The next thing is natural, angry Luo long also joined the ranks of the fight, and then to the traffic police who didn't come late and didn't come early together.

Ye Ming looks at Luo Chang, whose hand is still wrapped with gauze. He is in a good mood. He thought he was unlucky enough, but he didn't expect anyone to be more unlucky than himself. And Luo long looked at Ye Ming's smiling face, and his face was gradually unable to hang up, so he quickly moved the topic.

"Well, let him go of the past. I'll take you to Luo's first. Come on, you cover your eyes first

And blindfold? Ye Ming took the eye mask that Luo Chang handed over, and his face was full of doubts. Luo Chang explains that Ye Ming understands that the Luo family is more secluded than the single family. All strangers have to wear eye masks before they can enter the Luo family.

If ye Ming didn't intrude in advance, he might have hesitated, but now after listening to the explanation, he simply put on the eye mask, and then he spent about ten minutes in front of the forest after Luo Chang's traction.

After undoing the blindfold, Ye Ming looks behind him. It's also a dark hole, but it's not the same as yesterday. The forest is in front of him. After expressing an apology to Ye Ming, Luo Chang takes Ye Ming along a marble path through the forest. Fifteen minutes later, he stands in front of a big iron door.

The iron gate is about three meters high. The sharp top seems to break through the sky. On the edge of both sides, there are two stone lions. Their expression is ferocious and ferocious, and they look lifelike.

There are two guards in the iron gate. They should know Luo Chang, so they only focus on Ye Ming.

This vision alone makes Ye Ming clearly realize the difference between the Luo family and the Shan family. Although the area of a single family is much larger than that of the Luo family, the momentum of the guard is quite different.

The single family is majestic, but ye Ming only feels that the two people's eyes are as sharp as eagles and as deep as wolves. It's obvious that they don't exist at the same level.

Instantly, Ye Ming raised his vigilance to the highest level. It seems that Luo Chang is more dangerous than he imagined.

Luo Chang goes forward and whispers a few words with the two guards. The latter soon takes his eyes back from Ye Ming, and then opens the iron door silently. The next process is similar to that of the single family. First, Luo Chang takes Ye Ming to the arranged room. Then he takes Ye Ming to get familiar with the surrounding environment. Finally, he directly takes Ye Ming to the red lake he saw yesterday.

"This is the most important water source for our single family, but a month ago, this kind of red grass suddenly overflowed. No matter what methods we used, we could not stop it."

Ye Ming went to the lake and squatted down. The water level was not too low, and it was only half a meter away from the shore. So Ye Ming could clearly see that these red water plants were just like ordinary water plants, but the colors were different. He immediately confirmed his guess.

"I'll try first. Do you have a pharmacy?"

Ye Ming stands up and looks at Luo Chang. Luo Chang wanted to see something from Ye Ming's face, but ye Ming, who has no expression and can't see the slightest joy and worry, makes him give up and nods.

"There is one in the pharmacy. I can take you there now, but I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible. Can it be cured or not?"

Ye Ming's brow suddenly a wrinkly, can't help but ask a way.

"Boss Luo, why is it so urgent? There is no time limit in the task? "

Luo long suddenly looked around and saw that there was no one else. Then he said in a low voice.

"You don't know, there's something happened in the family recently. Almost all the alert levels have been raised to the highest level. I'm worried about what will happen to you. In a word, Luo family, you are not suitable to stay for a long time now. "

Luo Long's words remind Ye Ming of the furtive man yesterday, and he can't help asking.

"May I know what happened?"

To Ye Ming's regret, Luo Chang shakes his head, then takes Ye Ming back to his residence and takes him around the pharmacy. Luo Chang leaves. It seems that the guides of these big families are only part-time, otherwise they are all so busy.

However, Luo Chang's words still made Ye Ming mention a point of view. Fortunately, the prescription recorded with Hongzhu is only a relatively simple prescription in the second level, so Ye Ming quickly found all the herbs in the pharmacy.

From the perspective of overlooking, Ye Ming's location is only at the door of the Luo family. It's estimated that Ye Ming can't even count as the front hall. According to Luo Chang, the more you go inside, the higher the authority you need. But Rao is like this. Almost all the places with the lowest authority have enough herbs, which makes Ye Ming full of expectations for the collection of the Luo family.

"Now that we have enough herbs, let's solve them as soon as possible and go back as soon as possible."

Ye Ming is full of confidence in his prescription. It only took him more than an hour to refine the medicine. Ye Ming immediately gets through the telephone left by Luo Chang, and in less than ten minutes, he appears in front of Ye Ming again.

But looking at the breathless and sweating Luo Chang, Ye Ming still couldn't help asking.

"Boss Luo, what are you doing? Why are you so tired? "

Luo Chang sighed, but he didn't want to say much about himself. He hurriedly took Ye Ming to the lake. Ye Ming saw that he didn't want to say and didn't ask much. He poured the powder out of his hand into the lake, and then Luo Chang was stunned.

The powder which was blown away by the wind and could not be seen by the naked eye was like a spark on the paper after it fell on the water surface. The red water plants withered and withered at the speed visible to the naked eye. The whole lake was like a gray wave. The red water plants disappeared everywhere. The whole scene looked very dreamy.

In less than a minute, the whole lake was covered with gray and withered water plants, and no red could be found. Ye Ming confidently smiles, claps his hands and says to Luo Chang, who is stunned and full of dullness.

"It's done with boss Luo."

Luo long was stunned for a long time before he reacted a little.

"This, this is the solution? So simple? "

Ye Ming's eyebrows suddenly pick, when a businessman in front of you said simple, first you have to doubt whether the other party is trying to pressure pay, so Ye Ming immediately said.

"It's because I'm a professional. If I were someone else. It's a question of whether we can handle it, not to mention the speed. "

"No, I think you misunderstood me. We agreed that the payment would not be less."

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