Ye Ming's face suddenly turned black and speechless.

"According to you, what clues can't I tell you? To say the same is to discredit yourself? "

Chaoxiong's eyes didn't change much. Ye Ming saw that only then.

"Don't look at me with your eyes. If you don't believe me, you can go to another expert of traditional Chinese medicine. If you can't, you can go to my master to see if she will tell me the same thing."

It seems that this is true. Ye Ming is a professional in this field. It seems that it is not surprising that he comes up with these ideas at a glance.

But Qin son on one side secretly make complaints about it: Oh, he even came to be an expert himself.

"Forget it. I don't care about it with you. Lawyer Qin, according to what he said, first send someone to look into it and see if he can find any information."

Although Qin Er doesn't agree with Ye Ming, she still obeys Chao Xiong's orders. She answers immediately. It's just that it's very late now. They all work overtime now. Everyone else leaves work early, and they have to wait for tomorrow morning.

After checking the body, Ye Ming also follows Chao Xiong back to his residence, which is a two-story building with simple facilities.

Ye Ming secretly calls Li Yinyin's boyfriend a Jian after Chao Xiong goes to sleep. The latter is asleep and takes his mobile phone vaguely after waking up. When he sees that the caller is Ye Ming, he suddenly wakes up and feels sleepless.

"Hello, brother ye?"

"I ask you, do you know what happened to brother wolf?"

After Ye Ming finished, he looked at the door and suddenly felt that it was not safe to make such a call. He turned to ask ah Jian to send text on wechat.

Outside the door, Chaoxiong, who is quietly lying by the door, has a look in his eyes. However, he no longer eavesdrops, but slowly returns to his room.

"This boy is really not so simple. It seems that I have to check him first."

Chaoxiong has heard Ye Ming's words just now. It's obvious that Ye Ming knows what's going on, otherwise he won't ask. At least his relationship is not what he found. This makes Chaoxiong feel it's necessary to check Ye Ming seriously.

With this idea, Chaoxiong soon went to sleep and got up the next morning. Unexpectedly, Ye Ming was still earlier than him and was already waiting in the living room.

I'm kidding. Is there any occupation that gets up earlier than a student? Even if there is, Chaoxiong will not be included unless he wants to die suddenly. Originally, Chaoxiong wanted to get up early and ask someone to investigate Ye Ming. Seeing that Ye Ming also got up so early, he had to put it aside and have breakfast with Ye Ming.

Qin'er has asked someone to check the drugstore. Chaoxiong is also worried about letting Ye Ming leave him. He can only wait for news with Ye Ming.

Ye Ming is really bored sitting in Chaoxiong's office. He can't help coming out of the toilet for a walk. Last night he got a lot of information in Ajina, but ye Ming didn't plan to talk to Chaoxiong because it involved his secret.

"Ah Jian said that a group of people had been unhappy with brother Wolf for a long time, and they also had conflicts with brother wolf a week before his accident."

Ye Ming believes that Chaoxiong will find out about it soon, but ye Ming also has his own ideas. Maybe he can directly target through Aunt Wang's circle, but in this way, he has to dispel Chaoxiong's suspicion of himself, otherwise he can't let go of his hands to do it.

In this way, Ye Ming walks around the law firm while thinking about it. Everyone else in the firm knows that Ye Ming was brought back by Chaoxiong, and they have their own busy business, so they ignore Ye Ming. This makes Ye Ming find an interesting phenomenon.

It seems that people working here have more or less gastrointestinal problems? Otherwise, how can everyone touch their stomachs from time to time?

Ye Ming found this phenomenon and carefully observed it, found that many people really suffer from stomach disease, the work situation is not very good. Out of kindness, Ye Ming took the initiative to teach a lawyer who was eating dry bread with a face full of discomfort a set of massage techniques to relieve his stomach pain.

On the other hand, Chaoxiong takes advantage of Ye Ming's going out and calls his subordinates to check Ye Ming's call records and the previous week's travel records.

Because ye Ming was afraid to hear it, Chao Xiong quickly hung up the phone and continued to look at the documents. About 15 minutes later, his staff sent a file to his computer, which contains Ye Ming's travel records and the detailed list of telephone numbers in his address book.

"Ah Jian seems to be one of brother wolf's men, right? The boy is really in secret with brother wolf, but in this way, his suspicion is smaller, isn't it? "

The telephone record started a month ago. That is to say, Ye Ming's contact with brother Lang is not a matter of a moment. Now it seems that he really works for brother lang. in this way, it seems that Ye Ming has a reason to give the shop to him?

"If you look at it this way, his motive for killing has really become a problem. If you want to kill him, you have already killed him. Why do you have to wait until now?"

According to the data, Chaoxiong doesn't see any contradiction between brother Lang and Ye Ming, and brother Lang gives Ye Ming a berth. If the murderer is Ye Ming, what is the reason for killing?

"But anyway, there are at least two doubts about him."

Super male thought, suddenly thought of a possibility, suddenly eyes a bright murmur.

"Is it because he has grasped brother wolf's handle that brother wolf will take care of him so much? And this ah Jian is also the middleman between him and brother wolf? "

It has to be said that Lao you Tiao is Lao you Tiao. He guessed it by just a few phone records. When Chao Xiong thought about it, he immediately felt that if he wanted to really find out Ye Ming, he had to start with ah Jian.

"Wait, how long does it take this boy to go to the toilet?"

Seeing that Ye Ming has been out for at least 20 minutes, Chao Xiong's face is in a hurry and quickly stands up. I haven't been back for so long. Is it a quiet walk?

Chaoxiong came out of the office with a gloomy face. However, as soon as he came out, he saw a strange scene.

One by one, they don't work in their own work places, but they get together. It seems that they are watching something. Chaoxiong curiously steps forward and sees Ye Ming coming out of the toilet under the pretext of being surrounded by people.

"Then put your hand on your stomach and touch it for 30 seconds..."

Well, I forgot that this guy is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

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