Wen Lei's smile, coupled with his rough face, makes people feel simple and honest.

However, with his bravery, Ni Guanggu's eyes were not honest, but a kind of fear.

He instinctively wants to retreat, but it's too late!


Wen Lei has a medium bowl sized fist that hits Ni Guanggu's belly.


Ni Guanggu uttered a sad cry, covered his stomach and curled up on the ground. His face turned pale and he could not say a word.

However, Wen Lei didn't stop. The next moment, he put a foot in front of Ni Guanggu's knee. The strength was not heavy, but it was just right. With a plop, Ni Guanggu knelt directly in front of Lin Fei.

"Mr. Lin, this ignorant guy has knelt down for you. How do you deal with it?"

Wen Lei looks at Lin Fei and shows no haughtiness, but he looks proud and excited.

Lin Fei nodded, "all good performance, go back to find Li Qingfeng, Li always want to reward on the line."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

Think of each time Lin Fei huge reward, extremely rich, suddenly a burst of joy, have to thank.

Ni Guanglin kneels down to look at my business

Ni Guanggu is extremely depressed. Although his bodyguard is not too strong, he should not be so good. Now, he is knocked down and has to kneel down for Lin Fei. It's irritating to think about it.

"Lin Fei, if you have seed, let me go and see how I can beat you!"

Ni Guanggu doesn't believe that Lin Fei will be as rude as Wen Lei, so his tone is not good at all.

"Mr. Lin, we are all business people. Don't be so rigid!" Qu Shilang, chairman of Weirong group, was the first to stand up and say.

"Yes! We have always heard that Mr. Lin is an excellent young man and will never do anything vulgar. " Guan Shenglun, chairman of Huisheng group, also said in a hurry.

The other three directors are also all kinds of intercessions.

In their opinion, Lin Fei, because of his face, this matter will be over.

But they were clearly wrong.


Wen Lei to Ni Guanggu's face is a foot, "why do you lick your face to ask Lin Dong to forgive? Have you just forgotten how you molested Xiao Dong? Without us, what would your bodyguards do, what would you do, don't you know? "

With that, facing Ni Guanggu, Dong Dong is three feet again.

No mercy.

The other five chairman's faces also feel hot. Wen Lei scolded Ni Guanggu, but why not them?

Ni Guanggu covers his face and howls and rolls on the ground. At the moment, he has completely lost the style of the chairman, and even tears in pain.

At this time, Lin Fei suddenly looked at Wen Lei, "you, how can you be so irritable? If the dog bites you, will you bite the dog? "

"Ah! Good! The door of the hotel is like this

"Clean it up right now, otherwise others will think that Mingmen hotel is a black shop in the future! As a punishment, your reward is gone. "

With that, Lin Fei put his arms around Xiao Mengshan's waist and walked towards it.

Wen Lei and others look confused.

"Oh! Ni Dong and these people have made this place like this. You should study how to compensate yourself. "

Lin Fei went to the door, suddenly stopped and said.

Wen Lei and others were first stunned, then filled with joy. "Don't worry, Mr. Lin!"

"It reassures me?"

"Yes! Don't worry, Mr. Lin! "

"All right! There's a reward again, and it's doubled. "

With that, they enter the elevator with Xiao Mengshan.

Wen Lei and others were confused, but soon woke up, "don't worry, Lin Dong!"

Shout in unison!

The next second, Hua La, people surrounded Ni Guang in the middle, "Ni Dong, you have soiled the door of our famous hotel. How do you think you can compensate?"

Ni Guanggu and others almost cried, NIMA's, he was beaten into a pig, but also compensation, is there any reason?

Thinking of Lin Fei's last moment, it is obvious that he wants these security guards to toss themselves.

He really didn't want to agree, but looking at these people like wolves, he was not only convulsed.

"Brother, it's almost enough. Ni Dong has been beaten." Qu Shilang can't bear Ni Guanggu's Dilemma and stands up to intercede.

"That's about it, isn't it?"

"Yes! Lin Dong is not... "


Wen Lei raises his foot and kicks Qu Shilang. Qu Shilang's fat body directly bumps back and finally bumps heavily on the steps.

"Just now, you were shouting about Ni Guanggu and his bodyguards. They didn't settle for you. You haven't counted them yet."

"You're the one to compensate, ten million. You can't lose a cent."

"Yes! Ten million! "When other security guards heard the amount of compensation, they immediately opened their eyes and yelled out in unison.

Qu Shilang was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. NIMA's, it's just a lie!

Now he wants to smoke his own two mouths. Why is his mouth so short?

Several other directors of the board of directors originally wanted to speak, but when they saw this scene, they all stepped back and did not dare to speak.

"It's up to you. Anyway, there are a lot of people going in and out at the door. If you two presidents are not afraid of humiliation, they will sit here."

Wen Lei looks at two people and says with a smile.


Ni Guanggu is blowing directly.

I've been beaten so badly that if I really sit here, the banquet tonight will really be famous all over the world.

He got up in pain and took out the check to sign it.

"We want to transfer money!"

Wen Lei said, the bank card directly into Ni Guanggu's arms.

Ni Guang gritted his teeth and finally transferred 10 million yuan to Wen Lei.

"Call the ambulance!" Ni Guanggu looks at the woman sitting on the ground and orders.

The woman got up in fright and began to make a phone call.

Qu Shilang stood up and patted the dust on his body. In the heart of Wen Lei already hate to death, turn around to enter the hall.


Wen Lei yelled behind him.

Qu Shi Lang is a Leng, turn a head to see, "you still have what matter?"

"Lose money!"

"Lose money? Didn't Ni Dong just give 10 million? "

"That's his, and you don't have any compensation?"


Qu Shilang thinks that Wen Lei's 10 million is a total compensation for two people, but unexpectedly he wants to pay separately.

Ni Guanggu was also depressed. He thought that Qu Shilang had been beaten for his own sake, so he paid five million yuan directly. Unexpectedly, he cheated people like this.

"Me what me? I haven't heard that the reward of our chairman has doubled. Shouldn't your compensation be doubled? "

Qu Shilang

In the heart already scolded Lin Fei innumerable times, the desire rubs innumerable times on the ground, is simply pitfalls.

Finally, only humiliated to Wenlei to turn 10 million.

When 20 million yuan arrived, Wen Lei looked at them and said, "welcome back at any time."

Two people: "the..."

"We like money giving boys like you!"


Two people blow!

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