Ye Ming looked at all kinds of brands in front of him. He couldn't decide for a moment, so he chose a number plate casually.

The store manager said, "Mr. Ye, you are the owner of this car now. Please wait for two hours. I'll ask the staff to check and repair the car. Then I'll fix the interior of the car for you, and you can drive back. "

Ye Ming nodded and looked back to see his new car outside the window. There was a thrill in his mind. This was his first car.

"Trouble the store manager, but I hope you can hurry up. We are busy going back."

The store manager nodded: "I hope the guests can wait a little longer. After all, some things take some time. Please wait in the store for a while. You can turn around for a while more. "

Ye Ming has no choice but to continue to hang around with Ma Junmei and her son, looking at the cars. At this time, Xiaowen, the salesman, came over and said to Ye Ming, "Hello, Mr. Ye." She looked very embarrassed: "I hope you don't remember the villain's life and spare sister Qiu. Although she is a little mean, she is still very good. And if she loses her job, she really can't live

"What kind of decision will bring her different consequences? She asked for it. I won't help her. She can only blame herself for such a bad result today. "

With that, Ye Ming turns to leave. Since you are an adult, you should be responsible for what you say.

Xiaowen also no longer said anything, began to introduce each car to Ye Ming. And Ye Ming is slowly writing it down. He thought: if you build your own villa, you can't have only one car.

As time goes by, the store manager comes over and gives the car key to Ye Ming.

"Keep the key, Mr. Ye. The car is ready. You can call me if you need anything in the future. Here's my card. " The store manager said and handed the business card, Ye Ming took a look and put it away.

Ye Ming took Ma Junmei and Hu Zi into the car and drove out of the car. After all, it was the first time he drove his own car, and his heart was filled with excitement. After a turn in the city, he drove back to the village. As soon as they enter the village, they attract people's attention. Someone said hello to Ye Ming: "boss ye, your car is really beautiful."

When ye Ming drove home, Huzi was very excited all the way and had a good time in the back seat.

Get off when you get home. Ma Junmei cooked the meal in a hurry, and the three sat in the room to have a rest after dinner. Suddenly, there is a knock outside the door. Ye Ming gets up and opens the door. I saw Wang Yi standing at the door.

Wang Yi looked sad: "boss, can you teach me some skills? In this way, even if you go out, I can see some minor illness for the villagers. I don't have to close the shop. I can be on my own. "

Ye Ming had this idea. Seeing Wang Yi's intention, he patted him on the shoulder happily.

"Well, since you want to learn so much, I'll give it to you. Tomorrow, you and tiger will get to know each other. But how much did you remember when you helped in the store? "

Wang Yi said excitedly: "I have already remembered all the herbs in the shop."

Ye Ming nodded with satisfaction: "good, but it's not enough. There are only a few medicinal materials in the shop, and we don't have many. Remember, you still have a long way to go. I'll give you the acupoints today, and you should remember them firmly. "

Wang Yi nodded, and Ye Ming took out a small wooden figure with lots of dots on it.

"You take this wooden man and poke a silver needle at the small spot on it every day. Go and buy a bigger acupoint map by yourself, poke one and remember one. When to write it all down, I'll teach you the rest. "

Wang Yi took over the villain and took a set of silver needles from the house. Ye Ming sat at the door, thinking about things. Before long, he got up and left a note at home: "I went to the mountain. When I came back in the evening, you should eat first. Don't wait for me."

Ye Ming himself went up the mountain and came to the highest peak that he did not reach today. There is a part on the back of the mountain where ye Ming has never been. He went to the top of the mountain first, and soon climbed to the top.

Looking at the foot of the mountain, we found that it has been over exploited. Even more than one person tall trees are not a few, the ground is exposed stones. Ye Ming can't help but worry. No matter how good the planting is, no matter how good the way to raise the mountain is, you can't do anything without soil.

Ye Ming started to go down the mountain along the back of the mountain, stopping all the way. Looking at the whole barren mountain, I can only transform it a little bit.

After walking for about ten minutes, he saw a cave in front of him. Ye Ming went to have a look. It was dark. Ye Ming took out his mobile phone, turned on his flashlight and went to the cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, Ye Ming felt that the aura here was more than usual. Out of the cave but back to normal, as if the cave lock all the true Qi, do not let it leak out.

He went deep step by step, looking at the surrounding rock wall is also slowly changed color. At the beginning, the dark cliff also has the brilliance of blue and green intersection, everything looks so beautiful, deeply attracted Ye Ming. Continue to go down, the temperature is also getting lower and lower, has been practicing Ye Ming actually found himself a little cold.

He did not return and went on down. At this time, also came to the bottom of the cave, but found here as if someone had lived in general. There is a stone window in front of it, which is covered with some weeds. Next to it is a stone table with a roll of ancient books on it. Ye Ming curiously walked over and opened it to see that it was written in pre Qin characters, which was obviously different from modern characters. Although I can't recognize it completely, I can understand seven or eight out of ten.

When ye Ming read on, he felt that it was like a skill book, just like the skill left by the Ye family. But it is obviously much higher than the level of the Ye family. Ye Ming found that he couldn't understand a word in it, but he was so clear. It's like a whisper. Ye Ming looks at it and directly receives the scroll into his own space.

At this moment, the stone wall shakes. Ye Ming is about to run up, but he sees a stone wall suddenly cut away. There is a path for one person to pass. Ye Ming tries to walk in for two minutes., Holding the light of the mobile phone to shine towards the front, you can see that there is only a stone platform in front, and there is a black and white flower on it.

It is like a lotus, with half black leaves and half white leaves on the top, and the stamen in the middle is tightly folded by the two leaves. Ye Ming touched it curiously, only to find that the flower was as hard as his hand.

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