Gull is still just a second-class member now, where know these things, so also for a moment to Ye Ming refute silence. As the eldest, they are all silent, and they can't help thinking carefully about the previous words of Ye Ming and Fu Ming.

Ye Ming is relieved to see this. Although there is no basis for his statement, don't forget the situation and human nature of everyone. Everyone is born with the ability of self consolation. No one is willing to keep himself in a shadow mood. So next, Ye Ming believes that he doesn't need to remedy the loopholes one by one, just wait, They will fill it in automatically.

In fact, Ye Ming doesn't have much hope for his guess. At the beginning, he was so confident because of the unknown situation. With Ou Li's words, Ye Ming also began to think that things should not be as simple as what the man in suit said. Generally speaking, he seems to have been cheated again

However, it's good for Ye Ming to be able to stabilize people's emotions, so that he can also think about the next countermeasures. If the enemy is still in civil strife, Ye Ming will definitely disturb his thoughts.

What ye Ming doesn't know is that the old man with white beard on the other side, as Gulli said, has already started planning to clean up the population as soon as the utilization value of Ye Ming and others has passed.

"Captain Tian, don't worry. We don't have enough food to support these uncertain factors. When the next group of members come out, I will arrange their affairs."

The old man with white beard is called Xi Rui. He is an old rebel. He knows that the organizational thinking of these patrol members has been deeply rooted. Instead of taking risks, he should wait for the upper class to wash their brains. The efficiency and benefit are at least twice as high as those of the lower class. After all, they just need some miners, Combat capability is not a consideration.

If ye Ming knew that the reality was really like what Gulli said, he would be embarrassed. However, under his guidance, people really began to accept this statement. Can not die, no one does not want to live, let alone for their own self-esteem to find enough reasons to save. Finally, he accepted the best and true of Guanxi and fuming. Then, under the influence of their hard work, the others gradually abandoned their reserve and joined the digging army.

Time flies, and soon it's time for dinner. Shirui, an old man with white beard, knows the arrogance of these patrols. Although he is in charge of No. 6 mine, Shirui doesn't expect these people to give in and work willingly for himself in a short time.

However, Xirui has many ways to break their arrogance, so this time, he also comes with the meal delivery. Liwei is the first premise to make them clever.

However, when he followed the logistics personnel and the accompanying guards to the No. 6 mine, he was dumbfounded. It was only a place where the crumble had been cleared, and the soil was stacked in the passageway, neatly stacked on both sides. Everyone focused on the mud before him, and waving his shovel with great effort.

"What's the situation?"

When siriton was in a daze, what about the arrogance? This, this is too aware of current affairs, right? However, what makes Xirui feel more numb is that the other party will show a gentle and kind smile after seeing himself!

What the hell is this? Xi Rui can't help the strange atmosphere. He is clearly enemies to each other. How can he smile more brightly than when he sees his boss? After delivering the meal, Xi Rui doesn't care about Liwei, so he takes all the people out of the mine. It seems that he's afraid that they have a big plot to deal with him.

And this scene also made gull misunderstand: they didn't really make trouble, is what the boy said true? Another camp on the rebel side?

The feeling of a narrow escape was a delight when the gulls were in the air, and the hand that shook the shovel was more intense. Although he has become a prisoner, Gulli is still the eldest of his own, so he doesn't mean to have a rest, and other people dare not relax. It's a delicious meal not far away without anyone moving.

Only Ye Ming kept peeping greedily, and suddenly a faint regret Rose: I'm afraid it won't be self defeating

After leaving, Xirui was confused, but it was not easy to send someone to inquire, so he could only put the matter aside for the time being, but he murmured when he left.

"It's a pity that these meals are too expensive. I wanted to use both carrot and stick."

But Xi Rui didn't give up on it. As a former front-line commander, he was well aware of the cunning and routine of those base members. This time, he was probably playing some new routine, so he still went to deliver the meal in person for the second time. This time, he even found a good topic for discussion: no matter how hard he did it, he just used the progress to spray Liwei, Then hard and soft!

But when he appeared in No. 6 mine again, he was stunned and speechless again.

Is it because ye Ming and others are working harder? No, at the moment, what is reflected in his eyes is the figure of horizontal five and vertical six. The people who have been digging all night finally fall asleep when they are dozing in the gull. Gull wanted to wait for Siri to come to sleep, but soon fell into deep sleep after the infection of the people.

Originally, this should be a good Liwei point of Xirui, but now the problem is that Ye Ming and others have completely dug the mine hole! How to find the residue?

Now Xi Rui is a little confused about Ye Ming's attitude. But he just pretends to be kind enough to wake them up. After a little appreciation, he arranges them to go back to rest.

"Well, I don't believe you're not going to show anything."

Xirui, with such a thought, was not in a hurry to find out the intention of the people. After arranging a new job, he left. Now his superiors are quite a while away from the next batch of members, which is the last use value of Ye Ming and others.

Xirui didn't think that Ye Ming and others worked so hard because they knew the current affairs, but it didn't affect his plan. On the contrary, it would save him a lot of Liwei's time. So Xirui didn't go to No. 6 mine in person in the following days, but he didn't cut off everyone's food.

And eat well, live well, that is, work a little bit hard, and finally fully accept Ye Ming's guess. If we only deal with slaves, where can we have such good conditions?

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