When a woman named Mengyao hears the words in Longyue's ears, it is a kind of denial, a kind of naked denial and disapproval, and her anger rises suddenly.

"Mengyao! I know you're angry. Don't worry. I'll take it out on you. I'll let this guy who mocks us know what a real rich man is. "

With that, he straightened up and looked at Lin Fei, "you ask me how much money I have. It's like bullying you when I say the specific amount. Then I tell you that half of the shares of eye Longteng group belong to our family, so you can understand?"


As soon as long Yue's words came out, many people at the scene breathed in, and looked at him respectfully, even with a kind of flattery.

"Longteng group is a group company with a market value of trillions, half of which is 500 billion!"

"My God! Five hundred billion is terrible when you think about it. It's just an astronomical number. "

"Isn't it? It turned out to be the eldest son of Longteng group. No wonder he is so rich. "

"Ah! A poor boy is richer than others here. Don't you think it's self humiliating? "

In an instant, the voice of discussion resounded all around.

Long Yue's head is raised high, the corners of his mouth are cocked up, and his face is full of pride. He is very proud!

On the contrary, the woman named Mengyao next to him was very nervous, and even kept pulling Longyue's clothes, "forget it! here we go! What do you say to this kind of people? "

Long Yue doesn't understand, but he thinks that the woman is more angry. He holds Meng Yao's hand and looks at Lin Fei. "How much money do you have?"

Eyes disdain, look down on, full of disdain.

Lin Fei didn't answer, but looked at the woman named Mengyao, "you tell him who I am?"

The woman named Mengyao's body trembled and subconsciously grasped Longyue's arm. "Do you recognize me?"

Lin Fei raised his mouth, "what do you say?"

Mengfei's face turned pale again.

"Mengyao, do you know him?" Long Yue asks curiously.

The woman shook her head desperately, "I don't know! I don't know him! Long Yue, let's go! Go and sit somewhere else. "

Finish saying, pull hard long Yue to want to leave.

Long Yue is sensitive to the problem in the middle and looks at Lin Fei, "boy, you haven't told me how much money you have?"

"How much money do I have?"

"Yes! I'd like to see how you are richer than our Longteng group. "

Ha ha

With that, I couldn't help laughing.

Ha ha

The onlookers also couldn't help laughing.

"It's not self humiliating to be rich compared with the big and small members of Longteng group. What is it?"

"This young man is really beyond his ability. You can see that one of his clothes is more expensive than all of his clothes."

"It's a good thing that such a person is richer in front of long Da Shao. Isn't that stupid?"

The sound of ridicule and sarcasm rang out in an instant.

This made many people at the scene look at Mu Xinxuan, and even wonder if this woman with such a good temperament could be blindfolded and fall in love with such a guy.

Long Yue is more arrogant and grins at Lin Fei, "come on! Don't let everyone down. Tell us quickly how much money you have

Lin Fei's eyes were all smiling and did not speak, but he looked at the woman named Mengyao, "tell him how much money I have for me."

The woman named Mengyao felt her face burning hot, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to get into the crack of the ground. Her eyes were full of endless pain and hatred.

Longyue frowned more tightly, and his eyes were fixed on Mengyao, "who is he?"

Just now, maybe he didn't care about it, and more attention was paid to attacking Lin Fei. Now Lin Fei catches Meng Yao again and again, which makes him keenly aware of something.

called Meng Yao's woman took a long breath and slowly picked off her sunglasses. Her white face was very delicate, but because of tears, black eye shadow mixed with her skin. It looked very ugly, even like a fairy.

"Mengyao, why are you crying?"

Longyue distressed want to help a woman wipe, the result was directly opened by the woman.

Mu Xinxuan, who has been sitting leisurely, suddenly straightens up and looks at a woman named Mengyao, who turns out to be Wang Mengyao, Lin Fei's first love.

It's the woman who abandoned Linfei and made Linfei rise.

"Lin Fei, you are rich now. Have you succeeded?"

"You think it's very happy for me to do this again and again, isn't it? Don't you think you're very mean? "

"It's your business that you have money. It's none of our business."


Wang Mengyao said at the end, crying, as if she had been greatly wronged.


The crowd at the scene exclaimed, completely unable to understand. It is clear that long Yue has more money, but why did he look at Lin Fei and yell, as if it was Lin Fei who made a mistake?Long Yue also didn't understand, "honey, what's going on? Don't do that, will you? "

Long Yue wants to work hard to calm Wang Mengyao's excitement.

Wang Mengyao wiped a tear and looked at Long Yue, "his name is Lin Fei!"

Long Yue frowned, "his name is Lin Fei. What's the matter? What's the difference? "

Wang Mengyao rolled her eyes angrily.

"What's his name?"

The crowd around the scene has been yelled out.

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