at night.

He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep until after midnight. However, at six o'clock in the morning, Ye Ming got up to exercise, and Su Lao stood by to fight. As soon as it's dinner time, they go back to wash up and go downstairs to have a meal.

Su Yue also got up early today and sat next to him to have a meal. After breakfast, Su went out with Ye Ming and Su Yue.

Su Yue asked curiously, "grandfather, where are we going to do this time?"

Mr. Su said with a smile: "Kunlun palace examination. As long as you pass, you can go to a higher level. However, what they choose is chance and luck. You can just act at will. "

Two people after listening to the moment to interest, not for a while, three people were carried to an open place by the driver. At this time, it was already overcrowded. Most of them are old people with a young child. Ye Ming and Su Yue get out of the car quickly and follow Su Lao. Mr. Su said hello to the old people around him, while they looked around like curious babies.

At this time, a woman's clear voice suddenly sounded on the front desk: "the tester stands to the left, and stands in line to test. If you pass, someone will take you to the next level. "

They formed a long line and began to see a lot of people, but after the queue, there were only a dozen people, and the others were accompanied. These people are young ladies in Yangcheng.

Clear and crisp female voice rings out: "begin."

The first man went up and saw that there was only one black stone on it. The young man pressed his hand directly to see the stone shining.

"Pass, wait in the back."

The second man came up, put his hand on it, but there was only a faint light. Ye Ming asked curiously: "what is the purpose of this test?"

The jade pendant whispered: "the test is talent. The brighter the light, the higher the talent. The opposite is true. This is a relatively simple way for the major sects to select their disciples in the early stage. Generally, there will be a good reward in the end. You can try to get it back. Even if it's useless, you can also wait until you have accepted your own disciples to use. "

He heard a burst of excitement, and soon came to his stage. He is a level 2 Warrior and has great talent. When his hand touched little light, the light stabbed his eyes. Even the voice of the notice trembled: "pass, next."

When all the staff finished measuring, Ye Ming looked around and there were only 12 people left. Su Yue was also among them. Although he was not so abnormal, his light was not weak at all.

Just as people were wondering where to go, they suddenly found that they were empty and fell down. He was the only one who felt that it was just an illusion. People were dazed by the illusion, but he was directly awake. The voice sounded again: "the second round first: Ye Ming!"

The people who came with me were startled. So soon the first place was chosen. This son is not in the pool.

At this time, a light spot appeared in front of him. Shaking for a moment to signal him to follow, Ye Ming followed the light to the backyard. Pushing the door, I found that there were huge figures standing inside.

The female voice rang out in his head: "defeat the bronze man, and you will win!"

With that, the bronze men here began to move. He quickly rushed over, stepped on a bronze man's foot and jumped out. He jumped directly on the bronze man's shoulder and hit him with his elbow. However, he found that there was no sign of injury.

Instead, Ye Ming was arrested. After throwing it out, it hit the ground and stirred up a burst of dust. He rolled on the spot and ejected directly, punching and kicking the bronze man. For the bronze man, the strength is not painful. He began to study the bronze man, and soon found a problem. There are small holes on the bronze man, which correspond to acupoints.

He took out the silver needles and shot them one by one. The bronze man was fixed on the ground at once, which was exactly the location of the body acupoint. He understood that he could win by hitting acupoints. After floating his silver needle back, the bronze man in front of him began to shrink by one.

According to the method just now, the silver needles are shot one by one, and the second bronze man is also smaller. All the time, by the time of the seventh bronze man, it was about one meter five. However, the strength is not a bit smaller, but more and more flexibility.

Ye Ming became more and more difficult to deal with. It took him half an hour to shoot down a bronze man.

He was too tired to breathe, and there were still three bronze men on the stage. Ye Ming's arm is also painful. After moving his arm, Ye Ming looks at the bronze man who is only half his height and rushes towards him. He quickly avoids. He finds that he is more and more skilled in using those movements. Take the body method as an example. A copper man with extremely fast speed can also escape by body method. It's impossible to win the best power, but you can shoot a bronze man out with those moves.

He slowly grasped the law of the bronze man, little by little inserted a silver needle in each bronze man. After ten hours, there were only two bronze men left.

Ye Ming tired to collapse, shaking his arm to throw a needle at the copper man, only 50 cm in the middle of the small copper man's Baihui acupoint, the small copper man instantly dissipated.

He fell heavily, gasping violently. After a long time, I didn't wait for the last little copper man. Ye Ming gets up with difficulty and looks at the copper man on the ground has turned into an acupuncture bronze man the size of a palm.

He struggled to get up, walked over and picked it up. The female voice rang out: "Congratulations, we can move on to the next project. The bronze man is the reward. "

Ye Ming smiles and puts the bronze man in his clothes. He went on to the next door. Push a door to see, just discover inside empty.

He looked around curiously, and his voice rang out: "you are the first person to come to the fourth level, and now you have the right to choose to continue or quit. Go on, double the harvest, but life is in danger. If you succeed, you must be my Kunlun disciple. When Kunlun has something to do, you can't shrink back. As compensation, you can get three kinds of cultivation materials and three medicinal herbs every month. If you do well, I will send you to Kunlun next time the gate is opened. "

At this time, Ye Ming hesitated, after all, it is not a small matter. Of course, success is a good thing. To be a Kunlun disciple is not a bad chance. However, once there is danger, what should we do? In addition, the contracted barren mountain and Ma Junmei's woman are still waiting for his care.

He stood at the door and couldn't step out for a moment.

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