Zhu Yan!

Yes, it's Zhu Yan, who wrote a paper with water. It's the student who was directly determined by himself that he didn't pass the thesis defense. How could he As like as two peas, as like as two peas,

, who was quick to turn to the page number, was instantly silly when she saw the contents.

Ren Feifei raises her head and looks at Zhang Guodong. Her eyes are full of doubts -



Zhang Guodong's eyes also looked at her, also full of questions, even with regret.

Be quiet!

The meeting room suddenly quieted down.

She quickly looked at the release time. It turned out that it was yesterday, and the paper she published in the pioneer of reform was this morning, just a few hours apart. It's a bit embarrassing.

She turned to the end and found that there was a small part that she had finished in nearly three hours.

Ren Feifei takes a long breath. Just as he wants to speak, Zhang Guodong opens his mouth.

"Mr. Ren, you have always been the pride of our school and the most valued teacher in our school. How do you explain this?"

"Headmaster Zhang, this paper was finished only one month after I prepared it. It's 100% original."

"How to explain Zhu Yan's paper?"

"I don't know."

Zhang Guodong was so angry that it was better not to answer.

"Teacher Ren is a returnee who came back from studying in M country. He has outstanding ability. How can he plagiarize?"

"I think Zhu Yan must have plagiarized teacher Ren."

"Teacher Ren, you quickly find out the evidence to prove that you didn't plagiarize."


Ren Feifei's reply immediately attracted the support of other teachers.

It's just that the support seems to be speaking for her, but inside and outside, it's all sarcasm.


The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will break it.

Ren Feifei is so brilliant in Jiangnan University of science and technology. She is not only young and beautiful, but also talented. She is the target of countless young male teachers, which makes many female teachers full of envy and hatred.

In the past, because she was excellent, no one dared to meet her. Now, how can we miss this opportunity.

Although Ren Feifei is angry, he can only endure it. If he refutes it, doesn't he admit that he has plagiarized?

After all, what people say is positive.

This makes Ren Feifei have suffering words, can only embarrassment smile.

But, originally white pretty face is full of red halo, bright eyes is full of a layer of grievance fog.

All along, she is like a proud white swan. She is an outstanding woman no matter she is studying at home or abroad. She is a top-notch beauty that everyone looks up to. Several papers have even attracted international attention. Now, papers are suspected of plagiarism and face loss.

At the moment, on the one hand, she has to deal with the inquiry, and on the other hand, she is still thinking about how the paper came to Zhu Yan's name?

Papers stolen, this is a 100% thing!

Suddenly, her eyes fell on Hao Juan. She was the only one who went to the office yesterday, and she went to the toilet during that time.

Ren Feifei's face suddenly changed. Just as she wanted to open her mouth, Hao Juan had already opened her mouth first.

"Feifei, your paper is in your computer. If you write it yourself, how can others steal it?"


Hao Juan blocked Ren Feifei's words.

"Teacher Hao's analysis is very right. It is estimated that teacher Ren's computer has trojan virus."

"Maybe it was hacked."

"Is Mr. Ren's computer often logged into some websites and monitored?"


Hao Juan's words, once again attracted a lot of discussion, as always win.

Ren Feifei was a woman with strong self-esteem. She was humiliated again and again, and her face couldn't hang up completely.

"Headmaster Zhang, let me clarify that my thesis is original. I will go to the police about this. If it is proved that I plagiarized, I will resign and withdraw from the Chinese education field."

Ren Feifei stands up and slams the door.

Other teachers at the scene were quiet this time, but their eyes were still full of sarcasm. They were eager to let Feifei really resign.

It's just that we are all qualified people. We can't be so down-to-earth. It's not good to spread out, so no one laughs, but the atmosphere is more uncomfortable than laughter.

Hao Juan sat in her seat, and when she heard the alarm, she was also a little nervous.

Ren Feifei knows that she is a woman with a very tough personality, and her self-esteem is above everything else. If she is calculated in this way, it is impossible to give up without finding out. If

She was trying to think about whether she had left any evidence.

Dong Dong!

There was a knock at the door, and then the door was pushed open.

Liu Feng appears at the door with Xiao Wang and another person.Zhang Guodong frowned and was about to study how to deal with the paper fraud. How could someone come in and disturb him?

"Headmaster Zhang, I'm from XXX department. Here's my certificate. Please come with me to the designated place and explain the designated problems at the designated time."

As soon as Liu Feng's words came out, the scene was as silent as death.

Zhang Guodong's face turned white at that time.

In this circle of official career, the most feared thing is to be investigated, and the most feared person is the person in this department.

He was trying to think about what he had done, but he didn't think of anything.

Since he worked as a teacher in Jiangnan University of science and technology, he has come to the present day step by step. He has risen completely by his ability. At present, he has no other real estate except a welfare house allocated by his unit. Even his bank deposit is only five figures. Why?

"I'll go with you!"

Liu Feng and others didn't come forward immediately. They have experienced too much. They know that everyone needs to adapt when facing all this.

However, to their surprise, Zhang Guodong adapted very quickly and stood up very readily.

Xiao Wang and another man immediately walked over and put up Zhang Guodong and walked out.

The moment Zhang Guodong disappeared, the meeting room exploded, some were happy, some sighed, and some saw hope

In one room of Jianglian building.

"I've finished what you need to know. As for my personal property, there are records in the personal affairs of cadres. You can investigate."

Zhang Guodong looks at Liu Feng naturally and says.

Selfless at the bottom of my heart.

Zhang Guodong's expression at the moment is like this.

Liu Feng, as always, looks at Zhang Guodong with the same illusion that he can see through. As a result, he is almost the same as Lin Fei, and there is no color in his eyes. "Why did Lin Fei propose to expel Jiang Yezhong?"

"I later learned that Jiang Yezhong and Zhang Qi are teachers and students. Zhang Qi took away Lin Fei's ex girlfriend Wang Mengyao. Wang Mengyao and Lin Fei are both Jiang Yezhong's graduation design students. Jiang Yezhong ate Zhang Qi's meal and threatened to ask Lin Fei not to pass his thesis defense, which angered Lin Fei."

Zhang Guodong deserves to be the headmaster. Even if Jiang Yezhong is dismissed, he knows the grudge between Jiang Yezhong and Lin Fei in great detail.

There is a smile on Liu Feng's face again

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