The woman's sudden report made Jiang Dongyuan confused and two uniformed men dizzy.

Which play is this singing?

Originally, it was not intended to attack the people in suite 999. As a result, the people inside were not the people to be arrested, but they were caught by others and wanted to talk at any time.

One wave has not been leveled, and another has begun.

Jiang Dongyuan was reported again.

What do you say?

Especially when I saw the women's clothes were not neat, I just ran out to cry for help.

Look at Jiang Dongyuan again. With a bath towel, you can see what you want to do?

Two uniformed men looking at Jiang Dongyuan, do not know how to deal with!

Jiang Dongyuan took a deep breath and looked at the woman! Don't talk nonsense. How could I like you? "

"It's because you know my family's situation that you deliberately seduced me in order to catch up with me. Just now, it's clear that you want to go to bed on your own initiative."

"Well! You'd better pay attention to your words and deeds, or you won't regret it. "

Now he has a very clear idea. He will frighten women and never let women continue to talk, otherwise things will be very difficult.

The two uniformed men looked at the complexity of the situation and pretended not to take it seriously. They said, "since there is nothing wrong, let's go first and deal with it by yourself."

Finish saying, turn round to want to leave.

Looking at Jiang Dongyuan, he also showed the meaning of asking.

Jiang Dongyuan just nodded slightly, and they felt relieved.

"You can't leave. I want to report him for raping me. Don't you care?"

The woman opened her arms, stopped the man and cried loudly.

Subdue the man

Looking at Jiang Dongyuan, how can I wipe this buttock?

Jiang Dongyuan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He looked at the woman and said, "close your mouth and don't talk."

In his opinion, women will be honest under their own threats.

However, instead of being afraid, the woman straightened her back and looked at Jiang Dongyuan, "I didn't talk nonsense. I have evidence here."

The woman said, took out her cell phone, gently opened it, "you see, I was drunk, and then he got me into the room, and then..."


The woman didn't finish, she had already cried out.

Jiang Dongyuan, who originally wanted to refute, now has his eyes on the screen of his mobile phone. His eyes are round and speechless.

How is that possible?

Just now, a woman really met her when she was drinking in the bar of the hotel. She just thought that a woman was beautiful, so she took the initiative to chat up with her, and then she got drunk. As for the following things, aren't there many normal things between drunken men and women?

But in a twinkling of an eye, how did he rape her?

Most importantly, how could this woman have such a full video recording?


Jiang Dongyuan's brain was dizzy, and then bad ideas flashed in his mind. Next, he looked at the people in suite 999. Was he a mantis chasing cicadas?

Two uniformed men looking at Jiang Dongyuan, no way, now is the tube or regardless?

The manager looked at Jiang Dongyuan, "I don't care who you are. Since you have done this kind of behavior, I will report it to the police!"


Jiang Dongyuan felt as if there was a cool wind on his back. His eyes swept over the woman's face. "Who are you?"

"Wuwu I'm the one who has done animal behavior by you, you brute. I'll send you to prison. "

Jiang Dongyuan subconsciously stepped back, but soon calmed down, "are you deliberately jumping for me?"

The woman looked at the subdued man, "you see, how can he wronged me, how can I jump down the immortal, who can I jump down the immortal? Are you cooperating with me? "

The uniform man's face is about to drip black at the moment. Looking at Jiang Dongyuan, I really want to press him on the ground and trample him severely. "What a fool!"

Jiang Dongyuan took a long breath and looked at the woman, "you say, how much does it cost to solve this problem?"

Now he has seen clearly that he has fallen into trouble today. All the arrangements are not only seen through, but also controlled by others.

Women cry.

"A million!" Jiang Dongyuan stretched out a finger.


The woman burst out crying directly, "you see, this is an insult to me. How can I lose money?"

"Please, this fellow must be severely punished."


The woman cried to death.

Two uniformed men can no longer escape, can only come forward, "Jiang Dongyuan, you are suspected of rape, now you are officially arrested, go back to the investigation."


Jiang Dongyuan, who has never really paid attention to it and even felt that it could be easily solved, was a little confused at this moment. He looked at the police with doubts in his eyes.The two policemen looked directly to the side, no longer spoke, and their attitude was very clear.

Jiang Dong's forehead was full of vitality. He looked at the woman and said, "who are you?"

Then he turned to the other two and said, "who are you?"

He's not stupid!

I know I've been cheated.

Just not reconciled, who can pit so ruthless?

In the opposite room, Lin Fei looks at Xiang Yunting, "go out and get the evidence, so that he doesn't have a chance to turn over in his life."

Yunting nods and turns to the door.

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