"Dear audience friends, we are now in Jiangnan City, Jianghai province. This is a mountainous area and one of the poor cities in Jianghai province. This is a picture of Jiangnan City a few months ago -"

a group of old houses and roads are like patched trousers. The old and new colors alternate. The whole street looks completely lifeless.

With the photos, the extended streets and villages are more and more dilapidated and even oppressive.

"There is such poor honesty."

"Look at those rural walls. They are memories of the countryside more than 30 years ago."

"Is this picture from a few months ago? How do I feel like I was decades ago? "

In the hall, the well-dressed people began to talk one after another.

No one noticed that Lin Fei's calm face was more excited and his eyes were more moist.

Once again, the voice of the reporter came from the TV, "just now, does the picture make us feel as if we have passed through decades of time and space, as if we have returned to the years of burning passion?"

"When I saw these photos for the first time, I didn't believe that there would be such a place and such a memory, but when I saw the time when these photos and videos were taken, my heart was in tears."

Two tears fell from the corner of Lin Fei's eyes. Mu Xinxuan, who had been standing beside him, gently squeezed his hand.

The reporter's voice came again, "are you very curious, what is the purpose of so many introductions?"

"Curious!" Although the people in the banquet hall could not communicate with the reporters through TV, they still cried out.

The voice of the reporter rang out again, "do you want to know what Jiangnan City will be like in three months?"

Voice down, and then in front of us is a new city full of high-rise buildings, broad streets and vitality.


People at the scene screamed out.

"My God! It's amazing that there are such changes! "

"Miracle! It's a miracle

"I must go to this place and see for myself what kind of people can change all this."

"Trillions of investment?"


Everyone's eyes are on Lin Fei.

"No! Trillion investment was a month ago. It was a few months ago. It's impossible! "

There was an immediate denial.

At this moment, the voice of the reporter sounded again.

"The prosperity of a nation needs a kind of spirit, the development of a country needs a kind of strength, and what does the development of Jiangnan City need? Let me interview the people of Jiangnan City and uncover the answer! "


All the people at the scene were staring at the screen, trying to reveal the answer.

"Uncle, who does Jiangnan City need to thank for today's development?" The reporter's microphone was aimed at an old man who was practicing Taijiquan.

"Lin Fei!"

"Auntie, who is to be grateful for the development of Jiangnan City today?" The reporter's microphone is facing an old lady who is dancing square dance.

"Lin Fei!"

"Children, who do you want to thank for your happy life?" The reporter's microphone is aimed at a group of children playing.

"Brother Lin Fei!"

"Yes! Brother Lin Fei, we should learn from brother Lin Fei and be a person who will repay the society when we grow up

Lin Fei!

The name is repeated and recalled in the live video.

Suddenly, a cry came from the TV screen, "Lin Fei, you are the pride of Jiangnan City! Forever pride


All the people at the scene looked at Lin Fei.

Tearful eyes whirl and hot tears roll down.

A man does not shed tears lightly, only because he is not sad.

Today, Liu Fei's tears are not because he is sad, but because he is happy, because he is happy.

"Lin Fei, is it really you?"

There was an inquiry at the scene.

The reporter in the live broadcast seems to have a tacit understanding with these people, "next, let's uncover the final mystery, who is Lin Fei?"

People's eyes turned directly to the picture, and then a white marble statue appeared in the picture, with the same look and manner as Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, it's really this Lin Fei."

In the banquet hall, there was a cry immediately, followed by a exclamation.

Lin Fei's eyes are more unnatural. He said that he didn't need others to know, and he didn't want to set up this statue.

"Dear audience friends, let me tell you a secret. Lin Fei himself doesn't know about this statue, and he is also firmly opposed to it. But this is the public opinion and the will of the country, which is to let you always remember that China is a powerful country, a cohesive country, and a country that can stand up the backbone of the nation."

Pop!There was a round of applause.

Behind it is the record video of earth shaking changes, and in front of it is the loud applause of hundreds of people. Although Lin Fei's heart is calm, he is still excited.

Looking back on the road he had gone through, the hardships he had suffered and the difficulties he had felt, his eyes were moist again.

There is nothing wrong with what the reporter said. The strength of the country needs everyone, the cohesion of the nation, the backbone, and everyone's efforts.

Lin Fei looked at the crowd and said, "I announce the latest decision of the earth group -"


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