At this time, Xiao Qiao came to the stairway. Looking around, Xiao Qiao found that no one was hiding here. Xiao Qiao thought that his impulse had broken into the Organization headquarters, but in such a big place, Xiao Qiao didn't know how to find Ye Ming's clue, so he turned to wait for the rabbit in this plant. After waiting for someone to come over, he directly controlled it and asked for Ye Ming's clue.

Just when Xiao Qiao was making a plan, suddenly there was a sound of walking in the corridor. Xiao Qiao was still a woman. He only heard the pattering sound of the high-heeled shoes hitting the ground getting closer and closer. Xiao Qiao held his breath and put his hand on the door handle.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and Xiao Qiao is more and more nervous. When Xiao Qiao feels that the man is about to pass through the door, he pushes the door open and rushes out. He puts his hand around the woman's head and covers her mouth all the time to prevent the man from shouting.

Just when Xiao Qiao was about to succeed, I saw the woman move, the so-called hundred secret must have a sparse, Xiao Qiao's plan is correct and can be realized, but Xiao Qiao still forgot one thing, Xiao Qiao forgot where he is. This is the headquarters of the organization. Although there are ordinary people working here, it's different from other places after all. It's great to see an expert in other places, and it's just like a dog here.

The woman didn't look back. She bent down and kicked her side. Xiao Qiao dodged in time. Xiao Qiao secretly sighed that Xin Kui's team had a lot of experience in this period of time. Otherwise, it's impossible to get caught instead. And Xiao Qiao knows that he can't flinch. If he runs away at this time, he will be caught instantly, so there is only one way left for Xiao Qiao, that is, to defeat the other party, or to kill her before the other party calls.

"Why, Little Joe."

"Sister, why are you here?"

It turned out that when Qiao Yuyu was about to walk to the door, he found that there was someone behind the safety door of the stairs. But Qiao Yuyu didn't care at first. When the man's breathing became heavier, Qiao Yuyu knew that he was not a member of the organization. Qiao Yuyu pretended to be careless, but in fact, he was absorbed in observing the movement behind the door and walked over, In the blink of an eye, they fight. Qiao Yuyu turns around and suddenly finds that the person who lurks is his sister. At this time, his sister also recognizes him.

Qiao Yuyu reacts quickly in Xiao Qiao's stupefied Kungfu and pulls Xiao Qiao down the safety door again to hide.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Xiao Qiao returns to mind and asks Qiao Yuyu. Qiao Yuyu doesn't seem to care about this at all. He stares at Xiao Qiao and asks in a hurry.

"Little Joe, how did you come to the headquarters of this organization? It's very dangerous here. Do you know that?"

Two people didn't speak, small Joe looked at the elder sister that concern eyes, slowly small Joe mind appeared a series of their own wandering alone, helpless moment. The more I think about Xiao Qiao, the more sour I feel. The tears in my eyes rush out. When Qiao Yuyu sees Xiao Qiao like this, he feels a pain in his heart and hugs him tightly. All of a sudden, the whole corridor was filled with a sense of sadness. Sometimes, no matter how strong the heart is, the heart may collapse.

Come over for a long time, Xiao Qiao's sadness gradually calms down. At this time, Qiao Yuyu remembers that this is the Organization headquarters. It's not a place to talk and chat. Qiao Yuyu immediately decided to take Xiao Qiao, first find a safe place, and then try to let Xiao Qiao out of the Organization headquarters building.

Qiao Yuyu pulls Xiao Qiao to leave. Xiao Qiao knows that her sister won't hurt her, so she doesn't resist. They hold their heads down and just meet a man coming. Xiao Qiao is very nervous. But Qiao Yuyu says hello generously and takes Xiao Qiao to fool him. Xiao Qiao thinks to himself.

"My sister is as brave as ever."

Qiao Yuyu takes Xiao Qiao to a place that looks like a warehouse of old things, and then looks at Xiao Qiao seriously and asks.

"Little Joe, what are you doing here? Do you know the headquarters? Do you know the consequences of your discovery. Besides, Ye Ming is not here

Xiao Qiao looked at Qiao Yuyu's serious expression and lowered his head slowly.

"I'll send you out later, and you'll leave as soon as you go out. You know, you can't be found by the organization."

Xiao Qiao let himself leave, immediately quit, thinking that he finally succeeded in coming in, now let himself in, Xiao Qiao firmly do not agree with Qiao Yuyu's decision, two people so in this open place big quarrel.

"Elder sister, please let me go to find Ye Ming. I can't leave him any more. Sister, please

Xiao Qiao, who is still quarreling, suddenly begins to plead with Qiao Yuyu. Qiao Yuyu is caught off guard by such a strategic change of Xiao Qiao. He can't help it. Xiao Qiao's pleading finally softens Qiao Yuyu's heart.

"Well, I know it's not necessarily easy for you to live alone in camp 2, so I'll let you go to Ye Ming, but the action plan is up to me."

"Good, good."

Xiao Qiao nodded excitedly. Qiao Yuyu had no choice but to smile and take Xiao Qiao to the top. After arriving at the high-rise building, Qiao Yuyu pushed a door. Xiao Qiao came in and found that it was a big and open room. There was no furniture except a mirror in the middle of the room.

Just when they both thought they had succeeded, a voice of inquiry came from behind them.

"You're from that department. What are you doing sneaking around here?"

Qiao Yuyu and Xiao Qiao look at each other helplessly, then quickly turn around and plan to subdue the man first, but who knows, the man interrupts his attack between the left and right waves, and then the palm wind blows, and they faint.

"The leader just caught two people sneaking in front of the portal and attacked me."

The man was carrying Xiao Qiao and Qiao Yuyu.

"These two people, you send them to the Discipline Department and tell them to teach them a lesson."

"Yes, my Lord."

The man carried Qiao Yuyu and Xiao Qiao out of the door.

And the leader is sitting at the desk, concentrating on looking at the computer in front of him, which is playing Ye Ming in camp 3.

At this time, Ye Ming is sitting on the sofa in a villa, frowning.

"Ye Ming, we are ready for all defense preparations. I should be able to withstand this round of beast impact first."

Liu Xi goes to Ye Ming and sits heavily on the sofa.

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