"Lin Fei, do you dare to call me IQ problem?" Turning to look at Long Yue, "you have to tell me how much it is?"

Long Yue black face, take a long breath, "Wang Mengyao, you special what is really IQ problem. Everyone can see how much. Can't you see for yourself? "

Wang Mengyao

For more than ten seconds, Wang Mengyao roared, "impossible! Absolutely impossible! You are deceiving me

The next second, he turned to the flight attendants and said, "who organized such a boring game?"

The flight attendants are afraid to talk more. I'm really worried that Wang Mengyao will be crazy about herself.

"Stop shouting, I organized the game!" Lin Fei's voice rang out.

Wang Mengyao was speechless again, staring at Lin Fei, "what do you mean? Are you trying to embarrass me on purpose? "

Lin Fei shook his head, "you think too much! I just wanted to play a game and surprise my wife. You take it too seriously. "

"But it also reflects one's luck. Maybe your luck is always like this. It's so strange? "

Liu Fei's words are like a steel knife, directly into Wang Mengyao's heart.

In this world, even if she can accept anyone else's ridicule, she can't accept Lin Fei's ridicule. This is her ex boyfriend, the man who makes her really angry.

When he was with him, he was a poor loser. He had to work part-time in the summer vacation to earn a mobile phone.

Today, a trillion dollars can be donated directly.

A trillion!

That's a trillion!

I don't know how much more than the GDP of many countries, but it was donated by him without any regrets, without any demands, without any conditions, and without any regrets.

Push forward again, if two people didn't break up at the beginning, then now I am a real rich woman, and I am also a kind of rich woman who can be as rich as a country. But now I have nothing. How ridiculous and pathetic it is to be ridiculed like this?

"Lin Fei, aren't you rich now? What's the big deal? "

"What if I get the least? What does it have to do with you? "

"Don't feel like you have everything when you have money. I still despise you and despise you."

Wang Mengyao's voice is full of hoarseness and endless anger.

However -

ha ha

"Congratulations on breaking up with such a woman, Mr. Lin Fei."

"Yes! Such a woman with no mind and no pattern, if she is with you, it is an insult to your identity. "

"Mr. Lin Fei, you have to thank her. Her breakup liberated you and gave you a better woman!"



Then there was a round of applause in the cabin.

However, the applause is a sincere blessing to Lin Fei and a mockery to Wang Mengyao.

But Wang Mengyao's own heart also wants to collapse, she how all did not think, in the end, make is still such an ending, is still such a fate, is ridiculed.


I can't stand it any more. I lie on my seat and start to cry.

This time, Long Yue didn't feel any comfort, even he felt very sick.

Not only do you lose your face, but you also lose your face.

Lin Fei asked the flight attendants to continue to organize well and not let other passengers down. Originally, the surprise he was going to give Mu Xinxuan was cancelled.

Looking at Mu Xinxuan, Mu Xinxuan shakes her head and signals him not to say anything. It's good to understand a lot of things.

Gently leaning on Lin Fei's body, her heart is full of infinite emotion and infinite happiness.

What is lost is lost.

No one would have thought of today's results, but fate is like a thread, two people involved.

And she, I'm afraid, would also like to thank Wang Mengyao for letting go of such an excellent man as Lin Fei.

The plane is quiet, but everyone's heart is not quiet.

Only Lin Fei knows that the new journey has just begun.

When the plane landed in Yanjing, Long Yue was the first to stand up and get off the plane, but at the moment of getting off the plane, he looked at Lin Fei and said, "I hope everything goes well in Yanjing."

With that, there was a flash of anger and hatred.

From the airport to the plane, a series of face slapping, lost the face of the long family, also lost the face of the Longteng group.

However, they didn't realize from the beginning to the end that this face was lost by themselves, which had nothing to do with Lin Fei and others.

None of the passengers on the plane stood up to walk, but let Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan leave one after another.

After nodding to the crowd, they stood up and left.

The moment he got off the plane, Lin Fei took a deep breath, "I'm coming!"Mu Xinxuan said with a cool smile, "all your enemies have appeared."

Lin Fei smiles and caresses Mu Xinxuan's long hair. Such a life is meaningful.

Mu Xinxuan and Lin Fei's fingers are connected, and their faces are full of happy smiles.

And walk in front of Long Yue, has begun to make a few calls.

At the moment, outside the airport, there are already people eager to try.

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