Ye Ming shook his head helplessly and didn't say anything. He went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Lei Jun walked by and asked Ye Ming with a smile: "you're going too fast today. You don't wait for me. Why are you cooking, sister-in-law? "

He didn't pay attention to Lei Jun's cooking. Seeing that he didn't answer himself, he looked very depressed and said quietly, "what's the matter? I'm angry with my wife. "

"Well." He nodded and went on with the pot.

Lei Jun said with a smile: "life is like cooking. The spoon doesn't touch the edge of the pot. Husband and wife are not enemies. If you talk about it well, apology will be over." He said, took the frying pan: "you go to rest, today let you see my craft."

He still didn't say nothing. After throwing the frying pan to Lei Jun, he came out of the room and looked at the egg he found.

Before long, Lei Jun yelled in a loud voice: "come on, have a taste. The fried lotus root slices just came out of the pot, and the fried meat."

Ye Ming put the egg into the purse, looking at the two dishes in front of him and eating rice mechanically.

Lei Jun looks at Ye Ming's action and shakes his head helplessly: "it's just a fight, not a separation. Just have a good meal and go back to make a good apology in the evening. All right, eat quickly. "

With that, Lei Jun shakes his head and goes out. Ye Ming takes out the egg and puts it on the table and looks at it carefully. The whole egg looks like it is about to crack. The lines on it are dense and gathering in the middle little by little. Ye Ming's eyes never blink. He closely watches the whole egg begin to change. Little by little, there are more and more cracks in the whole egg, Ye Ming also slowly toward the inside delivery of aura, see inside the little guy's power is also more and more strong!

Finally, a small eggshell fell down, and Ye Ming was not worried. He slowly waited for the birth of this little life. A little bit of Ye Ming saw the little beast's toes and pulled out the shell to stop him from coming out. Small pieces of eggshells fell down again, and most of the little beast's body leaked out. He saw the little beast holding things around with its eyes closed and forepaws, The hum came out.

Ye Ming smiles and flushes a glass of spirit water with spirit stone for the little beast. He slowly feeds the little beast and drinks it. The little beast who drinks the spirit water also makes great efforts to kick off the whole eggshell. Ye Ming is about to take away the eggshell. He looks at the little beast turning his head and slowly eating the eggshell, chewing it carefully, as if it has a good taste.

Ye Ming takes out a box, gently puts the animal in, and slowly takes it back to the room. Then he sees that the animal eating the eggshell is also growing rapidly. His eyes, which had not been opened before, are also gently opened. His big eyes, which are full of water and spirit, look around curiously. Only when he sees Ye Ming, do he shout twice happily, Ye Ming takes out the silver needle and pricks it gently. He drops his blood on the beast card. Ye Ming can also understand what the little beast says.

"Mom, don't poke me. It hurts!"

After hearing this, Ye Ming turned around and didn't find the same animal. Ye Ming pointed to himself and said, "Mom?"

The little beast nodded fiercely. Ye Ming held his forehead and did not speak any more. Looking at the little beast, he said, "you will be called a Dai in the future. That box is your nest, and there's more! I'm not my mother

The little beast looks at Ye Ming and shrinks his neck, but he still nods, stretches his weak little wings, and is about to fly. But after working hard for a long time, Ye Ming still turns around in the same place. Looking at ah Dai, Ye Ming takes him back to the box and goes to bed.

The next morning, Ye Ming was awakened by a groan. He saw Ah Dai lying on the edge of the box and crying in a low voice: "I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry. Ye Ming got up, walked over and picked up the spirit water left over yesterday and fed ah Dai slowly. Ye Ming looked at ah Dai as if he was a little bigger than when he was born last night. Originally, he was only the size of a palm, but now he has grown up a lot, His hair is fluffy. He looks like a little lion. From a distance, he looks like a small ball. He is very cute. When ye Ming sees that Honghong is up, Honghong says, "give it to me. I'll raise it."

Ye Ming nodded and saw fox Honghong go away with a daze in her mouth. Ye Ming made a set of moves and started to deal with it. He made some breakfast and ran up the mountain after eating casually. Looking at the empty mountain top in the morning, he calmed down slowly. Ye Ming saw that the first mountain around him was improved successfully, Looking at the green trees at the foot of the mountain, I also have a sense of achievement in my heart.

At this time, the workers also began to work. Ye Ming looked at the people who were busy working and poured water with his own bucket and kettle. Ye Ming slowly turned his mountain.

At this time, the mobile phone rings. Ye Ming looks at the number. It's sun Hu's phone and answers it immediately: "brother tiger, have you finished it? When will you come over?"

"Ha ha, brother ye, I'm fast. I'll be there in two or three days. Brother ye, can I ask you something?"

"Brother tiger, you'll be surprised if you say that. It's OK to say anything, as long as I can help you!"

"This... Is such a family girl who has been vomiting since she came back from the sea, and now she has passed out in a coma. Can you come here sometime, and I can go to your place with my daughter after cure, otherwise I can't leave!"

Ye Ming immediately agreed: "good tiger brother, three days at the latest! I'll do what I'm doing, and I'll be there! "

They hang up the phone as soon as they make an appointment. Ye Ming touches ah Dai and thinks about the conflict with Ma Junmei. He is also agitated and goes directly into the jade pendant space. He goes straight to the back mountain, sits in a small shed and begins to play the piano.

A Dai looks at the Linghu in front of him. His eyes are round and he jumps in quickly with small steps. Ye Ming looks at the score and plays it over and over again. He doesn't remember it very long.

Plucking the strings, the sound of Ding Dong came out, and soon the small animals around ran to Ye Ming, surrounded by the inside and outside circles. When ye Ming was playing, the sound waves were with a trace of pain and sadness, and the animals were also units, wiping tears, one by one, they were very sad.

Ye Ming was also surprised to see this. If so, would he not be able to learn two Crusade songs in the future!!

Ye Ming turns around and finds the problem. There are no small animals in it! Looking at the distance, I found that the sales were swimming in the water, which had not been affected at all!

At this time, Ye Ming also adjusted his mood, called back the little beast, took the little beast out of the space and went down the mountain to his home.

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