In this way, even close to the snake king is a problem, let alone take its blood and accept it.

Moreover, there is a huge risk in doing so, that is, the first condition to accept the snake king is that his mental power is stronger than it. If the snake king's mental power is stronger than Ye Ming's, it is that stealing chicken will not eat rice.

However, now he has no choice, he must accept the snake king, otherwise Sun Yi will definitely die, this kind of thing is he does not want to see. So, even at the risk of his life, he has to try.

After making up his mind, Ye Ming said to Sun Yi seriously: "Xiaoyi, when the ball falls to about 15 meters, I will jump down. When you are alone in the ball, you must protect yourself."

He asked Sun Yi to protect himself. The height of 15 meters is indeed high, but the trees in the valley are not low. It's hard to ensure that some snakes who are good at jumping can jump from the trees into the ball. Sun Yi and Ye Ming must be fully prepared. When he accepts the king of snakes, Sun Yi is killed by his minions.

"You, you're going to jump?"

Sun Yi looks at Ye Ming. He thinks Ye Ming is crazy. Not to mention the height of 15 meters, even if 15 meters can jump without damage, the snake will tear him to pieces in an instant.

"I have to jump down. Only when I get the snake king's blood can I accept him."

"But don't you jump to death?"

Sun Yi is anxious. He can't watch Ye Ming do something stupid.

"Do you have any better way?"

"I don't know what I can do, but you just can't go. It's a big deal that we die together. But if you jump down and die first and leave me alone, I won't even have the courage to face death."

Ye Ming looked at him helplessly: "don't worry, it's not as dangerous as you think. Do you think I will be like a person to die?"

"What's not as dangerous as I think, it's as dangerous as I think. Anyway, I won't allow you to go."

"Hey, you little girl, I want to go. What can you do to me?"

"You, you, you bastard," sun yiwa cried out: "you know how to bully me, dead bastard, smelly hooligan. You deserve to die, so that people won't worry about you."

"Well, well," Ye Ming patted Sun Yi's face: "you have to believe me and be obedient."

"Well, make sure you come back alive."

"Well, I promise to come back alive."

After waiting for nearly half an hour, the height of the ball had reached about 15 meters above the ground. Sun Yi could even clearly see the scales and black cores of some snakes climbing higher.

This made his heart, which was not so afraid, twitch.

"Ye, Ye Ming."

Seeing Sun Yi holding the corner of his coat, Ye Ming shook her hand: "I believe I can."

Feeling the temperature from Ye Ming's hand, and listening to his firm words, Sun Yi felt relieved. Unfortunately, this kind of relieved feeling will soon leave him.

Ye Ming takes out the armor he got a few days ago from the jade pendant, and then he doesn't care to avoid sun Yi, so he puts it on him directly.

Sun Yiyan watched Ye Ming take out a "clothes model" from a small box, but he didn't expect that the model would become bigger and become a real dress.

But at this time, she did not have time to ask these questions to satisfy her curiosity.

Because ye Ming jumped down directly after putting on his clothes.

Sun Yi didn't speak, but prayed silently for Ye Ming in her heart.

"Ye Ming, you must come back alive."

After Ye Ming jumps down, he rushes to the snake king for the first time. It seems that the snake at the bottom doesn't expect to fall down suddenly. One after another, he is stunned, but then they react and pounce on Ye Ming.

"Shh, shh."

Ye Ming's ears are almost full of the sound of these snakes spitting, and his whole body is almost entangled by snakes up and down the mountain. However, the armor didn't disappoint him. No matter how the snakes attacked, it didn't damage him a little, which protected him very well. Ye Ming only needs to protect his head from being attacked by snakes. With Ye Ming's current reaction ability, it is impossible for snakes to attack him.

Sun Yi in the ball looks at Ye Ming who jumps down and is immediately drowned by the snake tide. Her heart is full of worries about Ye Ming. However, seeing that Ye Ming is only entangled by snakes and her own actions are not greatly affected, Sun Yi can't help but feel relieved because he is afraid that Ye Ming will be torn to pieces by the snakes as soon as he goes down. Now that Ye Ming can still act, it shows that he still has the possibility of success.

In contrast, Ye Ming didn't relax his vigilance because the snakes couldn't hurt him, because he knew that these snakes were mostly used to hinder his forward speed, and what was really difficult was the snake king.

It took nearly a minute for Ye Ming to come to an open area, and his snakes seemed to be afraid of the snake king, so they all came down from Ye Ming and crawled towards the distance.

In fact, there are many snakes in the so-called open space, and they are all snakes that numb at a glance, but the density is much smaller than that of snakes in other places.

Ye Ming is standing about 10 meters away from the snake king. Strangely, although Ye Ming has made such a big noise, the snake is always sitting quietly on the black stone, and the fierce snakes around him are still. After a long stalemate, Ye Ming decides to take the initiative to attack. He takes a careful step to prevent the snakes around him from sneaking attack.

Just when ye Ming was five meters away from the snake, the snake moved.

Its body bent like a bow and arrow, and then it catapulted towards Ye Ming. The speed was so fast that Ye Ming almost had no time to react, so the snake bit him in the face.

Ye Ming instinctively uses his hand to block, but he is bitten by the snake, and there is no armor in the middle of his wrist.

Ye Ming's face changed, almost immediately sealed the blood of his left wrist.

And his left hand, also in an instant turned purple black.

Snake king hit successfully, and then re disc back to the black stone, deep black core toward Ye Ming constantly huff and puff, as if laughing at his overconfidence.

Ye Ming took out the silver needle and blooded his left hand. The purple black poisonous blood dropped down the silver needle drop by drop, emitting a disgusting smell.

"It's troublesome. The snake king is too fast."

Ye Ming tightened the silver needle in his hand. Just now, he wanted to take a drop of his blood while the snake king was attacking. But he didn't expect that the snake king was so fast that he didn't have time to react. Moreover, the snake king would withdraw as soon as he got it. He didn't give him a chance to fight back.

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