It's still dark. Ye Ming feels cold on his body, but he doesn't feel any other parts of his body. The cold makes him feel his heart is still beating, and he doesn't know anything else.

The night is diffuse, but also in the outskirts of the road, for a moment no one found them, the villa Su Yue is anxiously waiting, this wait is all night.

Until the next day, Ye Ming still didn't come back. The housekeeper seemed to see something wrong and secretly called Wu Huiqiu.

Wu Huiqiu is in the hotel over there. He is very surprised when he receives the call from the housekeeper. After Ye Ming sends him out, he goes back soon. It's impossible that there's no news yet. That is to say, it's been missing all night.

"When ye Ming sent me to the hotel, it was almost dark, so he went back. But if you say he didn't go back to the villa, I don't know. Did he go to other places?"

"How can it be? Besides, Su Yue is still sulking in the room. If he doesn't come back, the lady won't sleep well all night

"I really don't know where he's gone. Anyway, he's not here. Why don't you look for him first."

"If it's not with you, I'll send someone to look for it."

Don't be caught by Zhang Yuyan, or it will be another negotiation. By the way, Zhang Yuyan may do something to him.

"Wait a moment, I'll let Zhao Mo see if I can find the news of Zhang Yuyan?"

Wu Huiqiu is afraid that Ye Ming will be captured by Zhang Yuyan.

"Now don't panic. Zhang Yuyan always hates us. If we ask her to let Ye Ming go at this time, I think she will probably tear up the ticket. I'll send someone to search around the villa first."

It's hard to say that it rained so heavily yesterday. Su Yue was alone in the room. He didn't know how many things he broke, but he didn't know where ye Ming was. The housekeeper went to comfort her, but she was hit by a glass jar. Su Yue was soft hearted and went to have a look.

"I'm sorry, Su Yan. I'm too reckless."

"Mr. Wu Huiqiu is not there either. I suspect that he has gone to another place, or he has been caught by Zhang Yuyan. Don't be angry. Let's go to find him."

"What can I do? I'm worried about him if he will be OK."

Now it's raining all night, and there's some water. Su Yan drives Su Yue to the city to find Ye Ming's whereabouts. The place where ye Ming capsized is not far from the villa. Su Yan finds the place.

My heart was thumping. I felt that something bad was going to happen. The whole night of the car in the ditch passed, and the mud on the car was washed clean. The people down there are still missing.

"Miss, dial 120 quickly, but Sir's car..."

Su Yan didn't know they were under pressure. He went down to have a look first.

"Wait for me here, miss. I'll go down and have a look now."

Su Yue saw his familiar license plate number. It was Ye Ming's car. Unexpectedly, he had an accident on his way back. Su Yue's eyes were in his eyes. For a moment, he couldn't bear to flow down his face.

"You mustn't do anything. If you do, what can I do?"

Because it was a suburb, it was already an hour later when 120 arrived here, which was the fastest speed. But because of the shortage of manpower, the housekeeper transferred some people from the villa, turned the car over and found Ye Ming.

The success of the rescue, including the co pilot on the other man.

"What are you doing? Take it to the hospital as soon as possible! "

The sound of 120 whistles fills his ears. Ye Ming gradually feels as if he can hear the people around him, but his consciousness is still very vague. He can't understand the purpose of the person who appears in his co pilot's seat? But I remember clearly that he was a member of the Ye family, and it was against the truth to appear here.

If you want to kill yourself again, it's hard to say. Ye Ming's broken leg requires a long period of cultivation. In addition, the man also has a slight concussion and multiple fractures.

After examination, Ye Ming's injury was relatively mild. According to the truth, he soon woke up from a coma, but he was in plaster cast and couldn't move. He was lying in the intensive care unit for infusion.

It was three days later when Su Yue appeared in front of him with a mask.

Ye Ming didn't know that he had been in a coma for such a long time. He just felt dizzy and thought of few things. As long as he moved his brain, it was very painful.

Su Yue held his hand and helped him wipe the sweat on his forehead.

"Can you hear me? If you can hear me, do you know that I miss you so much now? You must be better. I've been waiting for you for a long time

Ye Ming's fingers vibrated slightly, and his body felt as if he had been crushed. The pain made him speechless. In this way, he would be in a coma and awake, but he couldn't say a word.

The housekeeper also weighs the big and small bags to see him later, but Su Yue sits beside him, sorry to disturb, Su Yan carefully looks at the diagnosis on the head of the bed.

It's already the best hospital in the city, but Su Yan still finds something fishy. Ye Ming's expression is very interesting and unclear. But the diagnosis only says that he has a broken leg. Even the person sitting on the co pilot can diagnose a concussion. Ye Ming's injury is very obvious, higher than his injury. Why is there only a fracture?

Could it be that a hospital intended to do this? When the Ye family's business was all over Yangcheng, the housekeeper also knew that it was very easy to manipulate in the hospital, as long as he bought the attending doctor.

Everyone knows the truth that people die for money and birds die for food, but these people dare to cheat under his nose. This place can't stay.

Su Yue is still silent. In Ye Ming's sorrow of not waking up, she doesn't pay attention to so many things. It can be seen that the housekeeper's face is not good, and there is another worry in her heart.

The housekeeper pulled Su Yue to the corridor and whispered in her ear.

"This hospital is likely to be bought by Zhang's group. We can't treat patients here."

"What about that?"

"This is already the best hospital. If someone from Su's family comes to pick him up in China, it will only take us a few hours to go back to China. Ye Ming's injury is serious now, so we can't delay here. Let's go back to China. There are the best hospitals and there is no problem."

"I'll arrange it right away. It's not safe for you to stay here alone."

"But ye Ming is also a person, and he can't stay here."

"I'll go through the discharge procedures now. We'll go back to China and let the Su family come to see him."

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