
"The master slapped Li Tianli in the face, and the task was successfully completed!"

"System prompt, ten million income and five million merit value to account."

Lin Fei showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. He invested 10 million yuan in a movie and slapped Li Tianli in the face. It was really cool.

In fact, what he didn't expect was that this investment brought him not as much as 10 million yuan, but 400 million yuan, and it was the emergence of a generation of famous director Wang Degui.

Of course, Zhang Xiaoyuan also became a famous actress. Many years later, when she stood on the podium and recalled her road to success, she was grateful for her choice tonight and for meeting Lin Fei.

However, these are afterwords.


Li Tianli roared wildly and looked at Lin Fei, "Lin Fei, your wife Mu Xinxuan's dream chasing, I want to make it not only unable to enter Hong Kong City, but also to make her movies banned all over the world from now on."


Li Tianli's words surprised a lot of people on the scene. Xiang Mu Xinxuan and Lin Fei felt that the revenge was cruel enough.

If someone can do it, the Li family is really the most likely. After all, they are the largest film investor in Hong Kong and the world-famous film investor.

Anger flashed on Mu Xinxuan's face, but it soon subsided. Looking at Li Tianli,

"in fact, I'm not going to shoot this movie after I have a dream. As for whether you can win the prize or not, it's no longer important to me."

Mu Xinxuan hesitated and looked at others. "I don't need to prove my acting skills, and I don't need to rely on my reputation to marry into a rich family. So for me, making movies is fun, and it doesn't matter."

Before Li Tianli's complacency disappeared, he was frozen on the spot. He wanted to hit others in the face, but he didn't expect that Mu Xinxuan had seen through everything, which made him behave like a fool.

He won't!


"You just choose to quit because your husband has no ability, right? FALSE! Why should it be so grand? "

Looking at Lin Fei, "this is the result of your incompetence."

Lin Fei did not pay attention, but looked at Feng Ke, "Feng Ke, who is the biggest film and television business in Hong Kong?"

Feng Ke was a little stunned and quickly responded, "Li's Li's film and television company!"

"It's the Li Tianli family, right?"


"How much market value do they have?"

"It is estimated that the market value of film and television companies is about 20 billion!"

"I'll give you 50 billion yuan. In terms of directors, actors and TV channels, the earth film and television company competes with Lee's film and television company in an all-round way. Even if we lose money, we will let Lee's film and television company go bankrupt!"

Buzz, buzz!

People at the scene felt that a group of bees were crowing in their ears.

Just now, Li Tianli was so awesome that they felt shocked. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei's counterattack was more sharp.

Li Tianli's face is like eating Xiang directly. He never thought that Lin Fei would be so straightforward, which is totally beyond his imagination.

"Lin Fei, are you sure you want such vicious competition?"

"Do you still need to be sure? Our earth group has nothing more than money? If you think 50 billion is not enough, I can use 100 billion, 200 billion or even a trillion! "

Li Tianli

If others say this, he may feel boastful, but Lin Fei says this, he believes that after all, what Lin Fei donated to Jiangnan province is one trillion yuan!

This -

is not human!

"Lin Fei, you are cruel enough!" For a long time, Li Tianli said.

"I don't like to be humiliated by others, and I don't allow others to humiliate my wife. Unfortunately, you've done all of them, so you can wait to go home and watch the Li family go bankrupt."

It's light, it's scornful in my eyes.

"Lin Fei, you are going to die. Aren't you afraid of our Li family's anger?"

Lin Fei patted Li Tianli on the shoulder with a smile and said, "go home and tell the people of Li family, I'm waiting for your anger, and even I'm looking forward to your anger!"

Ha ha

With that, Lin Fei puts his arms around Mu Xinxuan's waist and goes inside. For Li Tianli, he thinks that he doesn't exist.

As for other people, they simply ignored it.

Li Tianli stayed in the same place for a long time, shouting to Lin Fei's back: "Lin Fei, even if you are bullied in China, in Hong Kong City, it's our Li family's world, and your earth film and television company is in vain. I want you to become a joke, ha ha..."

There was a laugh of anger and bitterness.


At the moment of Lin Fei's introduction, he squeezed out four words.

The smile on Li Tianli's face seemed to be solidified in an instant, standing on the spot, stupidly.

"Go away! A good dog is out of the way

Zhang Xiaoyuan pulls Li Tianli apart.Although she is powerful, she is also completely angered by Li Tianli's shamelessness.

"Bitch! You... "

"Li Shao, Zhang Xiaoyuan is already the contractor of our earth film and television company. Please pay attention to what you say!" Fengke's warning sounded.


Li Tianli cried wildly, "you are waiting! I want you to crawl under my feet one day and beg for mercy like a dog, like... "


Suddenly a drumstick flew out of the house and hit Li Tianli in the mouth. His body flew out like a ball.

"Fly back to the city like a ball."

Lin Fei's voice of disdain and ridicule came out of the room, and then a series of applause rang out.

After Li Tianli fell out for a long time, he got up, pulled off the drumstick and yelled, "I want you to be dogs, to be..."

Woof, woof, woof!

A dog saw the drumstick and rushed over, barking wildly.

Li Tianli left the drumstick and ran away.

Like a dog!

Like a ball!

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