When he raised his head, he saw the old man brushing the dust, and he went back to the place where he was testing. It was already late. There are only two people standing around, Su Lao and Su Yue.

See Ye Ming come out, two people quickly walk to ask: "can have what harvest?"

He will acupuncture bronze man and small flag out: "the back is too difficult, did not pass, only these two."

He knew that he could not tell anyone about Kunlun.

Mr. Su patted him on the shoulder and took them back without saying anything. Su Yue, with a curious look on his face, is playing with the bronze man of acupuncture and moxibustion, while he is thinking about becoming a Kunlun disciple. He can't tell them, or anyone. It's just trouble.

Soon, the three got home. After a day of starvation, all the meals were wolfed down. After a while, all the meals were wiped out. Ye Ming put away the dishes and chopsticks, went back to his room and took out the two jade boxes he got from the old man.

Open it and see a box with a red fruit in it. He weighed it in his hand, a little curious: "what fruit is this?"

Yulong Yupei replied: "hundred years of Zhuguo, the effect of promoting body fluid and blood circulation is pretty good."

He opened another box, which contained a small armor. Ye Ming took it out and put it on his hand. He couldn't help laughing. This armor can't even be worn by a newborn child.

Yulong jade pendant is helpless: "if the blood drops to recognize the Lord, you can wear it when the Qi is stimulated. Why don't you know such a simple thing? "

In an awkward atmosphere, Ye Ming drops a drop of his own on the armor according to the meaning of the jade pendant. The armor immediately turned into a pile of parts, and then gradually grew larger, tightly fitting his body. The bright silver armor glittered in the light, looking at himself in the mirror with a sense of extermination.

After playing for a while, he put the armor in the box and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Ye Ming got up early to prepare, and it was time to say goodbye.

He told Su Lao that he was about to leave when he was stopped by Su Yue. She's going, too. Two people eat early meal, then on the plane to leave Yangcheng.

It didn't take long to get back from Yangcheng. When they got off the plane, they waved goodbye and went back.

Ye Ming is going to pick up his car, but just out of the airport was stopped by a car. A bodyguard came down from the car and saluted Ye Ming: "Hello, Mr. Ye. Su Lao sent me to carry out the task with you. Please give me instructions. "

Ye Ming nodded: "just follow me."

The bodyguard nods, gets on the military vehicle and follows Ye Ming. Two cars drove into the city, after a mountain road twists and turns, back to the village.

Back home, Ye Ming stops the car and brings the bodyguard into the house. Tiger is running in the yard, Ma Junmei is doing needlework. Seeing ye Ming coming back, Ma Junmei immediately ran to him without saying a word, and began to feel painful. Ye Ming gently patted her on the back.

"Don't cry, there are guests at home. I'm so sorry. "

Looking at Ma Junmei crying, Ye Ming knows that she must have suffered a lot during her absence.

The bodyguard lowered his head shyly. Ma Junmei was sent into the room, then came out and asked the bodyguard, "I'll make you laugh. Please sit down. I don't know what to call it? "

"No, I was rude. I'm Lei Jun. In the next year, I will be responsible for the internal construction of the mountain here. "

"I'm really troubling you."

Lei Jun shook his head: "Mr. Ye doesn't have to be so troublesome."

"In that case, let's go to the patriarch's house."

They are also vigorous and resolute. They can do as they say and walk quickly to the patriarch's home. To the door, looking at the uncle and aunt are busy living lunch.

The second uncle saw that it was Ye Ming who came back. He quickly walked over and held his hand tightly: "Ye Ming, you are back. If you delay the project again and again, I'm afraid it's going to turn yellow. Many young people began to complain. There's no work, no pay. If you do this outside, you can make a lot of money for a day, but now you have no money. If we drag on, I'm afraid we won't have many people to do it for us. "

"Second uncle, I came back to solve this problem." He said: "this is Lei Jun. in the future, the internal transformation of barren mountain will be completed by him and his subordinates. We just need to work on it normally. "

The second uncle of the clan leader said excitedly, "thank you. In this way, I will go to the village men in the afternoon and start work in the afternoon. "

"But there's a problem." Ye Ming frowned: "second uncle, I have something else to ask you to tell the villagers about the food and accommodation after Lei Jun came here. I hope we can help the village. I think so. There are about seven or eight hundred households in our village, one for each, with a subsidy of 100 yuan a day. I'll pay for the subsidy. "

The patriarch thought and nodded. After all, the area of each family in rural areas is relatively large, and a guest room can still be vacated.

The three said everything, and the patriarch took them and asked him to have lunch at home. Ye Ming shook his head and said, "second uncle, it's not that I'm not here to eat. I've just come back. I have something to say to Junmei."

Second uncle didn't keep him. When he and Lei Jun returned home, Ma Junmei also prepared the meal in advance. Huzi sits on Ye Ming's thigh, eating a mouthful of rice, laughing with Ye Ming from time to time. After dinner, they went to the ancestral hall at the entrance of the village. Second uncle also came early. The radio reminds us to work together this afternoon. After a while, people arrive one after another,

Ye Ming stood on the stage and said, "big guy, I'm really sorry a few days ago. You can rest assured that although the work has not started in recent days, the salary will be paid as usual. And when I come back from my work, I have something to announce to you. You all call your wife and children at home and gather at the ancestral hall at the entrance of the village at night. All right, let's go up the mountain! "

After hearing this, they didn't hesitate. Those who took tools took tools, and those who drove construction vehicles ran to the barren mountains. When he got to the mountain, he found that in the past few days, the construction speed was also very fast, which had changed a lot from before, and the general appearance had already appeared.

Ye Ming and Lei Jun walk around the mountain, find a good position, prepare to open the mountain, buckle an air raid shelter, and do underground work. He also told Lei Jun about the cave he found last time. Lei Jun thought about it and prepared to use it as an exit.

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