"What if I tell you it's basically impossible?"

Fu Ming was immediately worried when he heard the speech. He quickly stood up and said Ye Ming's previous conjecture again, especially emphasizing that the two camps' words came from the guide.

Xi Rui is familiar with the public after getting along with them for so long, so he doesn't hide it and says frankly.

"It's true that our rebel forces can leave here by promoting to the third level, but let's not say that people who leave here by this way will be subject to" special treatment ". Then you have to join our rebel forces first."

All of a sudden, everyone finally understood that what ye Ming had said before was all nonsense! For a moment, a little unacceptable gull, is almost collapsed to raise his head and shout.

"Henry! You son of a bitch, liar

This farce caused by misunderstanding is finally over. As a result, Ye Ming successfully escaped from camp 3, but it is also a complete offense to everyone, including Xi Rui. No one wants to play monkey in the dark, so everyone is full of killing Ye Ming for a moment.

Al Qaeda's response was stronger than theirs. Al Qaeda, which felt dignified and provoked, immediately ordered the whole city to search and arrest. For a moment, people in area a were in danger, and they were terrified by the patrol soldiers who suddenly came to the door to investigate.

District A is a mixed place. Although patrols can be seen everywhere, their existence is aimed at riots or riots. Although they are prohibited on the surface, they actually turn a blind eye and have no influence on some behaviors.

And this big search can be described as suffering such a group of people, and Ye Ming, as the protagonist of the matter, has already disguised Qiao as one of its original residents.

In a narrow room, several soldiers are interrogating a disheveled man, while a soldier is searching the accommodation nearby.

"Did you see this man?"

A soldier took out a print that still smelled ink and handed it to the sleepy man. The man rubbed his eyes sleepily, forced a look, and then shook his head heavily. The soldier frowned slightly. They knocked on the door for a long time before opening the room. They thought there would be something to gain, but after seeing the man in front of him, he didn't hold much hope.

What was more unbearable than him was that the soldier who was searching, when he opened the rickety wardrobe, the pile of smelly socks that had not touched the water for a long time almost made him vomit out. Finally, he left the room which was even dirtier than the garbage dump after a mess.

What they didn't know was that when they slammed the door heavily, the man with bleary eyes suddenly showed a smile. What they didn't know was that there was a dizzy man lying under the wooden bed where he was sitting.

This unkempt man is the owner Ye Ming in the photo just now. In terms of camouflage, Ye Ming is very confident. Although he chose the house temporarily, he was unexpectedly satisfied and muddled through.

However, Ye Ming is not careless. Although the footsteps of the soldiers who searched are gradually away, he still keeps his face and doesn't clean up the room that has been searched. Instead, he casually picks up some books on the ground.

Ye Ming just turned a few pages, but for the sake of safety, Ye Ming still temporarily pressed his mood, lifted the wake-up board, threw the notebook on the comatose man, then covered the bed board and continued to lie on it to pretend to sleep.

Sure enough, about ten minutes later, there was another thump outside the door. Ye Ming came forward with a tired face. After opening the door, there were still four armed soldiers, but they were not the former four.

Maybe it's just a reexamination. After seeing ye Ming's room in chaos, as if it had just been smashed by someone, the four soldiers just glanced at it and quickly exited from the room under the stench. Naturally, the wooden door, which was already crumbling, was hit maliciously again.

Ye Ming was still in no hurry. He continued to lie back on the bed, and then there was the third wave and the fourth wave. Until the wooden door could not be closed, Ye Ming waited for half an hour, and then he sat up with a sigh of relief.

Caution is the premise of life protection. Although Ye Ming does not know the specific means of the base, this does not hinder his speculation. Although no one is on it now, Ye Ming estimates that such a search will last for at least a few days. However, for the moment, there should be no more people coming to the door today. As the saying goes, we have to take a breath when we hang our necks. Raids are definitely more effective than continuous searches.

So Ye Ming's eyes suddenly became cold. He didn't forget what kind of scum was lying under his bed. After lifting the bed board, the figure appears in Ye Ming's sight again.

Originally, Ye Ming felt a little guilty for him. After all, he was a natural and man-made disaster for him. However, after reading the inhuman contents in his notebook, Ye Ming immediately cleaned up this kind of humanity, even if he gave him a pleasure.

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