See Ye Ming can only be light cough two will wake up bald man. The latter hit a shake up, this just rubs an eye to ask a way to Ye Ming.

"What would you like to eat?"

Ye Ming thinks about it. He doesn't seem to care much about what he eats. What he wants to eat doesn't seem to be there. Suddenly, Ye Ming remembers the instant noodles that ye Tian bought secretly when he was at home. It seems to taste good.

Ye Ming, who hasn't eaten for a long time, has an appetite and can't help saying.

"How about a bucket of instant noodles? That brand seems to be master Kang?"

Bald man suddenly silly eyes, a face looked at Ye Ming in consternation, Ye Ming to see a little guilty, not to say can casually point? Shouldn't a instant noodle be too much?

Fortunately, the bald man finally agreed to come down, which made Ye Ming feel relieved, but when he left, his eyes seemed a little strange?

The back seems to be the kitchen, Ye Ming did not go in, but back to the dining room waiting. And this wait, unexpectedly let Ye Ming wait for two hours, haven't seen instant noodles come out.

The only person in charge of cleaning is the mop man. The other two are all transferred to other places. The mop man is a little curious when he sees that Ye Ming has been waiting for so long. He asks after inadvertently approaching Ye Ming.

"I said, brother, what exactly did you order? I have to ask my master to do it for two hours, but I haven't finished it yet? "

Ye Ming scratched his head and said.

"It's nothing. Just a bucket of Master Kang's instant noodles. Even if I went down the mountain to buy it, I should have returned early, right? I don't know why it took so long

Mop the action of the man suddenly a meal, suddenly to Ye Ming firm up the thumb.

"Brother, you are a cow."

Mopping man said and left, Ye Ming a fog water to look at his back, I really excessive? There is no instant noodles around here?

Ye Ming is puzzled. At last, there is a sound coming from the kitchen. He comes out with a silver plate covered with a golden cover. When the man comes to Ye Ming and opens the golden cover, a long lost fragrance suddenly penetrates Ye Ming's nostrils. The man just puts down a golden bowl, Ye Ming can't help but take the tableware and start it directly.

It's still a familiar taste. Why does a bowl of instant noodles take so long?

Ye Ming looks at him suspiciously, only to find that the bald man has entered the kitchen again. Forget it. Eat first.

Ye Ming no longer thinks much, and is extremely satisfied to swallow the whole bowl of instant noodles with soup. After wiping his mouth, he begins to wait for the man who mops the floor to get off work.

Ye Ming sat there for another hour. Finally, when the mop man came back, there were two other people after work. After learning that Ye Ming also came from the dark net, the four soon got to know each other.

The man who mops the floor is Chen Dong, the man who cleans the table is Xiaosheng, and the man who washes the dishes is Liu Qian. Xiaosheng has been here for three years, Chen Dong for two years, and Liu Qian for half a year.

Out of the same choice of the three, Ye Ming can't help but ask suspiciously.

"Why do you prefer to stay here? Should these millions be affordable? "

Liu Qian took out a pack of cigarettes, one person sent one, and then slowly told the whole story.

Ye Ming then knew that the dizzy woman was called Shan die, which was a beautiful name, but her fate was ill fated. Ten years ago, there was a turmoil in the Shan family, mainly civil strife, in which the direct and collateral departments fought openly and secretly for property. Finally, because of different ideas, they formed two factions.

One school advocates joining the WTO. As an invisible family, the Shan family has never had any contact with the outside world. The people who advocate joining the WTO are afraid that the Shan family will have nothing to do with the outside world. They might as well go out early and have a firm foothold outside.

However, this idea seems to be very good, but both of them and the other faction know that this is just an excuse. Single family is a kind of inheritance, which is almost impossible. So everyone knows that the real purpose of this faction is not to be a tiger on the mountain, but to be a bully in the forest.

With the financial resources of a single family, once they are born to this group of people, they will definitely have a strong impact on the current economic pattern. Coupled with the idea of money first of a single family, it is very likely that there will be a capital faction in the middle of the time, which will do whatever it takes for their own interests.

So another faction came into being, which is also called peace. Shan die and his father, as the owner of the family, belong to this faction.

"The original agreement between them was that if Shan die didn't wake up in ten years, the family would be taken over by the members of the joining factions. In order not to let those demons go out and harm the common people, we all voluntarily stayed here to find a way."

As soon as Liu Qian finished his last sentence, Chen Dong joked.

"Well, I seem to have been persuaded to get rich overnight."

Liu Qian immediately laughs, while Xiaosheng explains to Ye Ming.

"In fact, Chen Dong was the first of the three of us to have this idea. Liu Qian and I could not resist the temptation of lust. Finally, we were detained to work here because we really had no money to repay."

Ye Ming can't help but look at Chen Dong a lot. He has a high ideological awareness and can successfully pull them into the water. Obviously, he is also a talent.

But ye Ming still has a little doubt, can't help asking.

"You just said that the disappearance of Shan die's father may be more or less dangerous. What about Shan die? How did she become like this? "

Chen Dong explained.

"We've just learned about it. It seems that the people of the WTO Group paid a lot of money to invite a ghost doctor to poison Shan die. During this time, we've studied around this point, and we've got a lot of eyebrows. Why don't you join us?"

Poison? If it's poison, it's easy. Ye Ming's heart suddenly knows, and he refuses with a smile.

"I'd better try my method first. If I can't, I'll say another one."

Chen Dong didn't force him either, and the three seemed to be centered on him. He didn't speak again, and the other two didn't ask. Ye Ming also learned some other information from the three people, and they all knew what they had to answer. They solved a lot of Ye Ming's doubts.

Because the rest time of the three was not long, and they had to eat, Ye Ming, who had already eaten, went back to his room.

It's still a luxury suite. Ye Ming is numb to this. He lies back in bed and starts to think about the next plan.

Although he lived there the longest time, Chen Dong was the best person to know.

"According to Chen Dong's words, the current single family situation is very delicate, which does not seem to be a good thing."

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