When Zhang Yu took over Sun Yi's illness, he was very excited.

The examination in the hospital is very professional. Sun Yi has no disease, and her physical function is normal, but she is still unconscious.

In fact, the hospital has nothing to do with Sun Yi's symptoms, but Zhang Yu says he has a way.

In fact, what Zhang Yu can do is that he thinks that Sun Yi's illness is an opportunity for him, an opportunity to soar.

Zhang Yu was born in a famous school. Although he is now the director of the largest hospital in D City, he is obviously not satisfied. After seeing Sun Yi's symptoms, he felt that his opportunity had come.

Many people see Sun Yi's symptoms and think that what she is suffering from is a special disease. Only Zhang Yu thinks that Sun Yi is not a disease. It is very likely that she is suffering from this kind of symptom after eating something.

What Zhang Yu wants to do is to find this kind of thing. Once successful, he may not only discover new species, but also bring great leap forward to the medical field.

After all, this kind of thing, which is not harmful to human body, but can make people coma, is of great use in medicine. Anesthesia, immobilization, etc.

As the inventor and founder of this kind of thing, he can not only gain fame, but also gain wealth.

So Zhang Yucai wanted to operate on Sun Yi to see what he ate in his stomach.

"What about your hospital? What's the matter with your hospital? My daughter has woken up. Now there's no matter with your hospital. You all go out for me. "

Hearing sun Hu say that Sun Yi is awake, Zhang Yu shrinks her pupils and looks towards the hospital bed. Sure enough, he sees Sun Yi blinking at them, but she looks weak.

"Why, how can she wake up?"

Zhang Yu's heart is about to explode. His good plan has been ruined. So does Sun Hu. He won't let him operate on Sun Yi. Isn't he worried about his daughter's safety?

Although he was very angry, Zhang Yu didn't show it. He thought he should try to remedy his plan.

"Mr. Sun, this man openly committed a murder in our hospital, we are qualified to blow him out of the hospital," Zhang Yu pushed her glasses and said solemnly to sun Hu: "Lingyuan wakes up, which shows that the treatment in our hospital is effective. In order to ensure safety, we still hope to give Lingyuan a check to see if she is completely cured."

"Ha ha," Sun Hu laughed angrily, "what's the treatment effect of your hospital? Your hospital has the therapeutic effect of fart. It's not my brother ye who can save my daughter. "

"And what do you want to do when you want to take my daughter away again and again?"

By sun Hu inadvertently said in mind, Zhang Yu eyes flash a fluster, but soon he hid.

"Mr. Sun, we are only for the good of your daughter."

"This person has no medical skills at all. Don't be cheated by him. Lingyuan was rescued by our hospital and has nothing to do with him."

"OK, OK," Sun Hu waved his hand and said impatiently, "don't talk to me about this. Now, get out of here, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Mr. Sun, I..."

"Go away."

Looking at Sun Hu, who was on the verge of anger, Zhang Yu frowned and said, "I hope you don't regret it."

After that, he left in a hurry.

The group of security guards you look at me, I look at you, and finally left bitterly.

"I'm sorry, brother Ye."

Sun Hu apologizes to Ye Ming with a smile. Ye Ming waves his hand and says it doesn't matter.

"Come on, let me give you a formal introduction."

Sun Hu pointed to Sun Yi and said, "brother ye, this is my daughter, Sun Yi. She is 20 years old and is going to university in D city."

"Come on, girl, this is your Uncle Ye. He is a very capable man. Don't be rude."

"Uncle Ye, it's not much bigger than me." Sun Yi murmured reluctantly.

Ye Ming smiles and doesn't speak.

He was still thinking about what happened just now. It was not that he was fussy, but that he thought it was a bit strange.

In principle, Ye Ming cured Sun Yi and saved face for their hospital. But why does the director have to hold Ye Ming back? And why does he have to operate on Sun Yi? Even if Sun Yi is awake, why does he have to pull her to check?

And when he left just now, Zhang Yu's look told him that this matter should not be finished, and he must have some backhand.

"Brother ye, do you think my daughter still needs to be hospitalized?"

"No, now we're out of the hospital. Xiaoyi hasn't eaten for three days. We'll take her to dinner." With the attitude that more is better than less, Ye Ming decides to leave the hospital early to avoid more trouble.

"Hey, hooligan, don't call me Xiaoyi."

Hearing Ye Ming call her Xiao Yi, Sun Yi is reluctant, but who Ye Ming is? I'm afraid she can surpass the Great Wall.

Ye Ming: "OK, Xiaoyi"

Sun Yi

Leaving an assistant to go through the discharge procedures in the hospital, Ye Ming drove to a very formal Chinese restaurant.

Of course, it's Ye Ming's request to come to the Chinese restaurant. He thinks he should order some regular Chinese food for Sun Yi to make up for her.

After the three were seated in the Chinese restaurant, Sun Yi couldn't wait to call the waiter.

Originally she was hungry, but now she can't help smelling the delicious food in the restaurant.

"Waiter, I want to eat this, this, and this, this..."

Sun Yi ordered more than ten dishes at a time, and then urged the waiter: "go, go, let them do it quickly, I'm starving."

With that, he took the teacup on the table and gave it a mouthful.

"You girl, you have no rules. You should let Uncle Ye order first."

Sun Hu stares at Sun Yi, then takes the menu from the waiter and hands it to Ye Ming.

Sun Yi made a face at Sun Hu and ignored him.

Ye Ming did not refuse. After taking the menu, he casually said to the waiter, "waiter, please cross out all the dishes you just ordered."

"Ye, you, what do you say? Why do you cross my order?"

Hearing that Ye Ming wants to cross off her order, Sun Yi almost doesn't jump up in anger.

Ye Ming said helplessly: "I'm for your own good. The dish you ordered just now is too spicy. You haven't eaten for several days. Now eating these things will damage your stomach."

With that, Ye Ming felt that persuasion was not enough, and added: "it will make your face full of acne."

Hearing Ye Ming say that the dishes just now are harmful to his daughter's health, sun Hu immediately said: "yes, brother Ye is right. As soon as you wake up, if you can eat those things, listen to brother Ye."

Then he said to the waiter, "Miss, please row the dishes just now and ask this gentleman to order again."

The waiter was helpless, but who let them be guests? So she rowed the dishes one by one and asked Ye Ming to order them again.

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