At Minghui hotel in Yanjing City, Jiang Yu takes Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan to the hotel and takes out their room cards. "I've ordered a suite for you."

Then he handed it to Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan.

Mu Xinxuan's face is a little red, but Lin Fei is not polite. In any case, when he was in Jiangnan City before, Jiang Yu was suspicious of himself. He once stayed outside the suite where he and Mu Xinxuan lived. Lin Fei had a good system to deal with Jiang Yu.

Now I think of it, I can't help laughing.

"Do you want to live together?"

Lin Fei laughs.

"Cut! I'm not a light bulb? " Jiang Yu turned his lips, but then he deliberately looked at Lin Fei and said, "if you dare to let me live, don't be afraid that I will not leave?"

"If it's so easy to stay, you're not Jiang Yu!"

"What's more, you Jiangshi group are reluctant to send out the company as a dowry, aren't you?"

"Ha ha The most important thing is that now it's Dong Jiang, not a beautiful police officer, and I'm not used to living in the living room outside. "

Jiang Yu's pretty face turned white and glared at Lin Fei, "get out! Lin Fei, I tell you that my dream is broken because of you. Don't let me get angry, or I will depend on you in the future. "

Think of their police dream really because of Lin Fei and broken, Jiang Yu still has a little angry.

Lin Fei says to Mu Xinxuan, "wife, in the future our children will lack a nanny. Do you think Jiang Yu is qualified?"


Mu Xinxuan almost vomited blood directly.

Jiang Yu is more angry turn around and go, for Lin Fei's shameless, she completely speechless.

Lin Fei takes a long breath, turns to look at Xiang Mu Xinxuan, squeezes his eyes, embraces her waist and enters the elevator.

Two people with cards, just to the 9th floor of suite 999, one end of the corridor came the sound of high-heeled shoes, the voice is very urgent, and then a mature woman atmosphere came from the shop.

Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan were stunned.

The next moment, the woman has appeared in front of Lin Fei and his mother, purple slim skirt, long hair high pull, face full of joy smile, delicate face because happy, become more amorous.

Lin Fei has recognized that it is Yun ting.

"Lin Shao, you are here at last!" Yunting cried out excitedly.

Lin Fei didn't expect Yunting to be here. He didn't inform them when he came, just wanted to keep a low profile.

However, on second thought, how could Li Qingfeng and Yunting not know?

"Why are you here?"

"When I learned about the room you ordered here, I came in a hurry."

Lin Fei showed a satisfied smile, "your work now has a professional level."

Yunting glances over Mu Xinxuan's face and secretly praises her for her talent and beauty.

"Is suite 999 yours?" Yunting looked at the suite and asked.

Lin Fei nodded.

Yunting from the body out of a room card, "this is next to the 777 suite, you go to live there room, here I'll deal with it."

What he said was very obscure, but Lin Fei already knew it and could not help frowning.

Jiang Yu wants to hurt himself?

This idea came out and was quickly denied by him. He didn't know about others, and Jiang Yu knew that it would not harm him.

"Wife, let's go to Suite 777."

Mu Xinxuan didn't speak, just nodded and walked with Lin Fei towards the inner suite.

Yunting picked up the 999 suite room card, looked at it, cold in her eyes, "you want to count Lin Shao, you are looking for death!"

Finish saying, take out the mobile phone, dial a few calls, and then someone came to take the room card, Yunting into the opposite compartment.

Lin Fei enters the room and settles Mu Xinxuan. After she goes to sleep, she opens the door and comes out.

Yunting seems to guess that Lin Fei will come out and immediately opens the door.

Lin Fei walks into the room and sees Yunting's room with a computer on the desk, which displays the monitoring screen.

"This is suite 999?"

Yunting nodded.

"Does Jiang Yu know?"

Yunting hesitated slightly, as if thinking, "I don't know!"

Lin Fei knows that Yunting has concerns, so he doesn't say it for the time being. Instead, he sits in front of the computer and watches it quietly.

About ten minutes later, people appear inside, and two people dressed like him and Mu Xinxuan appear in the picture.

Lin Fei didn't ask, but already knew it was Yunting's arrangement.

After two people enter the room, they quickly go to bed and cover the quilt.

After about ten minutes, the quiet room suddenly sounded a slight sound of opening the door, and then saw the door slowly open, and then, with a bang, the light in the room was on, and two men in uniform appeared in the room.

Then, the cameras in their hands began to press the shutter.

On the bed, two people in clothes were sleeping. When they heard the noise, they directly opened the quilt and sat up, looking at them in surprise.Two people are also in a daze. According to their idea, two people in the room should be in rags, or even in a stage of passion. How can this

"Who are you?"

The man who looks similar to Lin Fei jumps to the ground and looks at the two uniformed men. He asks angrily.

"No nonsense! Take out your papers? " One of them reacted quickly and snapped.

"Why do you come into our room?"

"Nonsense! We're on the rounds

With that, step forward and hold the man.


The man uttered a sad cry, while the woman burst into tears.

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