Uncle Kun's smile was sincere, and he was even more happy. He was as happy as his old friend who had been in front of him for many years.

Lin Fei nodded to Uncle Kun. "Thank you very much!"

"Sit down and I'll get some sun."

With that, uncle Kun stood up slowly and walked to the place with the best light in the square.

Mu Xinxuan and others all look at Lin Fei. They tentatively touch the stones around them. They are all extremely cold. It's like touching dangerous goods, and they hasten to return their hands.

Lin Fei takes out the tent package on his back and hands it to Mu Xinxuan and Ruo Xue. Their tired legs are sore. They quickly put it down and sit down under their buttocks.

At first, I felt nothing, much more comfortable, but soon the cold breath was like the flowing cold, constantly entering the body, and the whole body of the two people kept shivering.

It was tolerable at first, but soon it became intolerable and stood up.

Lin Fei looked at the two women's painful look, with a faint smile on his face, "sit on my leg!"

Ruo Xue's face turned red, and Mu Xinxuan's cheek flashed red, but he soon adjusted and pulled Ruo Xue to sit directly on Lin Fei's leg.

After walking all the way down the mountain road, my legs have been aching for a long time, and there is no place to sit. I really can't hold on.

Each of them sat on one leg, and Lin Fei put his hands on their waists. Mu Xinxuan was more comfortable. Ruo Xue's face turned red and was about to drip water.

"Lin Fei, are we really not going?"

In order to ease the embarrassment, Mu Xinxuan looks at Lin Fei and asks.

Lin Fei nodded, "at least I can't go today."

Mu Xinxuan and Ruo Xue are embarrassed. They can't just sit on Lin Fei's legs all the time!

Looking at the Dragon Girl, her serious face also had a touch of light worry. Her eyebrows were constantly frowning. She let go and looked around. She was looking for something.

Hou Xing tried to sit down several times, but soon failed and stood up.

The villagers sitting in the square can't look at them occasionally. They seem to feel normal about their performance. They just stay a little longer on Lin Fei's face, and even look under Lin Fei's buttocks. They don't know what method he can use to keep sitting for such a long time.

An hour later, the cultivation of the villagers did not end.

Two hours later, it's still not over.


Four hours later, in Yongle Village, where the sun is just shining, the sun has begun to gradually disappear. At this moment, it is not only cold under the body, but also cold on everyone's body.

Mu Xinxuan and Ruoxue unconsciously shrink to Lin Fei's arms to keep warm.

At this time, the practitioners had already started to stand up slowly, and then left everywhere. The whole square became empty. Even uncle Kun didn't come to pay attention to Lin Fei, as if he took them as air.

"Brother in law, do these people have brain problems? There is no such way to treat guests. You can't walk without saying hello

Hou Xing some dissatisfaction, whining in the side.

Lin Fei said with a smile, "people didn't invite us as guests. Since we are willing to come, it's our own business and has nothing to do with others."

"But it's too impolite and infuriating!"

"All right! Don't talk about it. Let's think about how to spend the evening! "

The Dragon Star stops drinking.

Hou Xing didn't dare to show himself too much in front of the Dragon Girl. He was unwilling to swallow his words back. Finally, he looked up at a willow tree in the square and said, "I'll live in the tree at night. The ground is cold, and it won't be cold on the tree."

Hou Xing finished and climbed up the tree.

Because he stepped back a few steps, a run-up, directly to the tree trunk more than three meters high from the ground.

Hou Xing took advantage of this inertia, continued to climb, climbed out about a meter high, face suddenly changed, feel the whole body is like lying on the ice, cool heart.


Hou Xing has the feeling of seeing the ghost, he is not reconciled, gritting his teeth and lying up.

In order to get to the top quickly and speed up, he quickly climbed to a big branch of a tree seven or eight meters away from the ground. Hou Xing was glad to see that he had reached the height. Just as he wanted to open his hands, he suddenly put a big mouth of blood basin towards his head!



Hou Xing screamed in fright. He didn't hold his hands and fell down freely.


Hou Xing let out a scream.

Hearing the cry, Longnu rushed to meet Hou Xing. Less than two meters from the ground, Longnu jumped up in the air and kicked Hou Xing's butt with her left foot. His body flew out like a ball.

With the help of horizontal force, Hou Xing quickly curled up and rolled, and finally fell to the ground. Except for more dust on his clothes, there was no wound.

"What's the matter with you?" Asked the Dragon Girl in a reproachful voice.

Hou Xing subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "big, big sister's head, there is a huge Python on it, I was almost swallowed by it."Ah?

Mu Xinxuan and Ruoxue hear the boa constrictor, jump to the ground and look up at the tall tree.

I didn't see the boa constrictor mentioned by Hou Xing, but I saw the leaves shaking, as if something was moving on the tree.


The sound of breaking branches sounded and clattered, and a row of branches fell from above like rain.


Mu Xinxuan and Ruoxue hold Lin Fei's arm at the same time, "I, let's go!"

Two women voice some tremble of say.

Lin Fei's face showed a faint smile, "don't go!"

With that, he looked at the tall tree, and it was quiet, leaving only a layer of dead branches on the ground, as if to prove that there had been movement and movement just now.

Hou Xing, who has been somewhat resentful, now has more dignified face and more alert eyes.

If when he first came in, there was still discontent and anger, and strong indignation towards those savage villagers, now, his heart is more alert.

In many years of organizational tasks, I have seen many strange things, but I have never seen such things. This is definitely the first time. For this reason, he realized that it is really unusual and dangerous here.

At the moment, if Lin Fei didn't sit there and keep calm all the time, I'm afraid everyone would become nervous.

At this time, the originally quiet village, all of a sudden, every household rises curling smoke, as if the United heard the bugle, act together.

Hou Xing's eyes stare like a ping-pong ball. He can't believe it.

Longnu looked at Lin Fei, "this is the mystery. For safety, we should go out."

As Lin Fei's bodyguard, she can't let Lin Fei face Lin danger.

"Don't you find their cigarettes more mysterious?"

Lin Fei's words make four people highly alert and look at the smoke from the chimney -

straight up, not affected by the wind, and the most important thing is that there is no smoke at all!


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