Ye Ming takes Hu Zi around and comes to the hall of the cruise ship. There is a long table with a lot of delicious food on it. Ye Ming casually picked up some and handed it to Hu Zi. Hu Zi held a small plate and ate happily. After waiting for tiger to eat, he took tiger to the playground on the top floor for him to play, but he quickly ran back to the room.

Ye Ming knocks on the door and hears a pleasant voice: "the door is not closed. Come in yourself."

Ye Ming directly pushed the door and ran in. Looking at no one on the bed, he only heard the sound of water in the bathroom. With a smile in his heart, he rushed to the bathroom. He pushed the bathroom door open with great force, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

Who is this girl? Where's my Junmei? Where am i?

The girl looked at Ye Ming and screamed. He was scared and quickly covered her mouth: "who are you? Why are you in our room? Where's my Junmei. "

The girl's tears all of a sudden flow down, the mouth open a big bite in Ye Ming's hand. Fortunately, he had already practiced, and his whole body was like refined steel. Instead of biting anything, the girl's teeth hurt a little. Ye Ming let go and heard the girl squatting on the ground sobbing in a low voice.

Looking at the crying woman, he felt that he had made a mistake and was at a loss: "I'm sorry, I'm rude. Isn't this room 12888? Why are you here? "

The girl looked at him coldly and yelled, "get out of here. Open your dog's eyes and see where it is? "

He walked out awkwardly and looked at the door number, but 13888 was written on it. She turned her back to the girl awkwardly: "sorry, I went wrong. I hope you'll forgive me. Goodbye... "Then he ran away and shut the door.

He vomited a breath, quietly went down to his room, Ma Junmei called: "who?"

"It's me. I'm back."

Just heard "pedaling pedaling", Ma Junmei ran to open the door. Ye Ming walks in, and Ma Junmei tightly forgets what happened just now.

They went to the deck and asked the sailor for two fishing rods, one for the tiger and the other for themselves. Yeh and Yeh started fishing. After a while, yeh Ming felt his fishing rod shaking. He lifted it with all his strength and watched a fish fall on the deck. He continued to throw the hook back into the sea and put his own fish into the bucket. But Huzi didn't move. All the people fishing around would harvest soon. Only Huzi's bucket was empty. The tiger son holds the red small face of the gas, looking at the fishhook, but has no idea of giving up at all. Ye Ming looks at it, smiles and doesn't speak. He continues to fish silently. After a while, the bucket is full again, but there is still no one in Huzi's bucket.

After a while, he felt that there was no fish bite in his fishing rod, and people nearby also slowly put away the fishing rod. At this time, tiger's fishing rod suddenly shakes. Ye Ming picked up the fish and found that the strength of the fish was so great that he couldn't pull it up with the strength of his second level cultivator. Ye Ming thought: I must have met a giant fish.

Mental power into a silk line, slowly down the line. At this time, Ye Ming found out what the tiger was hanging on, the overlord of the sea - killer whale. He thought that he really had no way to fight against it, so he had to take out scissors to cut the fishing line.

The fishermen around him looked at his action and laughed: "it's a pity. This fishing rod is not good. A better one might be able to pull it up. "

Ye Ming shakes his head with a smile and walks back with the tiger in his arms. At this time, a man came and said, "brother, are you interested in playing two cards in the evening?"

He raised his eyebrows and said, "is there a chess room on this ship?"

"Nothing. You can play anything you can afford."

"I'll see if I have time."

"At 11:30 in the evening, I'll wait for you in the hall on the first floor. After a little, I can't get in any money! Well, I'll go first

Ye Ming nodded and went back with the tiger on his back.

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