Lin Fei back to the sun, holding the hands of Jiang Yu, only to find that her body has been broken, this how to do?

"Little Laurie! Come out quickly and tell me what to do? "

Lin Fei enters the system and shouts.

"There's no way. Her body is useless."

"What's the use of letting me get her soul back?"

Lin Fei has an impulse to kill.

"I asked you to take her back, but I didn't ask you to steal her soul back. You stole it back."

"What do you mean?" Lin Fei asked suspiciously.

"There it is

Suddenly came the voice of black and white impermanence.

Lin Fei turns his head to see that black and white impermanence is running towards him. Seeing that he has just been put into Jiang Yu's body, some confused souls are about to come out again and leave his body, which is urgent.

"Little Lori, what are you going to do?"

"What? You have stolen other people's things, and now of course you have to solve them. "

Lin Fei

I'm so angry that I want to slap little Lori.


The enchantment lock of black impermanence has been put on Jiang Yu's soul. Jiang Yu is just like a child. Facing the enchantment lock, she curls up in it and even dares not struggle.

Baiwuchang's enchanting lock is thrown towards Linfei.

Lin Fei wants to reach for it, but he catches it empty.

Then he felt as if he was trapped in a rope in his body, and there was an unspeakable pain all over his body.

If you want to struggle hard, you can't succeed several times in a row.

"Let me go! Otherwise, I'm not finished with you

Lin Fei is unwilling to shout a way.

"Let you go? You made our adults angry and changed the situation in our underworld. How can you let you go now? "

"You, what are you going to do?"

"Take you back with this woman and wait for the adult's trial."

"No way!"

Mengfei tried to break away from the lock in vain.

"Lin Fei, if you want to save Jiang Yu, you have to go back with them. Only when you have a good talk with them can Jiang Yu revive. Otherwise, it's useless for you to have a soul."

Little Lori's voice came from her mind.

Lin Fei is angry and wants to kill people. Isn't he busy for once, and he makes people angry?

"How can I get back?"

"I don't know!" Little Lori responded directly.

"Son of a bitch!"

Lin Fei doesn't know whether he scolded little Lori or black and white impermanence.


In front of the scene changes, once again back to just use the shuttle card to come to the hell.

Just came here, everything is dead, everything seems to be static.

At the moment, everywhere is the sound of thunder, rain, the sound of landslides.

Black and white impermanence saw that the scene here still did not change at the moment. He was nervous and even more angry. He pushed Lin Fei and said, "go quickly and wait to be punished!"

Lin Fei's soul is not willing to follow him.

He looked at Jiang Yu's soul walking in front of him, just like a frightened child, curled up in a ball and pitied in his heart.

Suddenly stopped, suddenly looked up to the sky. "Whatever punishment you have, come to me!"



Lightning flashed in the sky, and then the thunder sounded beside Lin Fei.

Lin Fei felt that his soul seemed to be broken, and his scalp was numb.


Scream, two circles in place.

"Unexpectedly, the thunder of Jiuyou didn't kill him?"

Black and white impermanence two people very surprised say.

Although Lin Fei doesn't know what the thunder of Jiuyou is, he knows he won't die because he has a system.

Although the system is not yet complete, the Millennium Monument, the hundred million year pearl, the sky bowl and the eternal earth have been found. They are recovering and can only become stronger and stronger.

"Whatever punishment you have, come to me!"

The roar of anger rang out again.



The lightning flashed through the sky again, and then the thunder sounded above Lin Fei's head.

Lin Fei felt that his soul was burned by fire and wanted to crush, but he still insisted.

"Come on! Go on


Click! Click!

This time, Lin Fei felt that his soul had become countless pieces. It seemed that if he touched it lightly, it would be broken all over the ground.

He is not reconciled to want to shout, little Laurie's voice sounded, "nine you thunder, a total of nine times, I just used the system to help you top four times, if you continue, I'm afraid you will be really scared!""Will you give in to him?"

Lin Fei asked reluctantly.

"If you want not to give in, you have to have the ability to conquer. Do you have it now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Now you have to negotiate with them and let them really yield to you, so that you can leave and save Jiang Yu."

Lin Fei is silent. How can he make them yield?

You know, I'm a prisoner now!

Just when he felt hopeless and at a loss, suddenly the wind and rain stopped and the earth moved and disappeared.

"Bring them to me!"

Suddenly a distant voice sounded in the distance, black and white impermanence respected, and then Lin Fei felt that his body was tight and disappeared directly.

When you see it clearly, it's in a room.

This is a room in an ancient building. There is a table of Eight Immortals in it. There are four stools around it. There are candles in the room, but it gives people a very cold feeling.

The souls of Lin Fei and Jiang Yu are pressed on the chair, and black and white impermanence stands beside to watch.

"You withdraw, take this girl's soul away."

With the sound, a man with an official hat, a black robe and a red sun embroidered on his chest came in.


Black robe!

Red sun!

Lin Fei is curious about all this.

"Lin Fei, why do you commit crimes against our hell when you don't have a good life?"

Lin Fei saw that although the speaker's expression was serious, he was still very kind and calm.

"I just want to take away Jiang Yu's soul and let her live. I don't want to make trouble."

"Nonsense! It's not trouble to take the dead away. What is it? "

The man said angrily.

"You, who are you?" Lin Fei is also very dissatisfied with each other's attitude.

"I am the king of Qin Guang in the ten halls of hell!"

"Are you king Qin Guang?" Lin Fei immediately accepted the anger in his heart and knelt down with a plop, "please let the river rain pass."

"I am in charge of life and death in the world. Her life has come, and she must be taken away."

"Aren't you in charge of the good and bad fortune of the nether world, and good people die? Jiang Yu is a good woman and a good man. Why can't he die? "

"It's true that she is a good person, but it's not a good thing that she takes away the eternal soil in cangjia village and brings it back to life."

"What do you mean?"

"Immortal earth can make anything immortal. It's dangerous. She shouldn't touch it. If she touches it, she will die."

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