her, then today's affair will be over.

So Ye Ming tried to pretend to be kind and said to Su Yue.

"Yue'er, be good, this matter is over like this. Come on, follow me and housekeeper Su to go home. We won't come to this store for dinner in the future."

It was better when ye Ming didn't speak. Now when Su Yue heard Ye Ming's gentle comfort, he burst into tears in the restaurant.

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