At 11:00 a.m., the press conference officially began.

There were only three chairs on the stage, empty in the middle and left, and Xiao Mengshan on the right.

At this moment, the camera under the stage keeps flashing, and the shutter is clacking.

Liu Xin, a reporter of Huaxia daily, has known Xiao Mengshan for a long time, and is curious about the news conference which didn't announce any inside information in advance.

"Xiao Dong, can you give us some news and let us have some excitement?"

Xiao Mengshan smiles and doesn't speak.

"Liu Xin, don't worry. These companies will close down soon." Zheng Xiaoyuan, a reporter of Jianghai provincial daily, said in a strange tone of yin and Yang.

After Lin Fei was offended by the scald incident in her last interview, Mu Xinxuan was banned for a long time. However, because she dared to take off, sell, accompany, and had no fear, she finally got through the relationship and returned to the post of reporter.

She has only one goal in her heart, that is to watch Lin Fei's industry lose a little bit.

Everyone in the circle knows about it, so many people choose to be silent and don't want to participate.

However, Liu Xin had a bad impression of him, "Zheng Xiaoyuan, aren't you banned? Why are you out again? "

Anger flashed across Zheng Xiaoyuan's face, "hum! Lin Fei's intrigue has hurt me. I must revenge him! It's just, it's a pity he died. However, I must see with my own eyes all his companies go bankrupt. "

When Zheng Xiaoyuan said this, she gnashed her teeth and hated her heart.

She didn't pretend. During this period, in order to get the job again, she didn't know how many men she had with her and what kind of men she had. She felt inferior to a prostitute.

But she has always dreamed of returning, that is, to fight against Lin Fei, to make Lin Fei stink in the world.

However, it is not allowed to whip the corpse now, otherwise we must dig out Lin Fei's corpse and draw 300 whips.

Ha ha

Suddenly came the man's hearty laughter.

"Fortunately, it's not love me. Otherwise, I'm worried that my wife will be jealous."

With the voice, Lin Fei came out slowly from behind the scenes.

The pretty handsome face exudes a strange charm, with a faint sense of handsome and frightening charm. Combined with the appropriately cut white suit, it looks like an elegant aristocrat, standing high and overlooking all living beings, as if all people can only bow their heads in front of him

the black pupil is shining, the skin on the face is radiant, and the whole person is full of mysterious and cold feelings Glamour.

The original atmosphere created by Zheng Xiaoyuan disappeared immediately because of the appearance of Lin Fei. Many people were shocked and thought they had seen a ghost!

Liu Xin raised his hand and pinched his arm. "I'll go! It's not a dream

"Shit! Lin Fei, you're not dead? I have been melancholy for several days. "

Liu Xin made rude remarks directly.

Lin Fei, who was very calm and full of air, was speechless when he heard this. How could he seem to care about his life and death?

Not that familiar, right?


Many people also look at Liu Xin.

Liu Xin raised his hand and patted his head, "Lin Fei, if you're not here, we're short of cash cow, so I'm really distressed!"

Ha ha

As soon as Liu Xin's words came out, there was a burst of laughter.

Then there was applause.

Liu Xin said that everyone's heart, interview for so many years, as interview Lin Fei twice get more red envelopes.

"Tut Tut, it seems that my life is not as real as the red ticket." Then he looked at Zheng Xiaoyuan, "you don't have to be disappointed this time. When I come back alive, you can continue to discredit me. I want to see what you can discredit me like."

Zheng Xiaoyuan did not show that kind of real joy, on the contrary, she also showed surprise and fear.

She said that she wanted Lin Fei to die. That's the truth. That's because under the premise of Lin Fei's death.

Now, Lin Fei's good living here, she has some silly eyes.

You know, the reason why the person she asked for didn't agree to help until the news of Lin Fei's death came out was because of her fear of Lin Fei.

Now, Lin Fei is not dead. Standing in front of her, she begins to worry about whether those people will

Lin Fei saw through her fear and sneered, "I announced to all reporters today that whoever dares to kill Zheng Xiaoyuan in the future will be the enemy of Lin Fei!"


There was a strange inquiry at the scene, which seemed strange and didn't understand!

"Lin Fei, are you playing with me again?"

When Zheng Xiaoyuan heard this sentence, she was like hearing the funniest joke in the world. How could someone she hated help herself?

However, Lin Fei's words seemed so real that she was dreamy.

Lin Fei said with a smile, "don't worry! No one is perfect, no gold is perfect! I, Lin Fei, want to develop and be strong. I need someone who smears me every day and sees my dark side. ""It's a pleasure! You become that person, so you have this chance! "

"Yes! In order to show my support for your work, I'll give you 100000 yuan a month. But if I can't discredit me, I'm sorry. I can't make any money. "


As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, the reporters on the scene were in an uproar. Even Xiao Mengshan raised her hand and stroked her forehead. She was speechless.

"Lin Fei, then my first report is" Lin Fei comes back from the dead and becomes an idiot. ".

Zheng Xiaoyuan said tentatively.


Lin Fei even clapped, "this report is very good! I'm looking forward to it

Zheng Xiaoyuan

Absolutely speechless!

However, she also believed that Lin Fei didn't play tricks on him and said the truth.

Think of 100000 yuan and act immediately.

Because all the people at the scene paid attention to the news that was about to be announced, they took it as a joke. On the contrary, Zheng Xiaoyuan's report became the first one and was sent out.

In less than ten minutes, the report was sent out, while Xiao Mengshan was still talking about various plans and plans, with no substantive content.

Zheng Xiaoyuan's report is very special, exciting and eye-catching. It immediately spread on the Internet.

For a moment, the news of Lin Fei's rebirth spread all over the world.

At the same time, Xiao Mengshan finished her planning talk and looked at hundreds of reporters.


All the reporters are focused.

"Next, I'd like to announce that the earth real estate company, meizishuang group The earth group was formally formed. Lin Fei was the chairman of the earth group, and I was the vice chairman. "

The news shocked the audience.

This is a super group.

In the past, many hundreds of billions of groups were seen as Big Macs.

And the earth group is directly close to trillions.

"The purpose of the earth group is to repay the society, the country and the people!"

Xiao Mengshan's final sound.

Lin Fei took the microphone and looked at the crowd with a smile. "I officially announce that the earth group has no upper limit of funds to help the Mu group. At the same time, I propose to Ms. Mu Xinxuan for the third time..."


As soon as the words came out, the whole audience stood up.

As for the establishment of the earth group, Lin Fei was the chairman and vice chairman of the board of directors.

With Zheng Xiaoyuan's warm-up, these two pieces of news are even more popular.

The stock of Mu's group rose even more fiercely, while the stock of Jiang's group was capped by a big black cloud, and the funds Jiang Dongyuan wanted to organize were wiped out in an instant.


Time just refers to 11:30 in the morning, the end of the morning trading of Huaxia stock market, Jiang's stock quietly lies on the limit.

Lin Fei's ultimate blow completely destroyed all Jiang Dongyuan's dreams.

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