Jiang Dongyuan now has recovered calm, looking at Liya, waving to her.

Liya wriggles her waist and walks up to Jiang Dongyuan. Then, as if she is weak and boneless, she falls directly into Jiang Dongyuan's arms and puts her hands around Jiang Dongyuan's neck.

"Is there pressure?"

Jiaodidi's voice is full of thousands of customs and tenderness.

Jiang Dongyuan's heart is a swing, subconsciously hugged the woman, nodded and said: "this time the Jiang family's crisis is so big!"

Before that, he personally directed the madness of Mujia stock. He especially knew how terrible and crazy the decline would become once it started, so he couldn't help saying.

Liya's arms are strong, and her waist is straight and level. Jiang Dongyuan doesn't feel any strength, but Liya's mouth is close to his ear.

"Now, you should be at the top of morality."

Jiang Dongyuan's brow is a frown, "how?"

"Mujia repents of marriage!"

"That's not enough!"

"Repent for money!"

"This can be ridiculed, but it's not fatal."

"Lin Fei donated 1 trillion yuan to Jianghai Province, and the assets of the earth group are also several hundred billion yuan. With the support of Mu family, how much money do you think Lin Fei has?"

"How about that?"

"If you have more money, it's the country's!"

Liya finished, her face showed a touch of splendor, and her eyebrows stirred twice.

Jiang Dongyuan holds Liya tightly and looks into the distance, showing his deep thinking.

For a moment, Jiang Dongyuan kisses Liya on the face, and then laughs.

"Lin Fei, aren't you rich and powerful? Then we'll have fun! "

"Do you understand?" Liya's eyes are shining.

"I see! Unless they give up their political status, they will be jointly mortgaged! "

Liya nodded. "You're the smart man I've ever met. You're the one with the tongue. Next, I suggest you take three steps! "

"Which three steps?"

"First, let your sister contact Lin Fei and let him fit in! The second is to prepare for a comeback. The third is to suppress muqiaosheng and put him in a dilemma! "

"Good! very nice! I have Liya, a woman. What do you want? "

"Jiang Shao, let me have a baby for you!"

"Good! I'll give you a chance now! "


The house is full of spring again!


Mu Qiao Sheng is in Mu Lao's room. He's all ears!

"We must resolutely oppose this matter, even to Mu Xinxuan!"

"Dad! Will this cause misunderstanding between mu Xinxuan and Lin Fei? "

Just now, Mu Lao has told Mu Qiao Sheng the reason why he opposes.

"If you can't understand this, he's really not suitable to be Mu's son-in-law!"

Mr. Mu's face was dignified.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will break it.

Lin Fei is too good to be famous.

Mujia used to be a big family. The stock market turmoil has made Mujia a target in the eyes of many people. If it is announced at this moment, many people will feel uneasy, especially Muqiao Sheng's competitors.

At that time, the enemy Mu family will face will be more powerful.

Muqiaosheng nodded, and finally walked out of his father's room. He immediately announced the decision of the Mujia family, which caused an uproar.

Zheng Xiaoyuan, who had been extremely depressed by the lack of news, was overjoyed when she learned about the attitude of the Mu family and showed her deep pleasure -

finally she was able to complete the task!

After receiving a call from her father, Mu Xinxuan made it clear that she was against Lin Fei's company, and her heart was filled with sadness.

On the contrary, Lin Fei is very calm and natural, and even deliberately amuses her, which makes Mu Xinxuan not understand why.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan come to Mingmen hotel together.

Today, the banquet venue of the six provinces group is set here.

Seeing the hotel, Lin Fei's heart is full of ups and downs. He thinks of Luo Zimeng and Luo Zihuan, and Mo binghe.

A person, for his life pursuit, not only harm himself, but also harm his offspring, is it worth it?

This makes Lin Fei not only feel that it is similar to cutting trees and farming?

However, the only comfort for him is that Mo binghe kept his promise and voluntarily surrendered himself. Luo Zimeng and Luo Zihuan sisters could not accept this reality and went abroad together.

Until they left, they didn't believe that grandfather would be such a person?

The old man who was once tall and had given them countless dreams turned out to be a killer.

This completely overturned their impression.

At that time, Mingmen hotel was eager to sell, so Xiao Mengshan let the earth buy the real estate, but did not depress the price, on the contrary, she gave it back at a high price.When people are gone and buildings are empty, things are right and people are wrong. Under the pressure of Lin Fei's inner feelings, Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan go to the hall together.

At the moment, at the door of the hall stood six men, tall, short, fat and thin, but all dressed well and smiling.

Ni Guanggu's eyes have been patrolling around. Seeing Xiao Mengshan, just like seeing the wolf of prey, his eyes suddenly shine, and he comes over with a roar.

"Xiao Dong! Welcome

Finish saying, stretch out fat Du Du's hand to want to hold with Xiao Mengshan mutually.

As for Lin Fei, he just ignored it.

Xiao Mengshan just nodded with a smile. "Ni Dong is so kind. How can he not come?"

"Since Xiao Dong feels that Ni Dong is very kind, how nice it is to shake hands with him and get closer to each other!" Qu Shilang, chairman of Weirong group, gave out obscene laughter.

As soon as the words came out, it immediately attracted the laughter of the other four directors.

Ni Guanggu stares at Xiao Mengshan, who is dressed in a white evening dress with bare shoulders and beautiful hair, just like a fairy, which makes her heart beat faster.

He read countless women, but such a woman as Xiao Mengshan, has never seen, is not tasted, naturally extremely excited.

"No! You don't deserve it The silent Lin Fei spoke.

In a word, let the scene atmosphere instantly embarrassed.

"Oh! We don't deserve it, do we? "

"You should have no Secretary to do, no Secretary to do?"

"I'm afraid Xiao Dong has paid a lot from your secretary to the present vice chairman of the earth group?"

Ni Guanggu refused Xiao Mengshan, but Lin Fei's words made him angry, and his tone was not good.


Lin Fei sneered.

Next second -


Clear mouth sound, directly ring out.

Ni Guanggu covers his face and looks at Lin Fei in surprise.

The next moment, his face was angry, "how dare you hit me? I don't want to get mixed up, do I? "

Words fall, Hua La, behind stand out dozens of people in black suits.

"Back off, all of you!"

There's a big drink coming from the door. A group of security guards stand between Lin Fei and Ni Guanggu.

"I'll teach you a lesson. If you don't want to lose your job, get out of here!" Ni Guanggu refers to security.

"Thanks for the reminder!" The security guard chuckled.

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