The boss nodded with a smile and said, "there are five in the back yard. But so far, even I dare not drive. If you are interested, you may as well go in and have a look. "

The three looked at each other and nodded in agreement. He followed the boss and saw that there was almost nothing in the yard, only a stone cutter and five stones. There are several workers sitting on the top of the stone cutting machine, smoking. A young man like a thin monkey is holding a stone and looking left and right.

Ye Ming came in and looked at the five stones and shook his head. He could feel that the five stones were smooth and tender, while inside they were white. There was only a small amount of Qi scattered, which could not match the price marked below.

His eyes swept, just saw the old man under the buttocks of the press stone. The stone aura in it is abundant, and the level of aura is much stronger than the one you just selected.

Ye Ming thought that he must find a way to get it. Ye Ming looked at the boss and said, "boss, can you take the stone I just bought and cut it?"

"I have free stone cutting here. If the guests want us, we can cut them right away."

Ye Ming nodded and said, "let's cut it here."

The boss asked two shop assistants to bring the stone. Ye Ming asked again, "boss, can I cut it myself?"

The boss nodded and agreed. Ye Ming put the stone well, only one centimeter away from the knife. The boss thought: how long does it take to cut the stone like this? This stone can be more than one meter long. If you cut it like this, I'm afraid it's too dark to finish. He reminds Ye Ming in a voice.

But ye Ming insists on it, and it's hard for the boss to say anything more. Ye Ming did not hesitate at all. He went down with a knife and poured some water on it. Then he saw a touch of green.

The boss is surprised, the following people are shouting green, Ye Ming is no accident, he has also felt the size and position of the real gas.

Instead of cutting through the incision, he dropped the stone in a different direction. When you cut the stone down, you can see that the cut jade is green at both ends.

See so, the boss a face of remorse. He thought: if there is no fault in the middle, such a big piece would be worth millions.

He quickly called out: "brother, don't cut it. So, buy it for me. Half a million. How about that? "

Ye Ming shook his head, continued to cut, changed to the side, a knife down, and green.

The old man next to him is numb. He has been cutting stones for so many years. He seldom sees thin skin and thick flesh like this stone, and the water seed is as green as oil seed. Such a large piece, as long as it is made by a good sculptor, can be more than ten times sold. And this guy got more than 60000, which is more than a hundred times.

All the people are staring at ye mingcheshi. Slowly, a whole stone was completely removed, with a small amount of stone skin on it. The whole stone has oil green seeds, the best part also has deep green seeds, and the water head is very sufficient. Looking at the stone in front of us, everyone took a breath.

Although the stone is not high, it is big enough. It can sell for millions anywhere.

The boss immediately said to the clerk, "go out and shoot."

Ye Ming smiles with satisfaction. Su Yue ran over to hold Ye Ming and said excitedly: "you are very good. You are not only good at medicine, but also good at Jianshi. Will you teach me? If I know how to do it and go here every day, it's money. "

Ye Ming smiles and points Su Yue's forehead: "it's just luck. I don't know anything about stones."

At this time, the artillery battle outside started. People came running quickly at the sound.

The boss looked at Ye Ming in a low voice and said, "brother, how about you borrow me to publicize this stone?"

Ye Ming nodded and heard the boss yell: "let's have a look. This stone is cut by this little brother. The water seeds are Yaqing and Shenqing, with sufficient water head and 47 Jin weight. Big rise! And this stone comes from our shop. "

The person watching below exploded in an instant. It's the first time they've seen such a big one. Below someone yelled: "brother, do you sell this? I'll take three million. "

Another person yelled: "fatso Lu, you are in the eye of money. Three million to take down? Brother, if you sell it, five million, five million I'll take it. "

After listening to Ye Ming, he said with a smile, "everyone be quiet. I don't think I'm going to move this stone. I hope you can understand."

The following moment quiet down, there are many people began to sweep goods in the boss's home? Ye Ming went to the boss and said, "boss, you've driven a lot of business with my stone. Let's talk about something. I want something."

The boss said with a smile: "brother, what do you like? Whatever. If it's too expensive, I can't afford it

Ye Ming said, "boss, I don't want anything. I'll give you 10000 yuan. Can you give me the stone cutting machine I just used?"

The boss looked confused and asked, "brother, what do you mean?"

Ye Ming said with a smile: "this is my first time to cut stones. I think this machine is good. I want to buy it back for luck."

"Since I like this machine, I don't have much money. I'll give it to you."

Ye Ming runs out after thanking his boss and tells the driver waiting outside to let him find a pickup truck to drive in. After a while, he put the machine on the car, of course, with the stone press.

Ye Ming leaves quickly with Su Yue and Liu long. They look at Ye Ming holding the presser stone and are curious.

Su Yue asked in a voice: "Ye Ming, what do you always do with a stone?"

Ye Ming said with a smile: "you don't understand. My biggest harvest today is it."

Then ye Ming said to the driver, "where can I sell sandpaper near here? Take us to buy more. "

The driver asked to look at Liu long, Liu long said: "listen to him, take us there."

On the road, a speeding pickup truck is pulling a stone cutter. Soon, a few people went to the place where they sold sandpaper. Without saying a word, Ye Ming took nearly 30 pieces of sandpaper.

Ye Ming several people bought sandpaper and began to return to the hotel. The driver drove smoothly and quickly, and soon returned to the hotel. Ye Ming holds the stone and goes up. They follow him and hold the jade that just came out.

Back to the room, can't help but immediately said: "Ye Ming, is it difficult that the stone you hold can be more valuable than the one in our hands?"

Ye Ming said with a smile, "if you want to know, just rub it with sandpaper."

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