"What about Zhao ya? What has she been doing lately? "

"I heard that she has run away from gambling debts recently. She really disgraced the Zhao family."

"He was spoiled by his parents and even did such a thing. If Zhang Jia knew about it, he would not refuse to get married?"

Other people finally find vent object, began to speak one after another.

"It doesn't matter what you said. I just heard that Zhao Ya beat Li Tianli at the airport today."

All of a sudden, someone came out with more powerful news.

"Are you crazy? Is she crazy? Don't you think there are few things in our Zhao family? This is to drive our Zhao family into a desperate situation! "

The Zhao family howled.

"No! There are more powerful ones. "

Suddenly someone called out.

"What else?"

Some people's voices have changed.

"Yes! She even recognized a strange man as the master, and even said that she was a maid in front of those people in zhangjiaming


People at the scene felt that their three outlooks were destroyed, and some of them were about to collapse.

"Zhao ya, this is to throw our Zhao family's face on the ground, and then rub it hard!"

Just suddenly, the door of the emergency room was opened, and a nurse came out. Her face was pale and she asked anxiously, "who is the family member of the patient?"

"Nurse, what happened?" Zhao Ming asked.

"The patient can't do it any more. We need to prepare for the future!"

"What? impossible! I won't do it! " Zhao Ming grabbed the nurse's arm and yelled wildly.

"Zhao Ming, calm down!" Zhang Hui came forward to hold Zhao Ming and looked at the nurse, "you make it clear who is not going to do it? There are three people in it

"Yes! Your quality is too poor. Who can't do it? " The others followed suit.

The little nurse's face turned red. "It's all gone!"


Zhao Ming's body shook and he fell back.

Zhang Hui also fell down with a soft body.

The Zhao family were in a mess at the scene.

"Where is Zhao Ya dead?"

Zhang Hui, who was helped to recover a trace of purity, yelled.

"How are they, Auntie?"

Zhao Ya's anxious and flustered voice sounded outside the crowd.

"Zhao ya, you are the culprit of the Zhao family! You have done harm to the Zhao family. "

Zhao Ya was stunned on the spot.


Zhao Ming gave a low cry and slowly opened his eyes.

"Stop if you don't want to call!"

The sound of Lin Fei's warning sounded.

Running over Zhang Hui, suddenly felt a strong cold breath, scared the body to stop abruptly.

"You, who are you?"

Zhang Hui asked with insufficient confidence.

"Boy, when will it be your turn to take care of the affairs of our Zhao family?"

"Yes! How are you? Who gives you the power to control it

"Go at once! Or we'll call the police! "

Other Zhao family members reacted and yelled one after another.

Lin Fei did not pay attention, but directly on Zhao Ming's face, "tell me, why do you say that Zhao Ya is sorry for the Zhao family?"

"You're not in charge of our Zhao family?"

Zhao Ming looked at the domineering Lin Fei, although for his hand feel fear, but still very hard said.

"Is it your turn?" Lin Fei asked coldly.


"Forget it!" Thinking of the injuries of her grandfather and parents, Zhao Ya pulls Lin Fei to plead.

Lin Fei instantly took off his momentum.


The door of the emergency room was pushed open. "People are already dead. Let's prepare for the future."

A group of medical staff in white coats came out from inside, with dignified and disappointed faces.

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