"Beauty, do you want to play here? I'll buy you a drink. "

She was wearing black sandals, and she felt like a man with black hair.

Liya glanced at the man. "Get out of here!"

Simple and straightforward!

Rough and direct!

"Yo! Don't you want to live? I'm lucky to see you, sir. I dare to be rude to you. I've done you a lot. "

The man said that, will use rough.

Just as his fat body was about to move forward, his body flew back quickly.

Look at Liya again, her right foot falls slowly.

Under the night light, there is a touch of red on the root of the right high-heeled shoes.

The security guard and the woman at the scene were on the alert.

The fat man lay on the ground, covered his stomach, and screamed for a long time.

However, he just gave a cry and cried out, "kill! Kill


The security guards on the scene came forward one after another and surrounded Liya in the middle.

Liya takes out a paper towel to clean the soles of her high heels and goes straight to the man rolling on the ground. "You called for murder, didn't you?"

"Yes! If you want to kill me, I'm going to die now. You have to bear the legal responsibility. "

"Good! I'll take it

Words fall, feet fall!

The fat man lying on the ground wanted to continue to intimidate Liya. As a result, he saw that the high-heeled shoes fell down again. He was scared to get up and run.

The result is still half a beat slow, heel into the man's fat ass.


The man screamed like a pig, covered his ass and ran away.

He was scared by Liya.

Not only him, but also other onlookers were subconsciously clamping their legs.

Looking at Liya in front of her, she is a beauty, but also a rose with thorns, and a black rose with prickles.

This time, Liya didn't even wipe the sole of her shoes. She twisted her waist and walked into the club, leaving behind a crowd of people who were so shocked that she was so stupid.

When Liya disappeared, the security guard responded and quickly took out the walkie talkie and began to shout. Soon, the whole Haitian guild hall was on the alert.

Liya directly ignored the changes inside, walked to the elevator with a smile, then pressed the ninth floor and walked up.

At the moment, a group of people are sitting in a room with hundreds of square meters on the ninth floor. They are looking at the middle-aged man sitting on the boss's chair with serious expression.

At the moment, the middle-aged man seems to be asleep, his eyes closed, and his fat body is snoring, but his hands are still crossing back and forth, changing posture, and even forming a high cone shape with two ten fingers.

"Haige, the next person reports that the woman has come up."


The snoring disappeared instantly, and people sat up straight, with sharp light in their eyes.

Other people in the room saw his change and sat up straight, with dignified faces.

Hu Dahai looked at the door, his expression changed again and again, and finally looked at a younger brother who was closest to the door, "open the door and welcome."


Everyone looked at Hu Dahai, his face was unbelievable.

However, they did not hesitate to carry out Hu Dahai's instructions. They stood up and quickly opened the door.

Just as the door opened, Liya's figure just appeared at the door.

Hu Dahai raised his eyes and looked at Liya.

Hu Dahai's eyes were straight for a moment, and then he knelt down in front of Liya with a plop.


Originally curious little brother, this moment, more curious, eyes have looked to Hu Dahai, showing incredible color.

Liya is still arrogant. She doesn't see any change on her face. She directly steps to the position where Hu Dahai has just sat. "Hu Dahai, I didn't expect that you are really a trustworthy person."

Hu Dahai did not dare to stand up, but turned around and looked at Liya, "I Hu Dahai's oath to heaven, I will do it."

"Good! Very good

"Hu Dahai, I admire you for your strength. Don't worry. As long as this matter is solved, I promise to let you take off again."

"Don't worry! Even if I don't want Hu Dahai's life, I must fulfill your instructions. "

Liya nodded with satisfaction, "not bad! Let them all go out! "

Hu Dahai waved to the crowd, and the rest left in surprise and bewilderment.

"Hu Dahai, get up! I see your sincerity, but in the future, you should pay attention to your identity in front of these people. "

"Yes, yes

Hu Dahai while wiping sweat, while responding.However, his eyes never dare to look at Liya's eyes.

Although he showed sincerity and made Liya very satisfied with himself, his clothes were all wet.

He will never forget that five years ago, when he was chased and killed in Yanjing, like a lost dog, and was about to die, Liya suddenly stopped by in a sports car, dressed in black and wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes. She knocked down all the dozens of people who chased her and killed them directly.

Although these are shocking, they are absolutely not terrible.

What really made him terrible was that Liya turned these people's bodies into a pool of water and disappeared without a trace.

Hu Dahai was injured all over at that time, and he was scared to death.

Later, Liya wakes him up, helps to cure his injury, gives him money, and sends someone to send him to Jianghai city.

At that time, he vowed to work for Liya all his life.

The result is Liya disdain ridicule, in her eyes, his so-called hard work, disdain to mention.

When he came to Jianghai City, he lost contact with Liya.

Three years ago, the boss of Haihu died. When he was killed, someone suddenly appeared to help him deal with all the opponents, and then let him be the boss.

Ask who the other party is, the other party just told the person who saved him five years ago.

Hu Dahai suddenly heart waves, want to ask again, but the other party has left.

In the past three years, he had a very leisurely life. He always wanted to contact Liya, but he couldn't do it.

Just an hour ago today, he got a call from Liya.

Hear the voice of Liya, Hu Dahai is a whole body excited, followed by a burst of excitement.

However, Liya didn't say anything else. She just told him to meet him at Haitian leisure club in an hour.

In this way, Hu Dahai called everyone together to hold a grand welcome ceremony.

He didn't want to kneel down for Liya, but when he saw Liya, a scene appeared in his mind five years ago, he couldn't help kneeling down.

"I came to you this time to ask you to kill for me!" Liya's cold voice echoed in the room.

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