After a week of hard work, Ye Ming has recognized a reality that if the company wants to really get on the right track, it is impossible to rely on himself. Ye Ming has been busy for a few days just because of employee benefits, working hours, business docking, advertising and so on, not to mention the information registration, financial bookkeeping and other necessary affairs. Ye Ming thinks that if he really does it all by himself, he may have no spare time to do other things, which is definitely not his original intention.

"But where can I find reliable people to help?"

Ye Ming stares at the talent market on the computer, but his heart is very tangled. If it's just an ordinary employee, his recruitment here has little influence, as long as he can pass his own level. But if you want to enter the core layer, Ye Ming is not at ease. Even if ordinary employees have good acting skills and are hidden deeply, they will have little influence on themselves. But if you recruit such a core senior, Ye Ming estimates that his company will change hands every minute.

But now, apart from recruiting in the talent market, Ye Ming can't find a good way for a while. Aunt Wang knows a lot of bosses, but none of them. So Ye Ming is entangled.

Is it a move or not? Do you want to recruit now or meet the right person later?

Ye Ming's mind is full of these problems, this crazy feeling makes him rub his hair hard, can't help but sigh.

"Well, I still have too few contacts. If I know people in this field, this problem... Wait, I know people in this field. Yes, Xiaoxiao, isn't her family in business?"

Ye Ming's face brightened, and his eyes lit up like never before.

"If I remember correctly, Xiaoxiao's aunt seems to be a talent in this field. She should know people in this field as well."

The more he thinks about it, the more feasible. Ye Ming can't help but dial Hou Xiaoxiao's phone. However, he has been away from school for some time, and he has forgotten the school's work and rest time. It's only around 9 a.m. now. Hou Xiaoxiao, who is still in school, is having a class as a head teacher.

Hou Xiaoxiao, who had not been called for a long time, didn't mute her mobile phone, so when the bell rang, not only the eyes of the whole class gathered, but also she was startled.

But fortunately, Hou Xiaoxiao's response was not slow. He took out his mobile phone and said to the head teacher: sorry, it's urgent for his family. But rushed out of the class, came to the girls' secret small base: Women's toilet.

After Ye Ming changed his mobile phone, he sent a message to everyone in the address book, and Hou Xiaoxiao was naturally included, so Hou Xiaoxiao couldn't help complaining as soon as he got through the phone.

"Ye Ming, you killed me. I'm still in class."

"Oh, I forgot. I'll call you later."

Ye Ming said that he quickly hung up the phone. Hou Xiaoxiao, who was hiding in the women's room, was in a mess in the wind. He didn't react until a long time. He couldn't help but call back.

"Ah, I'm so angry with you. I can answer the phone now!"

As soon as ye Minggang gets through, Hou Xiaoxiao's voice comes from his mobile phone. It's obvious that he's already angry.

Ye Ming quickly laughs twice and explains his purpose. Hou Xiaoxiao also slowly calmed down when he was listening. He recalled his gaffe just now. He was so ashamed that he thought... Cough, in a word, Hou Xiaoxiao felt very embarrassed and couldn't help asking.

"Ye Ming, how was I just now?"

Ye Ming's expression suddenly a Leng, some can't laugh or cry ground say.

"You didn't say anything just now. Did you hear what I just said?"

"Mm-hmm! Huh? I beg your pardon? What did you just say? "

Ye Ming suddenly speechless, but only will just repeat the words again, Hou Xiaoxiao this just listen to in the heart, a pat small chest guarantee way.

"Just leave it to me. When I finish class, let my aunt choose one for you. You don't know. Every time my aunt comes there, she always calls me to say that thanks to you, you are really her benefactor."

Hou Xiaoxiao said that it was like secretly beating the model of other people's report. He couldn't help laughing as he said it, which made Ye Ming feel a little sad.

However, the result is very good for Ye Ming. If Hou Xiaoxiao's aunt can really help pick a reliable person to come over, Ye Ming can be relieved.

In order not to disturb Hou Xiaoxiao's class, Ye Ming quickly hung up the phone. Hou Xiaoxiao didn't react until he came back to class.

"Wait, did I hear you right just now? Did Ye Ming start a company? He started a company? "

If it's not for fear of pain, Hou Xiaoxiao really wants to slap the slow witted self. He didn't ask just now, but now he has no chance, which makes Hou Xiaoxiao absent-minded in the next two classes.

Just after class, Hou Xiaoxiao ran to a place where there was no one and dialed Ye Ming's phone. Ye Ming thought she had solved the problem so soon, but unexpectedly, she just asked about starting a company. With a little disappointment, Ye Ming said about the company.

"I'm almost bored with these trifles now, but I don't know how to arrange them, so I want you to help me find a talent in this field. In fact, it doesn't need to be very powerful. The key is to be reliable."

"Well, you can ask my brother directly. There's no need to hire someone?"

Hou Xiaoxiao's words make Ye Ming a Zheng, can't help asking.

"You mean Hou Zilong?"

"Yes, you don't think my brother is so mean. In fact, he is only a small aspect. When it comes to being a person, I think my brother is very reliable."

Ye Ming scratched his head and said.

"That's not what I want to say. Are you sure your brother can help me?"

It's not that Ye Ming looks down upon Hou Zilong, but he really doesn't find out where he can help himself. Is it a hidden skill?

Hou Xiaoxiao finally hears Ye Ming's meaning, and can't help explaining.

"You don't know. My brother often praises him as a rare genius in a hundred years. When he was ten years old, my grandfather secretly dealt with it for my brother in the company..."

Hou said with a smile and told them all about their past. Ye Ming then knew why they had so many good schools and wanted to come to such a small place to study in high school. It was only then that I found that Hou Zilong was a rare talent in a hundred years.

In Hou Xiaoxiao's words, Hou Zilong has shown his amazing business talent since he was a child, so he began to train his family when he was six years old, and until he was ten years old, he has become a more professional business management talent.

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