When the plague broke out, the father-in-law led the people in the stockade to take the plague victims to the cave on the mountain to settle down. He ordered people to clean the streets and the hall every day to stop snakes, insects, rats and ants. Moreover, the father-in-law would boil Chinese medicine and distribute it every day. In this way, although some people got the plague, it was still controlled within a certain range.

Ye Ming is very impressed. He also learns that there is a shortage of traditional Chinese medicine in this village, and the epidemic is gradually out of control. Ye Ming is also powerless to help these people.

At this time, ye clearly thought of another thing. Now he has found an effective way to deal with the plague. Ye Ming is sure that as long as he has a large number of medicinal materials, he will save many people. But it's really hard to collect the medicinal materials. It's just that the six masters are in urgent need of themselves. If they cooperate with the four families, the medicinal materials will become a trivial matter.

"Xiao Qiao, what do you think of the four big families where we go to borrow some medicinal materials?"

"Well, why can we borrow it? Now the plague is rampant. As long as it's medicinal materials, everyone will treasure them. How can these four families give us medicinal materials?"

Ye Ming smiles and whispers something in Xiao Qiao's ear. Xiao Qiao looks at Ye Ming in shock.

"I can assure you that we are safe. As long as we do this well, we will not worry about herbal medicine any more."

Xiao Qiao looked at Ye Ming seriously and said solemnly.

"You're sure, if we're found out, we'll die."

"Don't worry, even if I die, I will die before you."

"Well, let's go."

Go to the sixth master. Ye Ming said goodbye to the father-in-law and went to the place where the four families gathered.

Ye Ming resigns from his father-in-law and walks out of the village. When he arrives at a cave, Ye Ming immediately pretends to have a stomach ache and says to Xiao Qiao.

"Oh, no, no, Little Joe, wait for me! I'll come as soon as I go. I'm in a hurry! "

Xiao Qiao was scared by Ye Ming's state at the beginning. When ye Ming finished, Xiao Qiao blushed and nodded. Ye Mingfei had to run into the cave.

Ye Ming goes into the cave and confirms that Xiao Qiao won't come in outside. He quickly takes out his own medicinal materials and sorts them bit by bit. After sorting, Ye Ming uses his internal power to wrap the medicinal materials. The medicinal materials rise one after another. Ye Ming controls the medicinal materials in the air with his left hand, and his right hand fiercely stretches out. An unknown fire gets angry from Ye Ming's hand, Ye Ming pushed the nameless fire in his palm and went straight to the medicinal materials suspended in the air.

This nameless fire doesn't have any temperature, and the herbs don't turn to ashes when they are attached to the top. They melt slowly, and a little bit of black impurities are burned up by this nameless fire and calcined several times.

After Ye Ming determined that there were no more impurities, he controlled the pill to form exactly two pills slowly. In fact, Ye Ming grasped the time very well and finished the alchemy in just a few minutes.

Ye Ming comes out of the cave and smiles awkwardly at Xiao Qiao's side. Ye Ming takes out a bottle from his arms. As soon as the bottle arrives, two crystal clear pills appear in Ye Ming's hand.

"What's this?"

"It's a good thing. I saw it by accident at that time. It's called shaping Dan. After eating it, he can change his appearance as he likes. This time, I'm going to visit four families. It's time for shaping Dan to come into use."

Ye Ming looks at Xiao Qiao puzzled and explains quickly. In order to prevent Xiao Qiao from suspecting, he makes up a lot of lies. Ye Ming feels that this lie is more tiring than those who refine those pills.

Ye Ming looks at Xiao Qiao's doubts and eats the shaping pill into his mouth. After a while, he sees that Ye Ming's face begins to shake and waves appear under his skin. After a while, a brand new face appears in front of Xiao Qiao's eyes. Xiao Qiao looks at Ye Ming in surprise. There is silence all around for a moment.

"It's easy. You can try it."

Under the supervision of Ye Ming, Xiao Qiao opens his mouth and carefully puts the pill on his mouth. Don't make sure that the pill is only effective for a while. After time, it will automatically reply. Xiao Qiao closes his eyes and takes it reluctantly. After a while, has Xiao Qiao completely changed, if anyone can recognize Xiao Qiao, Then this man must be a close relative of Little Joe.

After they finished their casual clothes, Ye Ming took out a mask and put it on his face. Ye Ming explains quickly when he sees Xiao Qiao's puzzled eyes.

"Hey, hey, I've been ready for a long time. This is the idol effect when I buy one on the street now."

Little Joe didn't doubt that he was on his way.

Ten o'clock at noon, they changed their appearance and came to the sixth master's villa. The guard at the door looked at the silver faced white clothes and immediately came forward to greet them respectfully. Ye Ming laughs at the guard.

"You are not afraid that I am a liar."

"The miracle doctor is joking. A few days ago, countless cheaters were killed. No one dares to pretend to be a miracle doctor these days. Moreover, there is an assessment. If the assessment fails, the miracle doctor is incompetent and will die. People all over the world know about it, so... "

Ye Ming also knows about the assessment, but he is a silver faced immortal doctor, so he is not afraid. But Xiao Qiao doesn't know. He pulls Ye Ming's clothes and sees that Ye Ming ignores her. Xiao Qiao wants to drag Ye Ming away by force. At this time, Ye Ming pats Xiao Qiao's hand. Xiao Qiao calms down when he sees that Ye Ming is confident and says that he really can't do it.

When he entered the living room, he saw that the sixth master was sitting on the sofa and lying down. Ye Ming thought that the sixth master was in high spirits a few days ago. Who ever thought that if he didn't see him these days, the sixth master was also haggard. It seems that the four families are really seriously injured.

The sixth master on the sofa saw that the silver faced immortal doctor came to him, so he shook and motioned to Ye Ming to sit down. Ye Ming was not angry and did it. The sixth master then said to the bodyguard beside him.

"Go and call Mr. Wu, and say that the silver faced immortal doctor has arrived. Let him come out and meet him quickly."

After a while, saw a doctor like old man came to Ye Ming, carefully looked at Ye Ming, and then pulled Ye Ming toward the pharmacy.

Mr. Wu took out a package of medicine and opened it to Ye Ming. Ye Ming knew that Mr. Wu wanted to test himself. After having a look at it, he explained the name, composition and function of the medicine. Mr. Wu was stunned. Sure enough, Mr. Wu took out another prescription for Ye Ming to identify. Ye Ming said to Mr. Wu angrily after seeing it.

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