Lei Jun now wants to rush over and give ye Ming a hug, but he doesn't dare. What if he moves and these snakes attack them.

It's the skill of others that Ye Ming walks in the idle fields among snakes. Lei Jun dare not compare with Ye Ming.

As soon as the stone wall was opened, the white snake on Ye Ming's arm began to stir, and the originally calm pool began to ripple.

Suddenly, a black light shoots out from under the water. Seeing the appearance of the black light, the white snake on Ye Ming's arm can't bear it. It shoots out from Ye Ming's arm.

The two lights twinkled together in an instant. A moment later, a brand new species appeared in front of Ye Ming - a black and white two headed snake.

People were shocked by this sudden change. They didn't expect that there was such a magical species in the world.

Ye Ming tentatively called out: "snake king?"

"Boss, this white snake is my other half and my spouse."

Is your partner your spouse at the same time?

"Well, snake king, does your other half have independent thinking?"

"Yes, boss, don't worry. She and I have the same heart. You are my boss and naturally her boss."

Ye Ming breathed a sigh of relief: "that's good. You ask your spouse's younger brother to get out of the way and let my friends come."

Hearing Ye Ming's words, the black hair of the two headed snake gave a strange roar, and then the snakes around them scattered in the distance.

"Lei Jun, come here. These snakes won't attack you."

Seeing the snakes scattered, Lei Jun rushed to Ye Ming.

"Ye Ming, it's really you."

Lei Jun seems very excited. After all, no one wants to die easily.

This time, they went to the gate of hell. If they didn't have ye Ming, they really didn't know what to do.

Ye Ming smiles and doesn't explain much.

He asked the snake king to take them to find a place to sleep in the canyon. After all, they have been nervous these days, but ye Ming has fainted several times, and Lei Jun should have never had a good rest. At the same time, he also has something to tell Sun Yi.

The snake king is very reliable and helps them find a very soft grassland. Lei Jun and Sun Yi almost fall asleep. Ye Ming doesn't disturb Sun Yi either. He plans to talk to her after Sun Yi has a rest.

About five hours later, Ye Ming wakes up Sun Yi.

Sun Yi is very dissatisfied with Ye Ming's disturbing his dream. As soon as she opens her mouth, Ye Ming signals her not to make a sound.

"Shh, don't talk. Come with me."

Then ye Ming walked to the lake in the distance.

Seeing ye Ming's mysterious face, Sun Yi knew that he was going to tell himself some secret letters that Lei Jun couldn't listen to, so she quietly followed him.

"Wash your face first and wake up."

Ye Ming stands by the lake, facing Sun Yi gently.

When Sun Yi heard the words, she picked up a handful of water in the lake and splashed it on her face.

After these days of getting along, she has a kind of inexplicable favor for Ye Ming.

Seeing that Sun Yi's face was still not completely dry after washing, Ye Ming said softly, "Xiao Yi, you know, I can talk to the snake king and even other animals."

Sun Yi listened quietly without interrupting.

"In fact, I am a practitioner."

As soon as Ye Ming raises his hand, his mental power is activated, and a fist sized stone floats in front of him automatically. Then he holds the stone in his hand, and with a slight force, the stone turns into powder and falls slowly from his fingers.

Sun Yi looked at all this, good-looking eyes wide open, small mouth slightly open, a look of surprise.

Ye Ming gently smiles: "Xiaoyi, do you think it's amazing? In fact, you can also have this ability. "

"Me, me too?" Sun Yilue asked with surprise and excitement.

"Of course," Ye Ming said in silence, "in fact, the reason why we are here is all because of you."

"Because of my blood?"

"Yes," Ye Ming said, sitting on the grass, "that strange snake is called black and white Xuan snake. It says that you have a special constitution, which is called ten thousand beast spirit body. This is the site of ten thousand beast spirit sect. Only the blood of people who have ten thousand beast spirit body can enter here and obtain the inheritance here."

"Special constitution? Beast spirit? What's the use of this beast spirit? I can't feel what's special about me all the time. "

"Your beast spirit hasn't awakened yet, so I don't know what your ability is. I asked the snake king, and he said that the saints of all ages are mysterious, and he doesn't know what's special about the beast spirit."

Said here, Ye Ming a meal, and then seriously looked at Sun Yi: "Xiaoyi, I called you here, in fact, there is only one purpose, that is, whether you want to accept the inheritance of the beast spirit sect."

Seeing Sun Yi's excited face, Ye Ming waved his hand: "don't rush to answer. Listen to me. It's not too late to make a decision."

Ye Ming knows that ordinary people will almost agree to this kind of thing, because they are curious and yearning for this special ability which is different from ordinary people. But ye Ming knows that it will not be so simple.

Nowadays, people are all materialist, but even so, many ordinary people believe in karma.

Ye Ming learned from the inheritance of Yulong jade pendant that karma really exists.

If Sun Yi accepted the inheritance of the beast spirit sect today, then she would plant the cause, and no one could say what result she would get in the future.

Ye Ming said in an almost harsh way: "Xiaoyi, if you accept the inheritance of the beast spirit sect today, you will be infected with the cause and effect of the beast spirit sect. This cause and effect may affect you and the people around you. You may be able to cope with these causes and effects because you can cultivate, But if the people around you are infected with this kind of cause and effect, as ordinary people, if they are in danger, they will never come to a good end. "

"Think about it for yourself. I don't want you to regret it in the future."

Hearing Ye Ming say it in an unprecedented serious tone, Sun Yi knows that she really needs to think it over.

Ye Ming doesn't disturb Sun Yi either. He just looks at her and gives her time to think.

After a while, Sun Yi raised her head and looked at Ye Ming with slightly hopeful eyes: "Ye Ming, do you want me to accept or not?"

"Me? Frankly speaking, I hope you can accept the inheritance, because so far, I'm the only practitioner around me, but the things I have to face in the future may be very troublesome, so I need someone to help me. "

"Well," Sun Yi's eyes turned, "I have decided that I will accept the inheritance."

Ye Ming was stunned: "really?"

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