
Lin Fei felt that he had run to the fastest speed of his body, as if he had entered a huge whirlpool, and his body was directly and involuntarily rotated. He didn't even have the chance to struggle, so he entered the Millennium Monument.

Lin Fei felt dizzy for a moment, and the whole world seemed to be spinning. I don't know how long it took for him to wake up and look at the world in front of him. It was like being in a white fog.

Reach out to touch the things in front of you, like smoke, and feel nothing.

He wanted to walk forward, but his legs seemed to be filled with heavy lead. He couldn't move in any case. The soles of his feet seemed to be stuck by the most sticky glue in the world.

Hands still unable to move forward.

"Little Laurie, what's going on?" At the critical moment, Lin Fei calls for little Lori directly.

little Lolita appeared in the divine knowledge. "I can't say clearly, but the Millennium tablet is the most elite force in the whole universe, so these forces seem very light, but they are very heavy, and these forces are constantly spinning and forming suction, so you can't walk at all. In fact, it's like you're stuck in a sucker at the moment. "


Lin Fei called out directly, "in this case, what should I do?"

"I don't know! However, I think the best way is to resonate with this force. Only when you resonate and control this force can you control it and bring it into the system. "

After hearing this, Lin Fei was speechless. "Little Lori, I really want to press you on the floor now."

Ha ha

"You just need to control this Millennium Monument, I agree."


Lin Fei scolded depressed.

Jump out of the system and stare at the energy body in front of you. There is nothing else except an occasional ball jumping in front of you.

Lin Fei opened his mouth and took a sip. Suddenly, he felt as if the whole river had entered his belly. Under strong pressure, he almost vomited blood directly.

Quickly exhale, a little more comfortable, but absolutely dare not try the second time.

Lin Fei closed his eyes and wanted to feel the movement of the Millennium Monument, but he seemed to have lost his motivation and stayed there quietly with no response.

Lin Fei has some silly eyes at the moment. What is this Millennium Monument?

At this time, suddenly feel a strong wind hit him, Lin Fei instinctively turn his head to avoid, but as if Lin Fei was under control, now his head can not move, can only obediently feel the arrival of that force.


In front of my eyes, it was like a piece of smoke after fireworks, but there was no taste of white fog, leaving a burning pain on my face.

Lin Fei is more curious about all these feelings in front of him, but he is also more worried.

And the moment after that power disappeared, he felt that the whole Millennium Monument seemed boiling water, and the power began to keep sneaking into his body.

And just inhaled that breath, as if there is life, in the inside constantly move outward, even if he opened his mouth, but still in other gas movement place desperately movement.

Lin Fei felt as if his internal organs were under great pressure, as if they could explode and break at any time. He felt very uncomfortable and miserable.

Gradually, he gradually lose consciousness, lose consciousness, finally people coma in the past.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly there was a cackle in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw a ball like thing moving up and down in front of him. It was still shouting.

"What are you?" Lin Fei asked.

Something like a ball disappears in an instant, just like a frightened rabbit.

Lin Fei looked around for a long time, but didn't find it. At last, he pretended to be in a coma again, and soon felt the coming of that power.

Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes and looked at each other, "what are you?"


It's another gust of wind, and it's disappearing faster this time.

Maybe it was too fierce to move, driving the whole energy field to change violently, which made Lin Fei feel as if his body had been severely cut by thousands of knives.

Soon he passed out again.

When he woke up again, the ball in front of him did not go this time, but looked at him quietly. Although he had no eyes, he could feel its breath.

"You have life?"

Lin Fei looked at the ball and asked.

The little white ball didn't hide. On the contrary, it revolved around Lin Fei. Lin Fei felt as if he was tied by a rope. He had difficulty breathing. He opened his mouth and breathed hard. The result was -


The ball jumps directly into Lin Fei's mouth and grunts into Lin Fei's stomach.

Lin Fei

Stare big eyes, don't know what to do?

At this moment, little Lori in the system suddenly appeared from the divine consciousness, and then as if she came out of the boundless darkness, she directly entered Lin Fei's stomach.Although he could not see it, Lin Fei could feel the two forces in his body swimming fast, as if chasing each other.

"Shut up

Little Lori's voice rang out in Linfei's ear. Linfei quickly closed his mouth. As a result, he felt as if a stream of gas had been pressed down by him and didn't breathe out. Then his whole stomach seemed to have been flushed into countless gases by the gas tube, and it was about to explode.



Lin Fei couldn't bear it any more. He opened his mouth and vomited out.

The body was much more comfortable. The ball jumped out of the body, causing waves. The severe pain hit again, which made Lin Fei feel extremely painful. It took him a long time to get used to it.

Just when Lin Fei was comfortable, the ball spun again, and then the same pain came. When Lin Fei screamed, the ball entered Lin Fei's body.

The same scene, the same feeling, again.

In this way, again and again, Lin Fei woke up and was in a coma.

Coma, wake up!

It seems that when he wakes up, he suddenly finds that he can't move again.

Looking around the ball, I didn't find it.

Enter the system, "little Lori!"


Little Lori screams and appears in front of Lin Fei. Her hair is messy and her face is even red and swollen. It's terrible.


Lin Fei laughed directly, "are you hurting yourself?"

"Go away! Dead Lin Fei

"What about the little white ball?"

"Don't mention that guy! Pervert

"Oh? You can't be made like this by it, can you? "

Lin Fei laughs.


Little Lori took a long breath, "yes! That's what I was made of by that guy. "

Lin Fei is more and more curious, "what about it?"

"It's in you!"


Lin Fei's heart suddenly beat violently, and then seemed to have a white force all over his body.

"It has life, and its life is integrated with your life."

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