The dust settled and Jiang Dongyuan left.

Lin Fei looks at Xiang Yunting, "the arrangements are very good."

"Thank you, Lin Shao! This bright hotel is the asset of our earth group, so everything is controlled so simply. "

Lin Fei nodded, "the reward for them should not be less."

"What's next?"

"Prepare a car for me tomorrow. I'm going to propose to Mu's family."


"Yes! The purpose of my coming to Yanjing this time is to propose. "

"I understand!"

Lin Fei turns back to Suite 777.

The next day, when Mu Xinxuan got up, Lin Fei had all breakfast delivered.

Mu Xinxuan looks at Lin Fei and says, "what's the plan for today?"

Lin Fei said with a smile, "come to your Mu family and propose!"


Mu Xinxuan blushes and looks at Lin Fei. Her eyes are a little flustered. She didn't expect Lin Fei to be so direct.

"I have already contacted my sister-in-law Ren Feifei before I came here. It is estimated that your brother mu Langfeng will come later."

"Would it be too sudden for my parents and grandfather to agree?"

"I'm here to marry you this time, and it's very simple. If they agree, everyone will be happy. If they don't, I'll elope with you."

Lin Fei is extremely overbearing and resolute.

Mu Xinxuan Shua, blushing to the root of his neck, "there's no need to be so straightforward, right?"

Lin Fei shook his head. "If you love someone, you should have it immediately, then, and not waste it. I really don't want to wait."

In fact, Lin Fei would like to say that he is really worried about all kinds of things in life, just like the death of Liya. How sad and unpreventable is it?

"But I'm not ready to marry you yet?"

Mu Xinxuan deliberately turns her face to one side to suppress her nervousness.

Lin Fei mouth slightly Yang, "we don't need to think good ah, anyway, we are not think good time to happen."

Mu Xinxuan's face is even scarlet. She turns her head and stares at Lin Fei. "You can talk nonsense!"

Lin Fei took Mu Xinxuan's hand and said, "you are my dish in my life, so no matter what changes, no matter what, there is only one result, that is to marry you!"

Mu Xinxuan's eyes suddenly moistened. She hugged Lin Fei with her backhand. Finally, she let go of her arrogance and let go of her tears like a little woman.

Along the way, she knew how much pressure she was under.

However, looking back on the road, but full of joy, this is the real love.


Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Someone's coming!"

Lin Fei said with a smile.

Mu Xinxuan quickly raised her head from Lin Fei's arms, wiped her tears and hit Lin Fei. It's all your fault that made me cry.

Lin Fei did not speak, turned to the door, opened the door, and saw Ren Feifei and mu Langfeng standing at the door, looking inside with a smile.

Seeing her brother and sister-in-law wiping their tears, Mu Xinxuan quickly put them down, "brother, sister-in-law, you've come so early!"

Ha ha

Mu Lang Feng and Lin Fei came up with a bear hug. "If it wasn't for the fear that you and your brother-in-law didn't get up, we would have come early. We had been working in the car for half an hour!"

Ren Feifei steps forward with a smile and holds Mu Xinxuan's hand. "Lin Fei, did you bully my family Xinxuan?"

Mu Xinxuan blushes and looks embarrassed. She stares at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is very solid, hands a spread, "I mean, to prepare to propose to you mu family, she cried!"


Mu Xinxuan was so ashamed that she wanted to get into the crack in the ground. She stamped her foot and looked at Lin Fei, "you, can you say less?"

Ha ha

Ren Feifei and mu Langfeng laugh at the same time. Ren Feifei even holds Mu Xinxuan in her arms. "Good sister, Congratulations, you have finally achieved the right result."

Mu Lang Feng hit Lin Fei heavily on the shoulder with his fist in his hand. "Boy, you Niu, you have conquered our old man with your strength. They all agree with this marriage!"


Mu Xinxuan exclaimed in surprise, "grandfather and Dad, they all agree?"

Mu Lang Feng nodded, "all agreed!"


Mu Xinxuan cried out excitedly. The next second, he threw himself directly into Lin Fei's arms and cried again.

The tension just disappeared without a trace. What she worried most was that her grandfather and father objected. Unexpectedly, they all agreed. It was absolutely unexpected.

Lin Fei is also full of excitement. Originally, he had made preparations for difficulties in this marriage proposal. Unexpectedly, it was so easy to solve, which was unexpected.

Mu Langfeng and Ren Feifei look at each other and hold hands together. They are also happy for their relationship.After a long time, Mu Xinxuan raised her head from Lin feihuai and looked at mu Langfeng, "when can we go home?"

Think of before escape, finally put down all the burden.

"You can go back at any time, but my brother-in-law has one more thing to do."

"What's the matter?" Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Organize a press conference."


"When you first held a press conference to propose, our family opposed it. Now we have to come for a second time, and our family agrees!"

With that, I couldn't help laughing.

After hearing this, Lin Fei can't help laughing and immediately calls Yunting to make arrangements.

Ren Feifei has accompanied Mu Xinxuan to make up for the press conference.

Yunting news, Jiangshi group has been thoroughly boiling, Jiangjia is boiling.

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