Uncle Wang... Long time no see... Ye Ming almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. How dare you come to find him? You said you'd take me into the circle?

Uncle Wang looks more than 60 years old at most, because the wrinkles on his face are not deep. If not for his white hair, he looks ten years younger. However, in addition to his white hair, his old eyes are also very old, and several years are deeply imprinted on it.

Uncle Wang kept his eyes closed until Aunt Wang spoke. He raised his heavy eyelids. However, what came into Ye Ming's eyes were a pair of bright eyes that didn't match his age.

At a glance, Ye Ming put away all his contempt and honestly stayed behind Aunt Wang.

Uncle Wang first looked at Aunt Wang, and then glanced at Ye Ming. Then he said with a slightly hoarse voice.

"It's Miss Wang. Why do you come to visit me when you have time?"

Aunt Wang chuckled and said.

"Who dares to say uncle Wang is an old man? Uncle Wang is not old at all, but he is young. "

Uncle Wang seems to be praising Aunt Wang, which is very helpful, and the kindness in his eyes also adds a lot. He laughs.

"Don't laugh at me, you girl. You are so old that you are still young. If you have anything to do, just tell me."

Aunt Wang is no longer polite, but side over to give up the position to Ye Ming, said.

"This is my new apprentice. His name is Ye Ming. Ye Ming, call Mr. Wang quickly."

Ye Ming stepped forward obediently and saluted Uncle Wang with respect.

"Mr. Wang, my name is Ye Ming, ye of Ye, Ming of tomorrow."

Uncle Wang nodded, guessed Aunt Wang's intention and said directly.

"You want to bring him into the circle, don't you think about it?"

Aunt Wang nodded seriously and said.

"I think about it. I'll be his undertaker."

Mr. Wang didn't say any more. He suddenly took out a mobile phone with a brand more famous than Ye Ming's and handed it to Mrs. Wang.

"You can do it yourself. After that, go in and sign it and give it back to me."

With that, Uncle Wang lay back on the hammock, closed his eyes and fanned leisurely. Ye Ming looks at Aunt Wang mistily, holding her cell phone carefully like a treasure. Then she clicks on it. Within a few minutes, she suddenly lets Ye Ming stay in place, and she pushes the door directly into the room.

After that, he came out and returned the mobile phone to Uncle Wang. He just said goodbye and took Ye Ming down the mountain.

Ye Ming was completely confused by Aunt Wang and asked.

"It's settled?"

Aunt Wang said with a smile.

"Well, it's settled. We can go back now. Why, come on."

Fast is fast, but can you tell me what happened? What's the deal? It's just a cell phone. How many minutes did you click on it?

Aunt Wang saw as like as two peas in her face, and smiled, thinking of the scene she had brought to her. If there was a mirror, Aunt Wang believed that her expression was exactly the same as Ye Ming's.

After Aunt Wang finished laughing, she explained to Ye Ming.

"The times need to develop. Although Uncle Wang is old, he is the first group of high-tech things in China to contact with mobile phones. As early as 20 years ago, before smart phones were popularized, Uncle Wang had them. Our dark network has successfully transformed into a website."

Ye Ming was almost able to get through at one point.

"That is to say, just now you used his mobile phone to help me register?"


Aunt Wang looks at Ye Ming admiringly, but ye Ming still doesn't understand and can't help asking.

"And where am I going to land?"

Aunt Wang took out her mobile phone. The next minute, Ye Ming received a website link from Aunt Wang on her wechat, along with an account name and a series of complex passwords.

"You save this website, and then you can log in with this account password, but you must remember that you can't let other people know. Once you find it, you will be disqualified for life."

Ye Ming nodded his head seriously, and then could not wait to try according to Aunt Wang's words. Sure enough, in less than half a minute, Ye Ming boarded a website similar to Taobao Jingdong, but the layout on it was much simpler, and the things he sold were also different from others.

Materials: 100 thousand Ganoderma lucidum and 1 million Saussurea involucrata

Finished products: enhanced version of Huangdi pill, enhanced version of Jiuxin Pill, Qianzhu

In addition to the first two herbs, Ye Ming has never heard of or seen anything else, and has a thousand kinds of effects. Some of them are for leukemia, some for heart disease, some for eye disease, and some for hand and foot disease. Even Ye Ming, who is for foot and halitosis, has appeared, which immediately opens his eyes.

"Aunt, what are these for treating skin diseases, dandruff and bad breath? Does anyone really buy them?"

Ye Ming looks at Aunt Wang suspiciously. These drugs are replaced in pharmacies now. People who can enter the dark net should not be ordinary people. Do you need this kind of thing?

Aunt Wang seemed to see through Ye Ming's doubts and said with a smile.

"Of course, some people have bought them, and they are not a few."

Ye Ming suddenly stunned, not a few? But after listening to Aunt Wang's explanation, Ye Ming suddenly realized. There are two main reasons why it is not a minority. One is that although people who can enter the dark net are not ordinary people, they are also people who have family members. They do not need them, but their family members, relatives and friends inevitably do not need them. The other reason is that the dark net only forbids to buy and resell them, not forbid them to give them away. Therefore, these seemingly common drugs emerge at the historic moment.

However, the key is not here. The main reason why there are not a few buyers is that the effects of these drugs are much better than those bought on the market. Many of the drugs on the market are long-term fishing under the name of recuperation, while those on the dark net are different. Almost all of them are effective in one dose, and there is no need to buy them again, although the price is much higher, But can enter dark net to be short of this money?

Ye Minggang just casually looked a few eyes, and found that there are really few kinds of prices are lower than a thousand, and then Aunt Wang also said.

"Anyone can register as a merchant. If you have something good to refine, you can set your own price and put it on it. At the beginning, no one will buy it because of fame, but as long as you keep on, it's true enough to open up fame, and the income will never be lower than that of the middle class."

Aunt Wang's words can be said not to let Ye Ming heart, now he does not lack anything, is lack of money, prescription words strange eight strange his mind is more.

After coming back from Aunt Wang, it's only around 3 p.m., and if you go back, you have to go to class. Ye Ming starts to plan a money making plan directly in his hospital.

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